Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bobby Jindal from his Obama hole

This is really not that important, except for the seating arrangements in the 2012 elections as there are Americans like Sarah Palin who belong driving the bus, setting the schedule, making the pick up stops........then there are people who belong emptying the latrines like Karl Rove and Steve Schmidt in their hoping they get splashed on a bit...........and then there are folks like Bobby Jindal who belong sitting in the middle of the bus, with the children, as they can't be trusted to shovel sh*t in Louisiana during the war and belong sitting with the 5th graders having adults doing the thinking for them.

That might sound harsh, but this blog is never going to forget the dark days of 2008 when Obama stole the White House. It is not going to forget how it's Microsoft, Hotmail and Google accounts were hacked. It is not going to forget how I have been on a watch list for being an American in everything I have been up to has been catalogued illegally by the Obama regime.

So when I recall that "listening campaign", you remember that with Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal were parading around the country telling us Reagan was road kill, sounding like some gay pacifist in need of testosterone and telling us that we all had to be like Obama in working with him, I tend to see red over that yet in the absolute betrayal of America by a bunch of fraud Republicans who never were Republicans.

That is who Bobby Jindal is. He was the one telling Patriotic Americans that Congress had to sit down and compromise with Obama in passing the Obama agenda.
Wonder of wonders if the GOP Senate and House had not rejected that, there would not have been a 2010 landslide for Conservatives, as America would not have had a choice.
Baby butchering frauds like Stephanie Sandlin would still be the scourge of the Congress.

So Lindsey Graham..........I mean Bobby Jindal, not apologizing as they both said the same thing, have that Obamite history. That is why it is so very interesting that Bobby Jindal now preparing to run for President of these United States has written a tell all book on Obama in how Obama tar balled the GOP Gulf and could have cared less about anything except how he looked.

Jindal stated that Obama and Emanuel staged a press event in which Barry and Dead Fish were screaming at those Louisiana folks in doin' some down home n*gger knockin' to prove to the puppy press Obama was in charge and not that RHINO Jindal sending him letters.

*Note for those who think this is racist in using Jim Webb's n*gger knockin', for historical fact, the term nigger was created in India, where Jindal comes from. It is a slang expression for negroid which this race is based on Hamite genetics.
The true base word is niggard which means black. The British derived nigger from niggardly for the dark skinned Indians compared to the Ayran cross light skinned ruling classes.

So in stating that tan man B. Hussein Obama, of mostly white and Arab origins went down to Louisiana and did some nigger knockin' on Bobby Jindal, that is exactly what Obama did in slapping around a black Asian where the term arose for those bloody damn wogs.
The last term is British too and as Obama is British, the phrase fits exactly.

I need to digress to something pleasant as Jindal and Obama being 3rd world is unappealing.
Who is pleasant is Mrs. Jindal. Talk about a baby making hottie!

She even is capable of turning the Lloyd Braun character who Jindal looks like from Seinfeld into a producer of handsome children.
If only these Conservative wives could rectify not only children but their short sighted husbands.

I must quit there or I would fill pages up in adoration of Mrs. Jindal. She is the digon'ti ageya.

Is she ever worth the rupie.

But back to Bob, as I detest grown men named Bobby or Barack, as both names sound idiotic.

So the way it reads is Bobby Jindal told Americans to be like Obama, get along with Obama and pass Obama dictates, but when Bob runs into Obama on the runway as Obama is spreading tar balls to make Louisiana his tar baby scorched earth, Bob finds out that Obama sucks the olde holy hindu cow hind tit.
Strange how Jindal could not figure this out until Obama almost exterminated Bob's state and has ruined it for a decade in stopping oil production. It was something I knew by instinct even as Bob, Jeb, Mike and whatever else Karl Rove ilk was sticking a knife into my back, leaving me all alone on point, to face Obama alone on the real issues of his being nuts, his being a Marxist and his being insane.
You children know this, the things that were so taboo and only spoken of by the early Sinclair defenders, the early Birthers who all gave rise to the Tea Party.........but now are all so mainstream that no one notices it or even bothers thanking the sappers in the wire who by God's Grace took America back.

So Bob Jindal can sit in the middle of the bus with the children, and have the adults do the thinking for him in true Bill Buckley benevolent dictatorship.

As for Jeb Bush........well let's just keep him in the front seat or he and Karl Rove are going to be blowing up the crapper and Bobby Jindal won't be able to tell his sh*t from his Obama hole.

Wouldn't it have been wonderful if Jindal had grabbed Obama and Emanuel by their ears, marched them up Air Force One's steps and told them to get the hell out of his State?

If Bob would have done that, then Mrs. Jindal would have a husband truly worthy of her digon'ti ageya.

nuff said

Nope not saying any more........nuff said is nuff said.
