Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The American Mahdi

My sheep what can I say
But everything today
Let me count the numbers
On this our Obama day

Before he was elected
Obama was selected
It was a Mooselum mandate
Without any birth inspected

I remember when I met my child
His eyes Hawaiian wild
I said this is my son and I am pleased
A mind so Frank Davis styled

Let me breathe deep in my Obama
A Kenyan son and of a white concubine Mama
For his real maternal womb
Is in a black first wife drama

Make no mistake in comrade Barack
Who chose black first in drilling with his derrick
The Mooselum wealth of Africa
Rhymes in senior junior Barack Barack.

A Mooselum messiah of halo brow
Installed in White House with a vow
Is transformed the Farrakahn paradise
Black Mooselum son, now, now, now.

I have seen the promised land
The son of Obama's hand
Held in risen Mooselum pride
In this our tribal band

If it is white
It must be out of sight
For only black
Shines ever bright

Two score and eight years ago
Our Obama son was born to go
To climb Muhammed's mountain
To make the world to know

Obama is the white man's hex
Obama is our sex
Obama is mahdi reborn
Obama is our Malcolm X

If it does not fit
You must acquit
Let Obama crimes refrain
That is the whole of it

I am Louis Farrakhan
The complete black Mooselum man
Obama was more than elected
He was installed by an allah plan

It is tan man prophesy
It is for the Mooselum eyes to see
Barack Hussein Obama
Is thee American born mahdi

Farrakhan Prose