South Dakota liberal Obamite Congress chic Stephanie Herseth Sandlin should just change her name to Stephanie Whorseth Sandlin as this creature of Tom Daschle communism and Barack Hussein Obama election theft knows no depths, like Tim Johnson, in whoring innocents for votes.
Stephie after whoring to old lawyers in Washington, DC, showed back up in South Dakota to be trounced in elections, but the tart kept running, until finally beating a local inept politician named Larry Deitrich, twice.
This was Herseth Sandlin's beginning in beating the only Conservative Sioux in the world and other flaming milk toast opponents, as Stephie flashed her trademark D size magic breasts like Obama's halo, wrapped in tight pink sweaters, backed by a prize ranch pony..............yes Stephie had on a sexy sweater for votes backed by a horse of course, promising all lesbian and horn dog codgers in South Dakota a temptation that a vote for her would bring a boney pony ride.
This blog has wondered here what Herseth Sandlin would stoop to in political trickery to keep voters from thinking on her Marxist Obama voting record of baby butchery and rationed death.
We here surmised Stephie would inflate the magic boobs and parade them around again with perhaps a great deal of nipple protrusion, as was outed here in Hillary Clinton had her cleavage on display in 2008 and resorted to even exposing Chelsea's hard nipples and plush rear to be grabbed for lesbian votes.
This is the stuff that elections are made of in liberal circles. When in trouble be a tart like Obama and promise some wet lily action to the Peggy Noonan types.
South Dakota though in panic has a different Minnesota feel to it in their reporters on television either have their tits protruding on KSFY or upskirt shots of blonde anchors on KELO, which Sioux Falls might as well change it's name to Sodom Falls as it is Peyton Place of the media.
Herseth Sandlin has gone beyond panic to the great sin of whore thy child as this blog apparently has exposed her magic breasts enough that she has had to resort to the most disgusting of commercials which feature the following:
Stephie opens in feeding tot Sandlin in the high chair smearing enough food on the kids face to feed Obama's place of nativity in Kenya.
Next we have the sperm donor potty training the tot on the chair. This is sure to appeal to the Democrat pedophile vote which is in vogue with B. Hussein Obama dating his daughter.
Finally we have the scene of Stephie chasing this mad cap child all over her mansion, revealing she has such a hectic life being Princess of the Senate in Queen of Obama's Pea, sure to awaken all fairytale Democratic visions in "don't look at my Obama record, but vote for me in pity because Stephie whorseth Sandlin is just like you a Democrat who doesn't know her head from her arse."
Personally, I was all set to compare boob sizes in the flat chested Stephie to other photos of Stephie, but now that Herseth Sandlin has stooped to using her child like Tim Johnson used his wife's breast cancer for votes, there really is no need to go where even Hillary Clinton refused to go.
Think of the polling it took, focus groups and spin doctors in meetings to look at Stephie's flat chest exposed here, and for them to say, "No tits this time you saggy old bag, so we have to play the infant card..........You got to whore your baby Stephie", and Stephie whorseth Sandlin readily agreed to using her own child to try and sway an election.
Now for those who never view the live feeds off the satellites, this is the same Herseth Sandlin who was caught on KELO holding this baby like a sack of beans in she had absolutely no idea how to hold an infant or how to take care of a child.
Think of it from a male perspective. The saggy old Steph comes home and says, "Hey mansexual dork, in order to save my job, you have to be castrated and standing over Stephie jr. while the kid craps a load on camera."
The question is what kind of pussy whipped twerp is the wife of Stephanie Herseth Sandlin to agree to something.........and where in this is any American fatherhood of reason which rises in any John Wayne's loins that says, "Hell no you aren't whoring my child. You made your Obama bed now either fumigate it our when you get your ass booted out of office, get a real job waiting at the diner as I am through with being your man whore".
None of that though apparently registers in any of the Herseths of South Dakota or Sandlins from Texas.
A real woman like Hillary Clinton goes for the tits. An Obamite like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin cops a feel off her own child prostituting an innocent for a Congressional seat.
Don't turn me out of office as Steph is a madam, pimping her child and has a eunich for a marriage partner in South Dakota's first gay marriage......or is it transvestite........
Nice to know the stench of Daschle and Obama still is wafting across the Rushmore State appealing to the most stupid and inept voters who created George McGovern and that current manifestation in Barack Hussein Obama.