Tuesday, June 22, 2010

America goes to Obama hell and here comes Mormon flames

I will presume you have witnessed these predatory ads by the Mormons popping up all over the internet, which are no different than Muslims recruiting black terrorists out of American prisons.
It is what the ilk does in preying on people in hard times.

The Jehovahs Witlesses scan newspaper obituaries to find the distraught to descend upon and that is how they find people to brainwash as much as the Church of Scientology sucks in Hollywood vacuous personas with the promise of belonging in that cold soul world of Tinseltown.

I really detest all of this as it is old as America in religion preying on the people who are down and out. The Jews got into major trouble after the Civil War in being barred from the South by Gen. Sherman for which that internationalist ilk is still smearing Sherman over, but when you have war ravaged states with no money and people forming monopolies buying up the entire state, that is wrong and it is wrong no matter if it is in Obama's name or in the name of the Talmud.

The Catholics run an entire Latino Padre despot regime in preying on those peons and are partly behind the importation of illegals into America. See poor peons in Mexico do not give enough loot, but working illegals provide the coffers of Rome with funds, that has Rome notice the Bishops and Cardinals of America, so they in bringing in the cash get the good jobs close to the Pope.

This is as old as America, those Baptists stealing Haitian babies are but the same trash which was dividing up the American Indians into zones to exploit and govern which caused their deaths and the murder of numerous innocent Americans on the Great Plains in the 1870's.
This same cadre of religious gold miners are shepherding all these illegals into American communities. I constantly see these white women from Churches hauling around Mexicans who are dumb as posts to the laundromat and thrift stores grinning brightly in how doo gooder they are, when all they are is making Obama slaves.
It gets to the point I appreciate the well dressed Mexican dope lords and their big boobed wives as at least they are in commerce instead of being sheared sheep.

This is why my righteous anger gets up when I see this Mormon cult running ads preying on destitute Americans who are searching for answers now that fake messiah Obama has plundered their lives. The religion of Mitt Romney though born in demonic revelations, Masonic rites and denying Jesus is thee Christ, thee only Begotten Son of the Father, is only going to get people into hell.

Mother Theresa serving poor Indians is how one ministers to the world. One does not prey on people in ads suckering them to join Mormonism on the fiery path to hell.
Bring out a King James Bible and one finds that Jesus is thee only Way to God as He is God. He sacrificed Himself so eternal death is not the penalty humans have to pay, if they just keep God's Laws, treat people the best they can, admit Jesus is Lord and try to be a better person each day.

That is all the answers one needs and they are all in the book of St. John in the most beautiful and loving redemptive manner.

It is free, only price is obedience to God which gives you a peaceful life in return, and eternal Life later. There are no Mormon this or that and no deceptions to get you to join a religion, as Jesus is the Church head and people are the body. The Truth is there with no strings attached.
The Holy Spirit tells you all in John, just invite Jesus in, be washed and regenerated in Baptism, believe and you are saved.

Most simple thing in the world and it proves what a predatory fraud the Mormon group is, because if they are interested in saving and helping people, they would put John 3:16 in the ad and not some enticing devil lie to lure you in.

nuff said by me.

John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
