Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Obama Seals

Barack Obama is out of control, and it is managed mayhem out of control in over a year of planning being instituted in changing the war on terror to an assassinate "bad" Muslims who do not bow to Obama policy.

In reality this is Mr. Obama once again punting the ball to Gen. Patreaus as John Kerry, George Mitchell and his gang, Richard Holbrooke and Hillary Clinton have been busy destabilizing the entire region.
Patreaus should know better as when this hits the fan, it is his butt who is going to be blamed and not Leon Panetta at CIA.
Yes General, you will be on trial not Mr. Obama when this blows up in America's face.
If one examines all of Mr. Obama's meanderings, he has since early 2009 targeted groups like Hutatree for political headlines and instead of fighting the war on terror, he has branched out to nations Congress never voted any authority for any executive to be involved in.

Ponder this for a big moment if you changed the names of these nations from the Muslim states to France, Russia or Canada. America would be at war or facing the World Court for terrorism crimes.
What happens when like Jimmy Carter sending in Special Forces to Iran that a mission goes scorched earth? Does Obama abandon a team to face Somalia dragging them through the streets, are they hostages put on trial in Tehran or does a team of North Korean commandos appear on American soil "executing" the same policy Obama has been illegally doing for his entire regime.
America is not a land of any oversight now as Pelosi and Reid check nothing, the Janet Napolitano wing is either wiping snot on their sleeves, putting Christians on terror watch lists or sending the military out to attack Obama oil spills.

America under Obama is a nation out of control. It is now Assassination Incorporated which was a disaster under John Kennedy. There is no foreign policy as Obama trashed what Bush 43 was doing and now has reached utter failure, and is retreating to murdering people.
It is murder, because Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder bestowed American Rights on all terrorists and has now denied that right to the American cleric al-Awlaki in sending assassination teams to end his life, because these Obama folks "put him on a list".

What happens when it is Americans inside America on lists? Has this already happened? This is why when one has a terrorist like cleric al-Awlaki Bush 43 fought him as a combatant and killed him. No American Rights and that ended it. There were no sham trials subverting the American Justice system.

All of this has to be reviewed immediately as Mr. Obama is out of control with his entire wayward crew. America can not be a nation invading other nation's space without declarations of war or at least Congressional approved warrants, or America is going to start having mobs of other nations intelligence agents making war here in greater numbers than Christmas Day or New York City bombers.

Bribery, destabilizing governments to replace them with your cronies, assassination, rewading "good" terrorists is no policy in the least. It is anarchy and it is why these Obama Wars are spreading around the globe and things are in a meltdown in the Sudan.

The same Obama oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico is a red blood flow around the world due to Obama overt and covert policy. Instead of dealing with Iran, Mr. Obama instead starts picking new fights without any Congressional or Judicial supervision.

For those who complained George W. Bush was out of control, Mr. Obama has magnified this a hundred times over and it is a catastrophe as this terror warfare has shown up in America a dozen times in his regime inside these United States.

All of this must be reigned in before a unit of America's best gets ambushed and made hostages, and it will happen, because every Obama CIA informant has been working for al Qaeda feeding false information. That is why in these dead terrorists keep showing up after Obama unleashes Predators on them.
The DOD in Afghanistan complained that Obama's CIA has no idea what it is doing there. The fact is Obama is copiously out of the loop every place on this planet and from North Korea to the Sudan there is a meltdown occurring due to Mr. Obama's policy.

This has to be checked, because this is going to start erupting into major events of US Citizens dying when this comes home to America or erupts in some hot zone Obama is meddling in.

Democrats in Congress have to stop this and the GOP has to stop giving a rubber stamp of support to the troops as Obama has them in too deep.


Operation Avacado Out of Control