Everything just keeps coming up Obama, as if Judge James Zagel had presided at another National Socialist trial, Adolf Hitler probably would have had his monument right next to Franklin Roosevelt, as there just was not enough evidence to put Hitler on the stand.
That is the typical ruling from the courts which Obama appeals to in Rod Blagojevich through his astute attorneys have just been turned down their right to question not only their accuser, but a co conspirator in Barack Hussein Obama on the witness stand, because Judge Zagel ruled there was not sufficient evidence that Obama would have anything material to say on the witness stand.
Apparently, having Rahm Emmanuel pushing Obama candidates to fill an Illinois Senate seat, Obama was trying to steal from the people and get free from Gov. Blagojevich is not deemed by this esteemed judge as anything important.
Sort of like Hitler putting Jews into cattle cars was just not that important as what else would train tracks have on them, but box cars anyway.
Rod Blagojevich's attorneys laid out a brilliant and substantial legal case in exactly why Mr. Obama was not only deemed a witness to be questioned, but why Mr. Obama should be indicted on at least 6 felony counts. Judge Zagel much like the dismissal of the Obama Birther case in California though just can not see evidence.
Perhaps it is something in the water as Patrick Fitzgerald just could not see Obama stealing a Senate seat was equal to Rod Blagojevich selling one.
In that, maybe Judge Zagel if he can wrap up this Blagojevich lynching by this autumn, perhaps by miracle he too will find a little Fitzgerald reward in his stocking of maybe he will be on the Supreme Court as he is allot like that old liberal going to the geezer estates in seeing things in the Constitution which are not there, and not seeing things in black and white in the Document.
Obama sure has some happy meals heaped on his gourmet plate. No one in Congress checks out his being a US Native, no one arrests him for stealing a Senate seat, no one arrests him for 300 million dollars in 2008 illegal terrorist contributions to his campaign, no one arrests him on anti Semite laws in treating Jews bad and no Barack Hussein Obama gets another prize in every bite in a judge gives him a pass, so Obama doesn't have to say at every question, "I PLEAD THE 5TH".
Wouldn't that be gastrointestinal rich in Obama on the stand taking the FIVE at every turn. No teleprompter, but perhaps Mini Me, Eric Holder, will be sitting on his lap, whispering to Obama the four words he will say all day, "I PLEAD THE 5TH!"
The nice part in this for the Rod Blagojevich family is no matter the staged outcome of this trial, Mr. Blagojevich has just been like Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, denied his right to defense. Rod Blagojevich has just been denied the right to not only meet his accuser on the stand, but has been denied his defense in pointing out that Obama was doing the same thing Rod Blagojevich was arrested for.
The Blagojevich lynching is just supposed to be one Obama happy meal for Obama making this all go away, but the Courts are geared to rectify the crooks manipulating them.
Once again, the Blagojevich defense is appealed to, to take this to the jury of the public in the lovely Mrs. Blagojevich, to defend her husband in a nice pin up photo shoot, with the caption reading..........
If Rod Blagojevich is on trial for selling an Illinois Senate seat, then why isn't Barack Hussein Obama on trial for buying it?
Indeed in a land of Obama not allowing people to defend themselves in Court, why indeed why.
Obama Happy Meal
U.S. District Judge James Zagel ruled Friday that lawyers for Blagojevich had not produced sufficient evidence that Obama would have anything material to say on the witness stand.
Defense attorneys had claimed that the president could shed light on charges that Blagojevich schemed to sell or trade Obama's former U.S. Senate seat.
Blagojevich has pleaded not guilty to the charges. The trial is set to start June 3.