Apparently the expensive vacation remodeling of the White House was to make room for more photos of halo head, as in Obama lecturing at America over his 9/10th victory in Iraq to the world only providing 1/10th, Obama was almost squeezed out of the picture by the collage of photos of hisself.
With that aside, WHY WAS THE PRESIDENTIAL SEAL OF THESE UNITED STATES deliberately during the Obama speech disgraced in being canted at 44 degrees like 44 Obama?
This was a deliberate action by Obama, and this blog desires to know what Obama and his Marxist ilk were up to having the American Eagle looking like a dead duck, as Obama prattled on about 9/10ths of the things he was doing and 1/10th of the George W. Bush led victory given by Christ through our American Soldiers.
Obama sunk to absolute lows in terming Patriots to ilk like Murtha calling US Soldiers war criminals or Kerry stating US Soldiers were skulking about at night invading people's homes. I know for a fact that Patriots, Loyal Americans and Children of Liberty have nothing to do with the Obama traitors, aiding and abetting al Qaeda, like Jane Fonda dry humping a North Vietnamese anti aircraft gun.
Once again what was Obama stating to his globalist Islamocommunist friends in drooping the American Eagle to make the Symbol of America appear wounded, defeated and dead?
There really does not need any more commentary in this disgrace of America by Obama, again. He failed to admit George W. Bush was right along with all American Patriots in the surge and Barack Hussein Obama was wrong.
Obama could not even allow the armoured combat units leaving Iraq a daylight withdrawal in victory in liberating Iraq. No Obama had to mention he ordered them to skulk out in the pre dawn darkness, denying them and America the right of honor in victory.
Third time, why did Obama disgrace America before the world again in thee most unpatriotic of slurs in dipping the Presidential seal............in a bow to the world?
Why, why, why?????