Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Letterman Cocktail Crowd Turns on Obama

Obama's worm has turned. Make not mistake about this now, in B. Hussein Obama has inflicted the damage of a coup on hisself, and things have forever changed between his regime and the New York elite.

I had been noting signs of this in Dana Milbank of the Washington Post taking haymaker shots at Bearick and Muchelle. I quipped if Milbank was going to do this job that well, that I would not have to blog any longer, as Milbank was savaging the Obama he loved and now lost.

It was in the last week of May 2010 that all of this broke. In that week, Americans beheld the New York Times slashing Obama over the Stesak bribes, the Washington Post cutting Obama off at the knees over the same story, and Diane Sawyer having kitten thoughts on the Louisiana Gulf over Obama polluting Naps Napolitano's entire 'ocean' down there.

What is the "tell" in this though is while I never watch David Letterman, I was watching the Belisarus productions on CBS on Tuesday evening and noted that the Salahi's were going to make a cameo on Letterman.
This event puzzled me immensely in all the bad press they had received and the tip of the iceberg in Obama bribery this event exposed in Obama selling access to donors.

So I tuned in for that moment, and almost missed the ravishing beautiful Mrs. Salahi rubbing on Letterman as she posed with her grinning husband.
The audience went wild and Letterman just smiled and stated the audience loved them.

The Salahi's were an embarrassment for the Obama regime and for David Letterman to bring them out, is sending a message that things have changed.

In translating this, I know Letterman well enough for the piss ant he is. When he got Rush Limbaugh on his program and took a cheap shot at him, Letterman does what he does to Al Gore or Barbara Bush in being a smart ass. See Letterman is a mad little boy who thinks he should have been President as he is as like Obama smart, but in the end this weather guy got the Johnny Carson job and has to be a nobody.
This percolates in Letterman constantly and he takes it out on people, who then are supposed to just take his abuse and character rape, and come back again to let Dave piss on you.

See Letterman when he was screwing his assistant and wanting to get her prego and have another man raise the kid, gets off on this cuckolding. He is a deviant and he not only wants to rape your wife or child rounding the bases, but he wants to make a crack about how much they moaned in front of you at a party to humiliate you.
That is why he was parading his assistant in front of America and her boyfriend. Letterman likes being a canine and pissing on the lower dog.

In profiling that, this is what is behind all of this with Obama, in Letterman was taking cheap shots as Katie Couric down at the Gulf covering her with crude oil.
He went on to do a British Petroleum skit to rub that in, as this is really starting to irk the Obama out of these cocktail folks.

As stated in knowing Letterman, I know very well what is going on in the cocktail crowd is upset. Letterman being the Obama maker he is, asked Obama to appear on his program to blame BP and take some leg humping from Letterman to show him who was boss and to blame some underlings.
It would have went in blaming Bush 43 90% but Obama would have been mounted.

Obama though has been in bunker mode in bitch slapping the press around now for a year. The only person he was catering to was Letterman. Obama just bitch slapped Letterman in denying access, and that is what has David Letterman over the edge and retaliating on the halo head.

Bringing out the lovely Mr. and Mrs. Salahi was Letterman throwing down the gauntlet. He just warned the Obama regime that they had better come on his program, and now they will take a 50% drubbing from Letterman, and Obama had better grovel, take it and say, "Yeah Dave you are right", because if Obama doesn't, David Letterman is poised to do to Obama what he bashed George W. Bush with for a decade.

And I will say this, Axelrod help Obama, if Obama shows up in California and does Leno's show as that is going to send off Vesuvius in Letterman.
Letterman was rubbing it in Leno's face about taking over the Tonight Show on Leno's anniversary. It was cheap and it was dirty. It was David Letterman.

Obama's worm has turned and I could not be more delighted as if the liberals start pounding on Obama the way he deserves, the news, the comedy and liberal talk is going to be entertaining as it has not been since Jimmy Carter put the screws to him.

The nice part in this is, B. Hussein Obama is too narcissistic to bow to Letterman in how Letterman demands. Birdie is incapable of digging hisself out of this cavern he has drilled into David Letterman, the New York Times and the Washington Post as Obama actually thinks he is more intelligent than the people who made him.
I don't like David Letterman in the least, but to be fair to him, Letterman is responsible for at least a 20% part of making Obama in the way he hammered John McCain, George W. Bush, made his program a platform for Obama and against the GOP, and did everything he could to help this "bright boy" along. (Bill Clinton's definition of Obama.)

Obama has now told Letterman to kiss off in that he doesn't need Letterman. In that cocktail world, it is the ultimate betrayal in the Prime Minister dissing the one who made him Prime Minister.

I explained a year ago that it is going to have to take liberals to bring down Mr. Obama. Liberals have just thrown down the gauntlet in the powerful media groups there. They can punish Mr. Obama and take away the inflated poll numbers Obama has.
Obama has 44% positives in polls. As stated, you take away the 20% David Letterman is buoying Obama up with and Obama is at his real numbers of 24% which is equal to Congress.

Liberals either punish Obama now or they are going to lose all. This Letterman cocktail crowd should on the Sestak bribes make Mr. Obama resign, pity party him in not being ready to rule and then move on. If they do not, this is going to be Obama fairy slapping at Letterman, and Letterman is going to be dropping haymakers teaching Obama the lesson he never learned.

This now becomes interesting when Obama does not have the ability to back down. It is entertainment, and honestly the Ed Sullivan Theater if Letterman will go after Obama in the sarcastic way he is gifted in, will give that theater the only entertainment it has since Ed turned out the lights.
If Letterman, the Times and the Post want to whip the future Democrats in line and reassert the east coast as leaders over California Leno, they will do what they have done to Republicans.

This is a game of who is the pack leader and in the process their ratings and circulation will rise as the center and right will start watching and buying their products.

Come on Dave, see what Obama looks like on your string in making him react to you. Obama picked Jon Stewart to write his jokes after all you did for him.
See if you can make him cry.
