I would really enjoy interviewing Dan Rather, but in that interview, I do not believe he even would have the answers as while he is one of the most astute propagandists in history, he never was that bright in actually figuring out he was a piece on the board his entire life.
Dan Rather was like Bob Schieffer of CBS in Dallas at the Kennedy assassination.
Schieffer being a macabre creep weaseled his way into the police headquarters and sat with Lee Harvey Oswald.
Rather was on the bridge which Kennedy's car passed under and saw nothing.
In retrospect, CBS which was like all media in being controlled by the military, cartel, industrial, intelligence complex, hired Rather and Schieffer, not because I believe to shut them up, or because they had insider information JFK's murder, but because they were such nosy bastards that if left in Dallas, they would have uncovered far too much information in the assassination and in the mop up job afterwards.
The questions I would enjoy in this deja vu visit asking Dan Rather was just how much he really comprehended then and now what a tool he was.
I would like to know if he ever comprehended that the "Kenneth Frequency" event was a deliberate intelligence operation conducted against him to make him look like a fool, which in time did indeed with this tennis tantrum start the downfall of Dan Rather.
I would like to know now if Dan Rather has figured out he was set up in the George W. Bush "memogate".
Rather was in his lawsuit hung out to dry and abandoned by his cartel protectors. He knows this now. He knows he is to be left alone by all other reporters as they have their marching orders, and the effective silencing of Dan Rather is complete.
Rather knew his information was spot on. That means his sources were thee one's in government who fed him information all along. He would walk the plank on that information, even as it was exposed as being a fraud.
Matthew Sheffield of Ratherbias, is the supposed tool who found the font set if memory serves, but Sheffield was soon tapped by Bill Buckley's family to run Newsbusters, which has been nothing but a patrician attack machine which has been exposed as smearing Americans against Obama as suffering from "Deranged Obama Syndrome".
Someone set Dan Rather up with false evidence and Rather never blinked, which means he must have used the same fake information on other stories he was fed.
The logical conclusion is the Bush family hung Dan Rather out to dry in perhaps one of their patrician operatives ran a red herring to Mary Mapes, who built this story.
Everyone knew the Bush information was supposed to be correct, and someone manufactured it to fit Dan Rather's smear of the Bush family.
In noting the connections and payoff to Matthew Sheffield and his attached third nipple Noel Sheppard, to the Buckleyites, this all leads to the conclusion that constipated for thought Rather was as vacuous as Obama is currently in not figuring out the elite have abandoned him, and Rather just keeps plodding on in silence protecting the people he owes all to.
That is the question series I would really enjoy having Dan Rather answer, as what Rather knows with the profiling which this blog would provide, would expose stories which would rock the world.
It would be probably unhealthy for Mr. Rather, but like Al Haig and Gerald Ford, I really would like Dan Rather to do some talking before the judgment comes to settle the scores, balance the accounts, and explain what a fraud the system was which he reported in and in the end how it cut him loose like a cheap turban.
For the record, when Dan Rather was dealing with the Bush Pentagon on Abu Gharib, he sat on that story for weeks at their request. He only went forward with what was fed him, because apparently his sources were antsy and were shopping it around to another outlet.
See Dan Rather as a journalist did indeed play fair. He was though so deluded in thinking he was a pure journalist that he never figured out he was taken out of Texas to cover up the crimes they committed and he would have found if he had stayed.
Rather ended up at CBS, but lost the greatest conspiracy story in the world in John Kennedy.
Those are the things I would like to have Dan Rather think about and then start pondering his world from a different process in he was a glorified rat in a maze, like most of the pundits and all of the television reporters whether they know it or not.
I hope Dan Rather speaks to the above and records it all for later. I would that he would really cut loose in the blogs in posting things which could not be traced back to him.
He should be Sawyer Sauri and be the blog all will surfing to in reading.
He has the millions. It is time Dan Rather started posting the Truth.
Let the internet be his father confessor, if he can not find God yet.
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If Mr. Rather doesn't know the entire story, he should ask George Herbert Walker Bush who knows the skeletons and probably has a few scores he would like to settle yet too.