As Matt Drudge led with Dork Cycle Obama, but has finally caught up with comparing Putin and Obama in one is manly and the other is some mansexual creature, it is time to offer a reality check on Obama on wheels.
Who in their normal right mind rides a bike if you are a male, like you are either trying to hold in a tampon or are trying to not be penetrated by a bicycle seat, unless you are Barack Hussein Obama?
It is vintage Barry Soetoro in the photo of the proud 10 year old Obama riding along this time not crashing an Indonesian kids birthday party for a photo op, but acting like he just walked on the moon.
What on earth is in Obama that he is so pleased that he can ride a bike without falling off it? He grins like he just got his training wheels off.
And that penis helmet, he is wearing. He is a cross between Dukakis in that tank and Kerry in that penis suit. Who crams their cranium into a plastic condom 10 sizes too small.
Then Obama has on display his B cup man boobs. He makes one want to ghetto green vomit, the photo is so perverse and bizarre.
Then there is the tennis shoes, white socks and pants so short that they give full display to dork Obama.
In the 1950's kids like this were beat up and their parents were glad bullies did it, as it made these dufus dinks actually amount to something later in life. Obama now is just praised by other dufus dinks in the press wearing condom helmets.
Obama gives the impression too with that band across his sneakers that he has some type of stirrup to keep his foot from sliding off the pedal. You know like the kids whose mum sows in his name to his underwear, because the kid someone loses them while wearing them or safety pins his mitties to his winter jacket.
Obama doesn't even ride a man's bicycle, but some dual gender thing, which is fitting in his off grey blue color in a big boys ride.
Lastly, we see Obama needs sunglasses to keep the bugs out of his eyes, so he does not crash, but he keeps his big mouth open so much, that apparently the blow fly which Obama runs into becomes the lunch treat of the Obama dork cyclist.
One puzzling thing..........
Where is Obama's sippy cup bottle? You know that socially retarded pacifier bottle which all those patricians carry around next to their cell phones like mummies portable nipple?
Obama doesn't have one strapped to his dork cycle, his hip, his leg or his arm..........
Of course, maybe that is why Obama looks like he has a cob shoved up his ass, because maybe he has his water bottle shoved up this rectum.........as gerbils are probably in short supply at Martha's Vineyard with all the out of the closet Obamite vacationers there.
Just like everything tastes just like chicken, a water bottle to Obamasexuals on a bike must feel just like a gerbil.
Squeeze and pump Barry, and remember both hands on the bar.
I guess we should be thankful Obama doesn't do manly things like Putin in fishing......one can only imagine what Barry could do with long poles, fish and a little bondage fishing line.
Who wants to proudly admit they voted for that Obama character?
Even my deluded Aunt is blaming Congress now, even if she still clings to the guy with a water bottle stuck up his arse.