Tuesday, June 22, 2010

McChrystal's Swan Song

I used to think there was a modicum of intelligence in America, but after listening to Joe Scarborough and that Obamite crew along with a guy named Scott Hennen on his right wing show with all the callers bleating out like Scarborough, "Fire McChrystal", there is more than a necessity of God given Inspiration and Common Sense to discern what this is all about.

This blog exclusively exposed McChrystal as a Rockefeller operative. His "surge" in Iraq which was assassination in minority, and in majority Condi Rice simply did an American thing in turning over guns and security to Sunni Muslims which Powell had occupied, and then put an American buffer in Baghdad for the Shia death squads roaming around, is what that success he was taking credit for.
It was not heavy fighting, but allowing people to shoot others they did not like in their own communities.

If you notice something, Obama can not even manage that as Iraq is blowing up. All Obama could do is return the Saddam Hussein communists to power reverting Iraq back to the Civil War and another Saddam if Iran does not ignite the entire region with Saudi Arabia in a nuclear inferno, via Obama's new catalyst in Yemen.

Ok, here is the deal with McChrystal. This fraud signed onto Obama's murder of US Soldiers when the last incompetent was removed who was adept at incompetency, because it was designed to meltdown so Obama could have his righteous war.

Currently in Afghanistan, Obama is arming and funding all the local terrorists in their enclaves and disrupting the Karzai Government. It is in a shambles, because McChrystal sat there on his butt when Pakistan exported all of their terrorists under Obama's and Holbrooke's get tough policy in Pakistan which yielding America Faisal Shahzad fizzler warriors manipulating Obama policy so Pakistan gets to divide up the goodies when Obama flees the region.

McChrystal is Rockefeller and has no loyalty for Obama, even if he voted for the dolt. Two dolts do not make a right and that is what Obama and McChrystal are.
McChrystal is Joe Sestak in being a political officer of the left.

The answer in this is McChrystal knows the score in Afnamistan in what Obama did. McChrystal knows there is going to be a scapegoat and finally figured out he is it. By McChrystal blowing his blue balls in Rolling Stone, McChrystal has covered his ass.
McChrystal knows very well what he just did, and is hoping beyond hope now that Obama will effect change which means firing McChrystal, which is what McChrystal wants.

McChrystal just can not quit as he looks a quitter. By doing what he did, McChrystal covers his behind, looks loyal to the troops he just slaughtered numbering 1000 and counting, and helps Hillary Clinton in her coming coup on Obama.

Obama loves this as he will twist it to mean his treasonous generals can be blamed for his dithering and when this all fails, Obama blows everything up, he can say it is not his fault, as he led like an Obama, but the monkey military was swinging from the trees.

Afnamistan was supposed to degrade to this and McChrystal helped out, and is now looking for a way out, for which he will get a few million from the Rockefellers like good trooper Valerie Plame did for her book.

This is all so simple and has nothing to do with where the puppy press is leading this.

Obama had to kick ass, and in order to look like he has testicles in the Gulf, he can now kick McChrystal's ass and the Obama wags the dog.

Enough time wasted on this, but people have got to start listening to God's Holy Spirit as He explains everything.
The last thing you ever should be doing is listening to the media for direction or watching the story.

Always watch the background as that is where the interesting things are happening.

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