Wednesday, May 26, 2010

David Axelrod Brings Down Obama

There is without a doubt now that Barack Hussein Obama can be impeached on the evidence and can be immediately indicted on the charges of bribery, federal election tampering and misuse of public money in the Pennsylvania Jobsgate Scandal.

The reason we know this now is from the mouth of David Axelrod in a CNN interview with John King.

Axelrod Quote:

“When the allegations were made, they were looked into. And there was no evidence of such a thing.”

I actually heard David Axelrod make the complete statement with John King apologizing in trying to not sound like a jerk, so the context of this is not the dismissal as liberals are attempting to make this out to be.

The translation of the Axelrod statement is in reality this:
"When the allegations were made, the White House went into crisis mode to make certain that there was not going to be a repeat of Rahm Emmanuel being caught on tape as he was in the Rod Blagojevich scandal and needed Eric Holder to suppress the evidence. A meeting was held between myself, (Axelrod), our top operators in grilling Emmanuel. Emmanuel informed us that the meeting which he had with Joe Stesak was not recorded, there were no phone calls to be pickd up by NSA, no emails, as it was all face to face in a closed room with no one to witness the bribe.
This is was is meant by "no evidence" in that there is not any evidence to prove that the bribe actually happened.
I (Axelrod) then reported this to Obama to keep him at distance from it."

This is what David Axelrod really stated and we know this, because in the same interview Axelrod was going on record stating he was not present at the meeting. His confirming he was not present, meant the meeting did in fact occur and that a bribe was indeed offered.

Axelrod then goes further in noting that the Obama White House is well aware of the criminality of this situation as he stated this would, “constitute a serious breach of the law.”
The White House has been discussing this criminal act and is in the process of covering up a felony, which in turn is another series of felonies as Eric Holder is stating that there will be no Special Prosecutor in this which is a cover up protecting Obama.

For those Hillary Clinton fans, this is exactly what Richard Nixon was nailed on in Watergate in what she investigated. It was the cover up in the White House by Chief of Staff, Attorney General and key advisers which is what brought President Nixon down, and not the burglary he never authorized.

Sean Hannity has been all over this for months and he has been absolutely correct in what this is, because David Axelrod in the smarmy Clinton speak just admitted on CNN that a meeting happened, the White House investigated it, a bribe was offered, evidence was either destroyed or the meeting was closed door so only Mr. Stesak would be witness to it, and then a cover up occurred.

The problem in this is that Mr. Stesak is given weight in this as the Sec. of Navy job was available. This then entails the subpoena use by Justice or Congress in demanding all White House records and conversation in which Mr. Stesak's name ever came up, because in this long trail of Sec. of Navy bribes, his name had to appear on some list or come up in privy conversations in:

"Why don't we put X in the Sec. of Navy's slot as payback?"

Reply: "We can't do that as that Specter thing is in play and Stesak is going to end up there".

This requires a complete FBI and Congressional investigation as David Axelrod just confirmed Obama's worst nightmare in bribes, felonies and cover ups happened inside the White House.

This will not suffice in Rahm Emmanuel resigning, as Mr. Emmanuel can not hand out Sec. of Navy jobs. That is the venue of Mr. Obama.

Mr. Stesak must be subpoenaed before the American people and made to tell all he knows, including his wife and campaign manager to confirm the conversations which the White House had with him in this criminal matter.

When this is confirmed, it does not matter in Stesak "said", because Axelrod Inc. knows by their actions a cover up was taking place, and he confirmed this was investigated to make certain no loose ends in evidence were going to show up.
That very action is evidence and is enough to convict Mr. Obama and Mr. Emmanuel.
