This blog has exclusively exposed from the beginning the absolute police state, trumped up, BATF propaganda against the Hutatree group in they were set up by a government agent exactly as the Tim McVeigh disaster unfolded.
Now Judge Roberts has put her foot down in court in demanding from the Obama police state to prove that Hutatree did more than talk.
This is vital to comprehend this in how brave this Judge is and all America should be proud of her. No one has to understand nor agree with Hutatree, but these people have been sitting in prison for a month now, in being charged with all sorts of heinous crimes from war on America to making weapons of mass destruction, but THERE IS NO EVIDENCE they did any of that.
In fact, in the latest unveiled Hutatree recordings which Judge Roberts sat listening to 10 hours of "evidence", the parts about "police killings" are heard, but there is so much frat party yelling and laughing, that it is evident that most of the people there were not paying attention to what was being stated, and furthermore the question remains if the federal agent ramped this up as Hal Turner was ordered to in the agent actually instigated the Hutatree leader to this thought process.
Trials are for this, but as the Huatree attorney's state, all of this talk about taking back America can be heard on Rush Limbaugh to Sean Hannity daily, and this blog has proven that Barack Hussein Obama was saying these very same things in 2008, and if one reads his thoughts on "white folks" being a problem, knowing as David Remnick stated that Mr. Obama learned to be black reading Malcolm X's radical Islamomarxist book, one comprehends in Jeremiah Wright's black liberation which is the same sect as the Black Panthers and a sister act to Bill Ayers' Weather Underground, that Mr. Obama was speaking of the same things.
What is the difference between Barack Hussein Obama chanting "Change you can believe in" and Persians communists chanting "Death to America" when Mr. Obama's change is death to an American way of life for over 200 years and Mr. Ahmadinejad's change is from a Chrisitan America of over 200 years to a Muslim America of opportune moment?
If Hutatree is being held, then why is not Mr. Obama being held?
This is the bravery of Justice Roberts as she is under immense pressure in this. One can discern David Axelrod and Eric Holder's hands in this, in they deliberately picked a black federal Judge to hear this case in hoping this Lady would be prejudiced and hold a mock Holder trial as Holder promised to degrade the US New York Courts in his Gitmo lynchings.
Judge Roberts though is showing Justice with the noted balance in her hands while blindfolded for equal justice under law for all Citizens.
I have chosen not to research the background of Justice Roberts so I would not be prejudiced if she is a Clinton liberal. I was surprised she was an African American when I located her photo and in that I have the highest esteem for her as someone like Tavis Smiley who is not in journalism rolling over and giving the Obama regime a free pass.
It takes immense fortitude of character to be a black person in America and not rubber stamping everything coming out Obama.
I do not know where this trial will go, but at this moment Judge Roberts is an American Judge to be proud of as she knows this case is a sham of inflated charges and a political theater instigated out of Washington, DC.
That is comforting to witness someone like her with all of this turmoil and media lynching to know she is protecting America and her Citizen's Rights.
Judge Roberts demanding evidence is a protection for all Americans when BATF has mutated again into a political thug police group bashing Americans around, because Judge Roberts in slowing this down and scolding the Obama regime in this way, will mean they are now under scrutiny of the Courts for being frauds in overzealous cases.
Granted as this blog has warned in an attempt to stop violence instigated by the Obama regime against American Citizens, this means that next time Obama Inc. will make certain that no trials are going to be held where a Judge Roberts will be scrutinizing the Obama regime, and Obama Inc. will shoot first, blame the new "woods runners" and have ABC smear the dead.
Judge Victoria Roberts though in slowing this down, might just scare the Obama regime from acting out in the next months, as ever Judge being pressured to provide warrants of all sorts is not going to want their careers sullied by sham political events run out of Washington.
God bless the good Judge in Victoria Roberts, as she is providing Justice in America and that is a most pleasant thing in this sullied age.
Judge Victoria Roberts