Monday, May 10, 2010

Is that a tumor Mr. Obama?

I always thought that commencement speakers were suppose to be more intelligent than the children they were lecturing at?

Obama quote:

"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation."

Perhaps Bearick Obama should stick to his adulteress blackberry sex messages, as even I know an iPod and PlayStation are not INFORMATION dispensing modems of knowledge, unless of course one is getting history from Bill Joel "We didn't start the Fire" or Obama is doing his Afnamistan war fighting in Tomb Raider.

The entire Obama statement to children is beyond bizarre and even more vacuous. Who ever would consider that playing checkers or listening to the Grand Olde Opry was ever supposed to be anything more than ENTERTAINMENT?
Who in their right mind says, "Yeah homey, let's get it on down to the new Eddie Murphy view to get all powered up and shake the man's chains off!"

Obama is so absolutely anal that he thinks that everything in life is supposed to have a reason to make you more dominant or set you free from the slave shack.
The Bible, the Constitution, Church, school, those arbitrators of human spirit, soul and intelligence are what empower people in Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. One does not turn on Beyonce to find the meaning of life.

No wonder the Obama daughters are dressing like hos and fatting it up with parents like this. Children and adults need to have fun in life at time too, not everything has to be teaching a lesson.

Is this what Obama does in playing non stop golf? Does he do Copernicus and Newton calculations in his golf swing? Does he roll around on the ground examining the insects in classifying them?
Does Muchelle speak latin genus names in her garden as just gardening has no meaning without emancipation and empowerment?

Is this why this horse of a woman was wearing that idiot "bondage belt" for a year in she was making everything a power and shackle moment, when instead when one honors the dead, it is about honoring in the dead Soldiers?

I frankly I am quite pleased I have no idea without analysis what in this world Obama is speaking about as my mind absolutely does not work like an Obamite. I don't think Jupiter should be turned into a sun so the globalists will have 24 hours of light to work people to death. I don't believe that the world needs gods with toe jam named Obama to look up to as one God is sufficient. I don't run Free Cell looking for the answers to stopping Muslim enslavement of women.

I knew something was vastly wrong with Obama, but hearing these statements from Obama bring the conclusion he is beyond any programming help. He is a burned out 486 processor and his motherboard is fried.

He bemoaned the fact that "some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction," in the clamor of certain blogs and talk radio outlets.

"All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."

Oh my I wonder whose blog he was lecturing about? Hmmmm????

So free speech is now a problem in putting pressures on children, and not Muchelle Obama running her fat kid attack or Birdie getting exposed sexing up children in Rome.
No problem with the Palin children be sexualized by Obama supporter David Letterman. No problem with lipstick on a pig Obama statements. No problem with Obama "They bring a knife we bring a gun to a fight".

Nope the problem is people quoting Muchelle calling Obama Kenyan, Obama's own website quoted saying he is British, a Michigan Judge telling Obama he arrested Hutatree with no evidence or Obama throwing a rose at the 9 11 Memorial.
Yupper the facts are the problem, but Obama is pure as the sooty tan snow job he manufactures to blizzard potential daily.

So Obama's warning to American children was running an iPod or Play Station doesn't make you into a new person and the facts about Obama put pressure in ending mob rule.

I guess the last part I do agree with as that is what Obama was most concerned about I suppose. In children were not falling down before him worshiping hisself and were playing games instead, while the facts from talk radio and blogs were exposing Obama for the dictator he is endangering America.

Barack and Michelle Obama must really find months long wonder in the meaning of toothpicks, as to the meaning of life found in them.


The meaning of life......or is that tumor Mr. Obama

PS: Mr. Obama what is better in a child playing Xbox and PlayStation or being like you in writing filthy sex prose for Frank Marshall Davis or smoking dope as you did?
Normal folks would choose a child playing than a child turned into a doped up sex pervert who thinks they have to be in the White House to be someone.

nuff said