I can though point to the Little Big Horn in Montana to mirror exactly what is happening there in what is happening with the Muslimification of Ground Zero sacred ground, as they are both liberals unleashed on Americans.
Liberals always have things in common like Rush Limbaugh equals. People like Sean Hannity and Mark Levin will non stop mention Limbaugh on their programs praising him, and Limbaugh will be Elton Blonde silent concerning them.
Liberals will always gravitate toward assisting anything hateful and murderous toward America, and put it all in a dark skinned wrapper, perverted sex or a skirt.
In 1876, eastern Patricians succeeded in arming plains Indians and Minnesota terrorists into slaughtering Gen. George Custer and his immediate command, after making a fortune off the Indians.
Their press like Maureen Dowd of the New York Times has spent over a century covering up their heinous crimes in fueling the Custer hatred.
It has gotten so horrid now that Indians have built their "memorial" to their dead at the Little Big Horn. Never mind that these pirates of the plains as Lewis and Clarke defined them as, were on Crow Indian land.
Never mind that the Crow Indians had petitioned the US Government for help as Sioux and Cheyenne were preying on them.
Never mind the facts, because the Crow who started this entire issue of 1876 now have their own reenactment for profit, when they never were part of the battle. The fact is the Crow Indians taking the part of the Sioux is like Jews reenacting pro Hitler sagas of putting them on the holocaust deportment trains.
This is always what one gets from liberals. They go in and feed lies to Mexicans about America being their land just as they do the immigrant Indians who literally were committing genocide on each other. They then find a way in this to make a voting share for power and for profit and history is rewritten.
I fully expect that one day a Japanese amusement park will sit over the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, because these liberals have the same blasphemy at the Little Big Horn in Indian terrorists honoring their dead...........well the reason the Custer command was wiped out is BECAUSE INDIANS MURDERED ALL THE SURVIVORS IN A MOST TORTUOUS MANNER.
This is what his behind the Ground Zero mosque from stealth Muslim Obama and his horde of Maureen Dowd Muslim oil mafia whores. They have no affinity that Americans were slaughtered there by Islam, because they defined the decade of "Greed" in the Clinton 90's and they believe that Americans and Jews deserved 9 11.
So the Muslim mafia gears up this liberal press which they have purchased, exactly as they purchased Obama for 300 million dollars in illegal campaign contributions, which Americans were stuck with in covering in the bailout, because the money was counterfeit, and the same chants come out about freedom of religion which is pure bull sh*t.
The Ghost Dance was the religious terror event after 1876 brought about by Indians and the instigator of mass murder, Sitting Bull of the Sioux. The American Government's response to it was making it illegal to observe the Ghost Dance as it was a terror inspired mark to piss on America.
The Ghost Dance is what caused the fight at Wounded Knee which Indians are still whining about. Big Foot of the Sioux and his band would never have died if the Ghost Dance had not stirred them up, got them off the protection of the reservation, and some hot head fired the first shot from the Indians at the 7th Cavalry.
That is what Cordoba which is backing the Ground Zero mosque is all about. This group has been "muslimizing" all the memorials on 9 11, as you recall great concern about the Pennsylvania memorial looking Muslim too.
They fully mean in all of this to commemorate their victory in slaughtering American by making it all Islam as their smug joke.
Why do you think B. Hussein Obama was throwing that rose at the 9 11 Memorial with such disrespect and the wife was absent on a fund raiser to liberal blacks in Ohio? Start examining the history of events and where the heart of Barack and Michelle Obama lie, as they have been telling Americans exactly what they think, and it is Islamcommunist thinking.
Did you forget the first act of Barack Hussein Obama was to change the observance of the September 11th event to one of.........oh yes communist community recruitment day.
Now which Islamic communist group do you perceive was behind this and Obama was championing for that sacrilege?
Barack Hussein Obama has been pissing on September 11th with his Isalmist leftist allies for coming now on three years. This has all been deliberate and planned.
It is disgusting and history reveals exact proofs in all of this in what Obama in his stealth Muslim mode has been promoting from dividing up Israel, to arming Iran with an expanding nuclear arsenal to ingraining the cancer of shria law into these United States.
Rose tosses, communist recruitment day, not calling terrorists terrorists, Fort Hood cover ups, US Soldiers as slaughtered sheep in Obama Muslim Cold Sore Wars and Obama championing the Islamification of Ground Zero with his other purchased and prostituted Muslim mafia whores in Maureen Dowd.
Amazing that the only place this historical reality is found is here as Rush Limbaugh spends his time playing digital of how many times liberals call him Elton Blonde of the Imam Obama call to prayers.
Happy with your purchase Ambassador Rooney in stealing America for stealth Muslim Obama? What comes next, swastika shaped annexes at Jewish holocaust memorials or blazing red sun flags painted all over the World War II Memorial?