Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Nation Rapists of Oil Glob Fortunes

I have had it with the profane propaganda of Barack Hussein Obama's regime over his "too good crisis to waste" in the stage Gulf oil splatter.

This blog has noted that BP knew this well was not an oil well, but a high pressure natural gas well. This is no "gusher", but it is a gas well under pressure blowing volumes of oil into the Gulf.
I do not believe according to Obama's own "delay drilling" policy that Mr. Obama ever intended to allow any oil wells to be drilled off the American coast. This little pollution operation of dithering response is meant to so taint the Tea Party and Sarah Palin, so no one will support drilling, and the winners will be the nation rapists who backed Obama in George Soros and Warren Buffett.

Specifically this blog has laid the complaint that George Soros has almost a billion dollars invested in Brazilian oil. The same Brazil bashing America and the same communist Brazil which is Mr. Obama's best friend.
The other cuddling cuties in this are Madame K of Venezuela pirating British lands and oil and Hugo Chavez in full support of China and Iran.

Added to this was the remarkable groundbreaking article by Kirsten Korosec of the BNET energy blog in which she found that Warren Buffett, Mr. Obama's economic adviser just happened in 2008 in jumping into bed with Obama to have acquired 8.7 million shares in Nalco Holding, which not only is in the water filtration business, but is now the only supplier to British Petroleum of the chemical used to break up oil spills.

This blog has noted that Mr. Buffett and Mr. Soros just seem always to be showing up in Obama policy and making fortunes.
When GM was turned into Government Motors. there was nation rapist Warren Buffett investing in Chicom motors and an announcement came which would have GM importing Chinese cars and selling them.

This was on the heals of the Obama economic implosion which was managed to get him installed into office in which Mr. Buffett had over 30 billion dollars of money he garnered from people's retirement accounts plunging (see money is not manufactured in this, so when Buffett gets 30 billion form the stock markets someone is losing 30 billion and that was the American saver.), and this was the money Buffett was using to buy up all of these cheap deal corporations.
Into this we had Obama's money laundress in Penny Priztker who sold the Pritzker group to none other than Warren Buffett.

Do you not see patterns in this in absolute criminal insider trading for all the Obama close associates as much as Tim Geithner only handing money out to his few comrades in New York while Mr. Obama demonizes the rest in banking, and targets Goldman Sachs.

Oh yes, was exclusively reported by this blog, there is Warren Buffett again in a major holder of Goldman Sachs, and as Goldman Sachs shares fell even with record profits, Warren Buffett could gain control of an immense financial empire even more cheaply just as these robber barons swept in and gobbled up billion dollar assets for pennies on the dollar.

This kind of rapine is constant and it is shameless as the Obama regime has absolutely no worry apparently of ever facing any prosecution in this outright theft of American retirement funds and the literal destruction of the Republican Gulf States in this managed oil spill, while once again there pops up Warren Buffett making a fortune in supplying the chemicals to Obama crony British Petroleum which caused this disaster deliberately.

As noted, that rig was just inspected in it's safety valves and passed. The fraud story floated about it being ice methane which caused this was rejected from the start by this blog exclusively.
Then it was told this was a high pressure gas well and BP knew this, so literally they took the "plug" off of a high pressure well, exposing workers to that massive release, claimed that a cement seal would hold it, and up shot a gas geyser that everyone knew would ignite for all the sparks and flames on an oil rig.

That evidence points to a staged murder as BP executives were not that incompetent and with their own people exposed to this blast on the rig, it appears this event was meant to wipe out the American group in this venture.
There is no moving into conspiracy fields here, because the facts are the evidence, and by Obama's dithering over this event, it was meant to be a catastrophe.
Obama's only problem is that nature has not cooperated in this massive oil spill is not polluting the way the hoped and the poor puppy press of Obamites has had to wait weeks to show a few globs of oil on shore.

Literally this is all criminal, and the only people benefiting are the Obama associates.
It is well know that Mr. Obama sat on his hands in allowing the Lockerbie bomber to be released to Libya and BP Rockefeller immediately received Libyan oil contracts.

>From Soros in Brazil to Mr. Obama bowing to the Saudi king, all of this is a chokepoint event in the Gulf which is intended to keep America energy dependent on foreign sources and completely bankrupted.

That is what is behind all of this as the evidence reveals as Mr. Obama's insiders make even larger profits.
Sure Warren Buffett didn't stage the BP event, but he was there to take full advantage of it as an insider. The same insidious insiders which had CIPRO dumped on Americans for the anthrax attack when other less costly drugs were available which worked more effectively.

For those who do not comprehend the Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod, George Stephanopoulos and James Carville meetings, they do not know the depths of those black hearted conversations as they plot every event to their political advantage and manage a crisis to bring about the policy they fully intend to implement.

President Bush literally had according to news reports had the American economy stabilized in January 2009 before he left office. Mr. Obama to pass his measures, loot the Treasury and implement his policies strangled that economy deliberately and the worst of this has not yet come to fruition.
There are patterns in this which are obvious in what Mr. Obama is up to in every event. Mr. Obama had no unction in the least to allow American oil drilling and by another miracle another Obama disaster just happens to take place to bring about his real policy agenda he had been fixed on all along.

Americans do not want to believe in evil and have been so conditioned by "wacko" conspiracy theories promoted and funded from the very Soros money pools to taint the mindset, that when they witness the obvious they all stand around yet not calling an Obama the crook he is.

There are no doubts in this, and if this was Dick Cheney's money buddies and oil buddies doing this, liberals would be screaming for impeachment and trials, but Mr. Obama is allowed a pass, the excuses and the benefits of the doubt.

If you had a neighbor named Barry Soetoro, and one day the person who murdered your neighbors was turned loose to Libya, and an oil company got a contract for it........you would think it odd.
You would think it odd of Barry's friends in your town started getting huge pieces of your banks, your car dealers and then one day when you discovered oil in your backyard, Barry sent in a rig and the same company who got the Libyan oil deal, blew the rig up, and flooded your town with oil.

I guess you would figure it out as a criminal conspiracy as you sat in an oil bath, and probably would really cry for prosecution when you found out that the buddies of Barry were making a fortune cleaning it up and you were paying for the whole event in insurance claims filed.

But none of this soaks into Americans, and it is just "small change" these companies are making, so we are told it doesn't matter.

Let's see BP "spends" a fortune dealing with the Obama spill, and it is tax deductible, the money flows to people like Warren Buffett, and insurance covers more, so in the end it is the American people being screwed over again, and it would be a safe bet that money is ending up in Obama's political coffers again.

Yes sir, just keep looking at those oil globs on the beach, don't bother to follow the money and nation rapists behind all of this with Obama pulling the strings.


Nation Rapist Warren Buffett