Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shhhhh don't pick the Cherry


Ponder that word as hints may come and hints may go
But what we are told is what we are not to know
It might be Obama to question why
But the why you know is his cherry pie

In a little town called Coralville, Iowa a most interesting Hutatree type event is being carried out with the full force of the Obama regime.
See 8 innocent Americans are having the full Obama weight placed upon them in having accessed his college records, but the problem is in this that it looks like none of them ever accessed hisself's financial records.

In fact, this quote from fired Vangent, Inc. employee, Sandra Teague explains it all:

"I don't know what the others did, but I know that I did not do it," Teague told KCRG-TV in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

In this mix were Democrats and Republicans, and their attorneys are all clammed up too. No one seems to want to talk about any of this, and that means fear is involved.

Revisit with me for a moment when Obama's passport records were hacked. Recall how this blog noted that the Clinton and McCain records were hacked later deliberately to cover up that someone was looking for what Obama had in his files.
This was a cover up and the real people behind it never did surface.

That is what the Iowa incident appears like in the same source went in and gave a lottery of names in these 8 people to both protect them and to cover up their trail.
In that, Obama Inc. knows very well these 8 people didn't do this and are instead using them as a Hutatree sledge to literally hammer fear into all those who dare come looking for Obama's past.

Perhaps when George Noori asks why he and everyone is so tired, perhaps he should ask what is looking at him that would dampen his neuron functions as it might be making the same people exhausted.

I know from legal contacts that the Russians, Pakistani and certain Rockefeller outlets have put such a clamp on Obama information that it mirrors the same type of fear these Iowa people are finding out.

There were and are operations occurring which are leaving tracks which anyone who has ever been involved in intelligence groups will recognize as signatures. Someone was gathering counter information on Mr. Obama and has it for their purposes.

If one recalls the Obama passport saga ended in an American assassinated outside his Church in the parking lot. These are some interestingly connect players like those who ordained Vincent Foster in the nuances of lead poisoning.
As it is always stated, blackmail information is only worth something when it is held in secret. Mr. Obama's information is held in secret for the dividends it provides like Tim McVeigh's dividend paid a handsome premium when Bush 43 took office.

John Edwards information was robbed for Mr. Obama's Peter's debts. Learn the lesson that once the story is told, the pall of the phoenix arises again from the ashes.

The Plains Indians were always more afraid of a single shot Sharpes rifle unfired than an empty Henry repeating rifle. They would become hesitant and nervous at the Sharpes.
The individuals sent to deal with the Vangent Inc. employees are revealing an immense deal of pressure and that pressure is coming from the Obama regime and his benefactors.
The employees are scared, but the regime and it's backers are even more frightened to react in this manner.

In Sarah Palin's email hacking it was all open to the public, these records are all in secret like everything Mr. Obama is up to is in secret.

Perhaps in this, it is why the things Pastor Manning has been revealing are so interesting in there are leaks of Obama information showing up and the regime is over clamping down on innocent Americans as they are desperately trying to keep a secret that far too many people know.

What we do know is someone with interesting intelligence connections ran an operation through Vangent Inc. and chose the Iowa location for ease of operation.
The mere knowledge of knowing where to look, how to look and where the access was, with the not guilty pleas from 8 Americans who have had their world torn out from under them, all reveals what a bugger Mr. Obama has in his bum.
And it is a bugger by the heavy hand in this, and the way these educational institutions have clamped down on the Obama money train.
Of course, that reveals there is a mass money train in universities of graft and false financial funds flowing into them as their fear is this will be exposed with Obama.

Do you really think all these Wisconsin chic professors touting Al Gore global warming fraud in studying how the Great Lakes were affecting "global warming" just happen to do this or are they paid whores for the cause, just like the billions flowing into academia from grants to do all sorts of interesting things which get foreigners into the White House and others assuming the position.

Do not pick the cherry
Leave it on the tree
It has more value on display
For a wandering eye to show the way.

agtG 264

and the one in the middle was on the top