Tuesday, May 25, 2010

European Model Secrets

As Europe is now being deliberately imploded for the coming resurrection of the beast of the Revelation, it perhaps needs at this point to have a nice little "I TOLD YOU SO" from Americans to those Europeans bowsters like John Kerry, Charlie Rose and Barack Hussein Obama who have been worshiping, whining and whipping America to just be like the European Utopia, they claim.

Europe honestly was a great place to live and work. It was 6 weeks of vacation, no one worked over 40 hours. retirement was early and the benefits were Senator Tim Johnson in luxury.

No one has ever pointed the facts out though in this, so this blog will once again be an exclusive in explaining just what a con the European order has been which all these American liberals have been begging America to be like.

Did you ever notice that Europe does not have a defense industry?
Why should that be important?

The reason is while America was spending trillions of dollars on keeping Europe safe, the Europeans like Canada was cruising along on the American tab.
In other words, Americans spent their money on defense, while Frenchmen spent it on nuclear power plants and wine.

That is the comprehension in this and it is a fact. European militaries are a joke. Their troops are like postal workers in just showing up for retirement. They are fat, old and couldn't deliver a bullet in rain, snow, sleet or sun.

Europe has never had to put up the major money on defense in developing fighters, bombers, tanks or anything else like firearms, unless they chose to, and in that they were only doing it to compete against Americans in exporting their products to foreign markets.
Understand that in Europeans only build things to enrich themselves, while Americans built armaments to defend the world.

That is how you build a European Utopia in you have the Americans fund your welfare state. Yes children, that entire European system Obama is drooling over and is now imploding is the product of the American welfare state. Americans have had 300 million ungrateful, pissy snobs on their tax accounts, and Europeans have had their national consumption taxes funding their own lifelong vacations.

Pretty great eh? Europeans got to live like kings and royalty for the past 60 years in their taxes were underwritten by American industry and defense, and the Europeans in their tax structure spent that money on themselves and no one else.

This is why when this Obama implosion came out of Europe into America and is now being staged into southern Europe to take that over by the central Europeans, that Europeans are finding out that when the American financial taps run dry, Greece all of a sudden implodes and Germany starts running short of funds.

That is the dirty huge secret in this which no one is speaking of as this group of crooks blames Anglo American finance. It was that finance which saved them, built them and has treated them like royalty for the past generation.

This group of snobs who have looked down on Americans are the deserving recipients of hard times. Americans should demand their trillions back in Rothschilds banks or make it war to straighten this money laundering system out, but Obama is not going to do that.

This is money laundering and the literal fact is Europe only held on this long, because it's banks were laundering IMF funds taken from African "loans" from America and half their bank balances were due to diamonds, dope and weapons traffic to the world mafia and terrorists.

So wouldn't it be nice to be European if you did not mind being an ungrateful whore? Nice for Americans, but the problem is there is only one America and Americans have to work for a living and not lunch off another superpower.
