Tuesday, May 11, 2010

El Kagan a goddess by Obama name

I'm not going to invest a great deal of time on Elena Kagan, or El Kagan as she is known her in her Ashkenaz dyke Asian background, El, meaning a god in that regional dialect and what better name for an Obamite who has a messiah in Obama to glow around.
El Kagan was by God's Grace stated weeks ago here in who Obama would choose. She was outed as a person who hates the United States military and a person who thinks Americans should be locked up in prison with no rights forever, no trials, no juries, just Hutatree smears rounding up the Yanks for daring to want a change from Obama.

The only thing of interest in El is Obama decided upon her, because communist mentored David Axelrod and national socialist Rahm Emmanuel needed Obama to toss a bone to Jews after they have been treating Jews to Kristallnacht Obama for the entire Obama first year.
Yes just like Hispanics got that idiot Senora Sotomayer tossed at them as a bone to appease their puppy whining, this Kagan creature is designed to be the Judas Goat who appeased Ed Koch. After all isn't a Jew on the Court a wonderful 180 pounds of flesh to trade for an entire nation?

Make no mistake about this in El Kagan is a Judas Goat. She is designed to shut Jews up, so they will follow her right into the Persian nuclear abyss. Obama is pushing with Egypt the disarmament of the Jews. How long do you think the Jewish state will last with bullet for bullet with 10 times more Muslims?

This is what that Ashkenaz Rothschild orbit has been about for the elimination of Sephardic Jews, Conservative Jews and poor Ashkenaz, so this cartel of elitists can rule the world from their international capital in Jerusalem, all protected by some international thug military hybrid out of the UN.

So El Kagan is supposed to shut the bleating Jews up like Ed Koch, just long enough so they can all be zapped by an Obama Muslim nuclear holocaust. El Kagan might as well be Adolf Hitler as her polices toward Jews and "folks not like her" are exactly the same extreme. There are no human rights under El Kagan in Judicial protections when she throws everyone in prison forever without trial.
Her boss Obama has been jack booting Jews for over a year in one of thee most anti Semetic regimes ever. El Kagan though is the Obama Judas Goat.
Will the ruse work? It probably will as liberal Jews are always looking for a way to love something that will slaughter them, as it is their phobic self hatred and guilt of themselves in they were too cowardly to fight the war against Jewish enemies for the past 60 years, were too tight to send funds or open their homes to refuge Jews, were too sloven to go to the West Bank and take it by living there and are too looking for excuses for their Obama mistake as he sets up holocaust II.

The Jews have already had their homes, property, lands, businesses and ability to pray on Temple Mount taken from them. They are existing in compounds and behind walls. They are slowly being starved out on many levels exactly like the work to death camps, because that is what Jews are in now, in they are working trying to survive in the State of Israel and dying slowly.

Elena Kagan has been silent on all of this, just as David Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel have promoted these 1939 policies against Jews.

So Obama puts El Kagan on the Supreme Court. I seem to recall Rome loaded up the Jewish Temple Courts too and that turned out extremely well for Jews on 70AD.

But no matter, Jews have their fertility goddess in El Kagan, and Obama took "in the year of our Lord" off Jewish proclamations as another wonderful benevolent gift to Jews to show how much he cares.

Six words and El Kagan, in exchange for a Jewish nation, millions of Jewish people and......well that sounds about the entire bribe as Obama evens things out for Jews.


Judas Goat goddess