Isn't it amazing that British Petroleum, which got a big Libyan oil contract due to Mr. Obama releasing the Lockerbie bomber, just happens after Obama "says he will open oil exploration" which is no exploration at all, to blow up an offshore oil well it was drilling.
I suppose oil wells blow up as Saddam Hussein blew them up with explosives, but things that blow up need air to blow up.
Sure coal mines blow up from methane gas, but once again, one needs air to have things blow up due to explosions require in natural gases, oxygen to burn.
Odd as in a pipeline filled with crude oil which does not explode, surrounded by cold water, a drill bit which was not drilling, as gee the oil has been flowing from the exploded hole, so it was a completed operation, and yet somehow without oxygen and no heat from drilling, this mysterious explosion just happened.
This is really Obama interesting as this must be some Gulf of Mexico gusher, which means there is a humongous lake of oil there to be flowing all of that oil polluting the world, when normal oil wells across the globe need to be pumped.
See there is a great deal off oddity in an exploding oil well being drilled when the oil was already in the pipe, and how all of this oil is flowing like a Texas gusher when oil wells are universally pumped.
In reading all of the propaganda in this, in Obama is now even deploying the military to make war on the oil slick and this has "silenced" drill baby drill, perhaps it is past time that a real investigation occurs in this as it absolutely looks like a deliberate act of sabotage by the cartels to shut down American oil security, and putting it back into BP oil wells enriching Libya and OPEC.
The twin evil Obama in this is this is being spun to shut down the very subject Americans are voting over in opening up American oil wells.
This Obama oil slick is as greasy as Obama is slick with his manufactured "crisis" to good to waste.
Seems to be a great deal of opportune crisis that just fit into Obama's regime, the Obama 2008 meltdown gets him elected with Pelosi sabotaging the bail out, then there was the removal of Rod Blagojevich, the pitchforks at bankers, the attack of American auto manufacturers, the attack of Toyota, the John Lewis and Barney Frank staged gauntlet, the Hutatree Conspiracy, the Skinheads California event, and now by Obama miracle here comes an Obama oil slick just to fit his "change" America policy.
So if Bill Clinton was Slick Willy, Barack Hussein Obama seems to be the crude Muslim mafia Oil Slick enriching OPEC Islam and those Russian Putin oil producers.
Oil was down to 50 dollars a barrel, American was trying to recover from Obama and here came Obama talking oil up to 75 dollars a barrel, and sure enough it was not enough, as oil is rising to 100 dollars and here comes British Petroleum, the benefactor with Rockefeller Inc., of blood oil in Libya in the release of a mass murdering Islamic terrorist, just happens to have an "accident" in the Gulf, that fits all the Obama green enslave America agenda.
Think about it as not any of this story fits what is being told America or the world.
Nothing Obama ever fits or makes much sense when you start peeling back the teleprompter layers.
Oh yes, another Lame Cherry exclusive.
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