Let's face it, Obama's Chief Joints of Staff (yes I mean it that way gay hoser infections), says the Obama national debt is a security threat, that Obama's own gay military is stating that B. Hussein Obama is a security risk of these United States.
For when Russia has nuclear submarines tagging American Trident submarines in Cold Sore War tactics in this Obama era, it is not the ocean which is the threat, but Vladamir Putin.
So Obama created the bankruptcy of America, so his Joint Chiefs of Staff just judged Obama a security threat to America.
In leaving all that behind, bohica and dirty dingus magee, a movie I enjoyed, let us visit the real fatherly person who is behind the current American revolution in Matt Drudge.
Matt Drudge you say? Yes Matt Drudge. If it were not for Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh would have breathed his last a decade ago, and all the front benchers would have too, as Matt Drudge has been the world media for the entire time, driving information, stories and the Reagan Revolution inside and outside America.
It is all a Matt Drudge seal of approval, and Rush Limbaugh is a David Letterman fake for not admitting who his half of the brain doing his thinking for him is.
In noting that, I will note that I love Wiley Carroll. You will have no idea who he was, but he was an old lion houndsman and trapper in Nevada. He was as generous as God in taking the time to always being there for anyone. A fountain of knowledge and a gift for posting the most interesting of tidbits into a column made him one of my favorite people of all time.
I would add the legendary Tom Krause, Major Bodicker and Wayne Negus as the epitome of the autumn sunset.
Why this matters, is, if you have ever wondered at what this blog is up to at it's base, it can be found in the genius of these generous Gentle Americans in figuring out the critters and how to put bracelets around them.
By example these fine Americans, now in heaven and now grey haired (some are bald now), they taught other Americans how to think in ways which mattered, that millionaire Americans are now living in luxury off of their foundational work.
"Ain't that a pisser", Bodicker would say, and I would agree, as he deserves more than beaver.
It is a pisser, because Matt Drudge has fathered most of the "thought" currently in America. His brood of Rush Limbaugh to, Andrew Brietbart, Ann Coulter and Peggy Noonan, if you notice are respsonsible for the black eyes on Conservatives and the Huffington tilt on the Obamanization of propaganda.
See Matt Drudge created Andrew Brietbart, who flew Mr. Drudge's home and went off for filthy lucre to build the Huffington Post for liberals. It does not make any difference all the good Andrew Brietbart does or will do for America, because when he sold out for that moment, he created a massive gun shot wound on America which will never heal in that trampy Arianna Huffington who bans people for thinking like Americans.
The other Obama voters in Ann Coulter who is now on fricking nuts level in attacking Christians and Birthers in defending Obama in lunacy to the crusty old crotch of Peggy Noonan, are but a Bill O'Reilly and Shep Smith Obamaniac asylum, which Matt Drudge helped out and made a fortune for numbers of people feeding off the Reagan and Drudge legacy, only to turn and devour the very Americans who created the environment for them.
Matt Drudge though is not responsible for these sell outs and frauds, no more than Ronald and Nancy Reagan could help the two miscreants that came from their loins. Great people rarely produce great offspring, and more often than not produce collossal frauds.
It must be the ultimate disappointment though in being the thought on so many people's minds around the world, and see how Obamite his proteges are. Richard Nixon can at least point to Laura Ingram in a legacy as she is a wonderful American.
One can only hope that Matt Drudge in the second point of his career will have better harvest from the seeds sown.......or at least some front bencher not just saying, "Drudge has this on", (so I can make a million bucks off of his work), but "This program like all programs on radio and television, along with the internet, is brought to you by the mind of Matt Drudge, and we all owe him our fortunes and what is left of our nations".
We now return you to the Elton Blonde moments of braggarts, sinners and fools.
~all those green rocks were worth a fortune and not just green rocks