Monday, May 10, 2010

The epitome of First Ladies: Laura Bush

The more time passes, the more fond I become of First Lady Laura Bush in being the definition of American Womanhood which has reached supreme power and done so with God given Grace.

See the glass ceiling or the Office of President is not the mark of what makes a Lady or defines her as a complete woman. What is the telling point in this is anyone, male or female, who get close enough to real power, wealth and fame, and they have the self control not to reach out and grab hold of it as a usurper.

I have the deepest of affections for Laura Bush. It is an American Love for someone I respect. I had thought that this would not be surpassed in the esteem I held for her mother in law, Barbara Bush, but Laura Bush is every bit her equal and that says a great deal about the Bush men in attracting such comfortable in their own skin women.

Mrs. Bush is currently promoting her memoirs which are a very good read in it exposes her most fragile condition in tragedies as a child in being in a traffic accident in which someone died, and how this event challenged her relationship with God to the breaking point as something like that would.
I have empathy in Mrs. Bush with this as a child on a school bus we had a loud mouthed bus driver who initiated conversations with all the children in banter. One day I called out to him about something as he was sitting at a stop sign, knowing this would be a safe thing. Safe though was not him, as he did not bother to check the right of way and pulled out.
I had no idea what happened but my friend told me moments later a car almost hit the bus we were on, and then I had the driver screaming at me, "You almost caused that crash".

I swore from that moment on to never speak to him again as I still cringe in what might have been. I know I caused nothing as a child and this adult was shifting blame, because he was a pompous shift the blame ass. It is but for the Grace of God that I have not had to carry that around and I thank God for it.
This driver would later be fired for making teenage girls kiss him before they got off the bus, and I believe God finally had enough of him after he dumped his wife into an old people's home, so he could "date" other women, in God killed him in early old age.

Mrs. Bush though had to grow through that trauma in as Forrest Gump says, "Sh*t happens" in life. Accidents are accidents and when one does not deliberately hurt anyone, then that is just the way things are in life. Humans are not perfect and sometimes things happen and in God's eyes, Mrs. Bush has turned out very well in the harshest of lessons.

That is what makes her such a complete American Lady as so many Americans are in their trials and quiet enduring which makes this American nation run through the worst of times and the best of times. It makes me appreciate Laura Bush more as she is a beautiful woman, has raise beautiful and strong daughters, and has brought her husband with God's Grace out of the addictions of life into being one of the best leaders America has ever had in a time of war or peace.
Beautiful women always have a greater burden of relying on that quality in getting by in life, and yet these Bush women have not fallen into that trap. West Texas is a good proving ground for the soul.

Laura Bush made being First Lady seem so easy. She never misspoke. She never had an agenda. She never was grabbing the reigns of power. She simply was there being a comforting example who was there without ever intruding on American's lives.

That made me consider the First Ladies of America in the past 50 years in how some have excelled so marvelously and how some have failed so horridly.
Jackie Kennedy was as my Grandfather said, the most beautiful of First Ladies. I perhaps would not go that far, but she did have a centerfold body after having children, and in my assessment she should have had a rolling pin in each hand instead of wearing more gowns to keep her husband in line.
It always bothers me in how anyone could have a woman like that and then be a serial cheater.

>From her heights she sank to being a courtesan for wealthy homely males. Her's is a sad tale as her son is dead by assassination and her daughter is a left wing kook who could not even get a Senatorship handed to her.

Lady Byrd Johnson is one of my favorite First Ladies, even if she was busy in taking down road signs and cleaning up the nations highways as her agenda. She had a handful in Lyndon, but she has been nothing but gracious all her life in Washington or out in Texas with her daughter Lynda.
There is just something about her that she is so comfortable with herself like Laura and Barbara Bush that she doesn't have to go around mugging for attention. She simply is there like Bess Truman or Mamie Eisenhower. Someone fondly remembered and like a fine crystal vase on the shelf you like admiring from a distance.

I liked Pat Nixon too as she did not seem the most handsome of women, but was always resolute in standing by her husband no matter what. I can not remember this woman ever speaking, but she was always the definition of a presence on the American stage.
She met the greatest of world leaders and always shimmered in the light in being regal without being royal.
It takes a great deal of presence to simply stand among world leaders and outshine them when you are a little bit of a woman.

Betty Ford, always reminded me of Minnie Pearl in being just a bit too common. She overcame an addiction and overcame breast cancer, which was more than she should have had to when she already had the hell of Watergate being constantly bashed against her husband as liberals just could not leave it alone.

This of course led to the barracuda of Rosalyn Carter who always as I say, "Can Southern nice you to death". I once knew a Baptist preacher's wife who could just say the most cutting of things to people and when you would look at her and say, "What are you insulting people for like that", she would always act dumbfounded like she hadn't just said, "Oh that doesn't make you look too fat".
Rosalyn married a weak man in Jimmy and apparently had to do the driving most of the time. She eventually was sitting in on meetings and took it quite personal when Ronald Reagan and America fired Jimmy and Ros from the catastrophe they created.
Rosalyn was a handsome woman, but in my mind I just can't get past those greasy, big toothed children she let loose on the world who are a mindsore to this day.

That brings me to Nancy Reagan, who I adore. If any husband alive doesn't want a woman like her watching your back, then they deserve to get stabbed in the back.
Mrs. Reagan I know of well enough in Ronnie would always be joking with the White House crew, until Nancy came around and then it was the starch was put into her husband. He needed that and it did him immensely well as their love affair was one flesh and one direction.
Her greatest legacy is like Libby Custer in keeping the memory of her husband fresh. I know of no greater love than being a family member and being constantly supportive of someone with a brain condition. She cared for her husband to the end, and while both the Reagan's were too loving of parents for the last two children they produced as Obamites, Nancy Reagan is in the win column for me as I figure in the fight she is someone I would always want watching my back as she knew people well.

As I have already mentioned Grandmother Barbara Bush, I will not go into a great deal of detail on her as he overcame the death of her child, and it would be a little son in George W. who took it upon himself daily to make his mother smile.
I will never forget Barbara Bush simply raising her hands at the GOP convention which was quite raucous and quieting tens of thousands of people down in an instant. I have the greatest respect for her as she in many ways is our Queen Mum.

Hillary Clinton is someone who was a good looking homely woman who never had any confidence in herself. She prettied up nicely and the biggest disappointment beyond all her foul mouthed, criminal acting and being co president was her handlers tried to make her into an old bag when she would have done better as a pretty woman in DC.
Bill never helped her in cheating on her which destroys anyones confidence and makes them into a shrew.
So Mrs. Clinton has been a schemer her entire life and her sexual proclivities are of no help for eternal life.
I had hoped she would have been the reason in the Obama administration, but it is now a regime, and Mrs. Clinton appears daily more like Richard III instead of a Bobby Kennedy.
She just would have been better loved and learned self control in being loved is not a weapon to be used against others.

Lastly, there is Michelle Robinson Obama, who is thee worst Prime Ministers wife in American history. This woman hates America and is so vacuous in comprehension that she is forever casting about trying to outshine her owner, coming up with ways to bankrupt America further, planting poison gardens, defining her Obama as a Kenyan and now making war on fat children while stigmatizing her own children.
I see nothing redeeming about Muchelle Obama. Her marriage is bad as she is not woman enough to make a bad man behave. Her children act badly and she acts like a gluttonous slut which can not decide to stuff cherry pie in with one hand, million dollar bills with the other, or to use her footsies to salute herself as being so wonderful Jackie O.
She has to have the press lie about her looks and make herself into a white woman to find a semblance in herself that she is someone.
Something like that belongs on a psychiatrist's couch and not the White House.

All of that simply makes Laura Bush look that much more esteemed as a light on the Shining City on a Hill. Her actions after Fort Hood were perfect as she always is perfect. She is as selfless Lady who is defining with facts the smears the press pounded her husband with in lies.

Mrs. Bush related what it was like to have Saddam Hussein's demonic sons have photos of her daughters, and it had to be beyond chilling to note that the two worst perverts outside of Obama, Frank Marshall Davis and David Letterman had your children's photos.

I have always stated that after 9 11, it was known that there were nuclear weapons smuggled into America and President and Laura Bush stayed in the White House, because they understood that sometimes America is bigger than the Presidency, and even a first couple are expendable.
That is the definition of courage, devotion and love of America. It is the definition of Laura Bush.

If only, she could be the mould for First Ladies. Then America would always have half the problem solved in the White House.

For the record, Todd Palin is a Laura Bush.

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