I once knew a Mormon Latter Day Saint, named April, who with her friend Lisa always was saying, "Shhhh the baby is sleeping".
I never quite got it or where it was from, and as I didn't ask I really didn't care even if she was cute.
It is an interesting thing in posting this blog, that when I this writer is silent, my computer functions normally, but when I post about Obama............all kinds of interesting things happen.
Interesting par dux is when this blog outs the fraud Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are, that I get an equal reaction from the intelligence gathering units.
Interesting is that not, what eh? Lumping in Obama, Beck and Limbaugh in their same odd outward poised belief systems and their same private Elton Blonde meanderings and the same cartel intelligence group goes wild.
Shhh the baby is sleeping.........uh huh.
I keep receiving judgment messages on America and her tribal brothers from the Holy Ghost. They are specific in God is demanding America put away her idols, and those do include false religions like that blasphemous Islam which is pissing on New York City's 9 11 fire hydrants marking territory for the Shia and Sunni.
In noting all of that as the front benchers limp along with Hooters in the basement of the Cordoba mosque in dogs chasing their same unfunny Newt Gingrich tails in a Synagogue in Mecca for a mosque in New York, the real analogy is in the reality of faith.
Christianity is filled with thousands of years of miracles in both recorded and current manifestations of Jesus the Christ carrying out the will of His Father as God. I have never seen Buddha feed 5000, never seen Hindu Vishnu raise a drowned cow from the dead and I have never seen that camel trader Muhammed or his Mahdi work one miracle in past, present or future.
I can point to numerous wars with Islamic nations and it is the Christian faith with Jesus the Christ leading who knocks the stuffing out of moon god allah, and his Muhammed, who apparently is in paradise and doesn't give a fig about Islam taking a beating.......or perhaps as Muhammed only spoke of law, damnation and doom, with no Christ, so he is in his hell he manufactured and can do nothing for the folks in Islam getting executed for being BDSM terrorists, dominated by women subs.
So all I want is for Islam, that Imam of the State Department, taking filthy American money infidel money to simply work a few Islamic miracles........you know the same kind of miracles Obama has been working, like going on vacation every day of the week.
Surely if Islam is of thee God, then I will make a deal with CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood and B. Hussein Obama, in if they can just bring Nobel Peace Prize peace to New York City.........no murders, no rapes, no fights, no thefts, no David Letterman hosing young girls, and no Mayor Blooomberg lying for a month...........then they have proven they are God's religion and they can build as many mosques at Ground Zero as their is room.
Now Islam is sneaky so there have to be caveats like Islam can't kill every one in New York to bring peace. It can't chop off their body parts or throw everyone in a dungeon to make them behave, and, it can't do it with guns, knives or bombs.
It just has to do it with faith.
I will note that after 9 11, that New Yorkers in their Secular Americanism, pretty much behaved themselves, so there is precedent with this, that if New Yorkers can behave on their own, then how much more for a 30 day Islam period led by that most beautiful Obama ordained sound on earth, the call to Mooselum prayers, certainly, New York will be Mecca on earth, all from moon god allah.
See that is the problem with these viagra suitcase right wingers who think quoting Hooters is something to counter Islam, or trying to toss a Synagogue or Cathedral in Mecca, because they are all afraid of God, and have no faith in His miracles.
Christians daily have numerous miracles performed for them. My Mom in being prayed over is recovering so fast that her therapist is astounded in trying to find more things for her to do to challenge her. That is God working and I have no problem in putting my Jesus up against a moon god demon, aka, satan in Islam, calling a spade a spade and making these thugs of Obama with terror bombs and lopping off body parts to put up or shut up.
So New York, demand some miracles for this Ground Zero mosque that are specified above. Surely if Islam is a religion of peace, then New York and her people will be all docile, Adam and Eve types for 30 days, as the god of Islam proves it is God of this world and Heaven.
If Islam can not prove this and do this, then boot their blasphemous butts back to the 3rd world hell with Islam has created for Muslims, which General Patton noted correctly had retarded advancement of Muslims for several hundred years.
Shhhh the baby is sleeping, so wake it up and see if the child is of God or a demonic changeling.