Thursday, November 18, 2010

Congratulations to Kristi Noem of South Dakota

This blog offers the sincerest congratulation in Kristi Noem being elected by her freshman class to represent them in the 112th Congress at the leadership table with Speaker John Boehner and Eric Cantor.

I have it on good authority that this Sarah Palin of South Dakota, has been thee utmost in being a class act. She made certain upon being elected that she crossed the state to thank her electorate again for this honor personally in both east and west river which is all important in the coyote state.
She has made it a point from her campaign to write her supporters letters thanking them personally.

I could not be any more proud of this Lady than I have been of Ronald Reagan, and that fine class of 1994 Republicans who went to Washington to historically change that liberal dictatorial cesspool.

There have been smarmy blogs which have attempted to state that this presidential position of the freshman class is window dressing, but what this election has meant to Americans is that each son and daughter of liberty has a real person advocating for them in what the 2012 elections meant.
Mrs. Noem knows what your groceries are, because she grew them. She knows your fuel bills, because there is nothing like filling a tractor with a thousand dollar fuel bill each day in diesel.
She knows your business and employment, because she is a business woman and an employee.

I'm personally grateful to God for His election of Mrs. Noem, considering the malevolent creature of the elite she replaces.

I very much desire to thank God's Grace for the assistance of Matt Drudge in featuring Kristi Noem on his international blog. I very much thank Sean Hannity for all he did for Kristi Noem. I thank Mark Levin, for even though he, nor Michael Savage featured Mrs. Noem, their tireless work for America is but one more shovel ready job in the construction of saving America from Obama out of control everything.
There were many in this who will never be known or rewarded, but that is the way of America from our Founders in most of them have disappeared from the rolls of honor, when they literally gave life for America.

May God bless, guide and protect Kristi Noem and her family in this service to Him as Representative from South Dakota for all Americans, in direct contact now with the entire leadership of the People's House.

It was not even a year ago my children that Kristi Noem was exactly like you reading this. She was frustrated with Washington. She was unknown. She had other male Republicans who were the favorites for this job, but she phoned up a friend and said, "I don't have any money, but I'm running for the United States Congress. What do I do?"

Thank God the Lord moved this American Conservative Lady, and thank God she did what she did do, because the freshman class of 2011 is we the people. They are not lawyers, Kennedy or Bush dynasty appointees and they are not millionaires who do not know what it is like to have sick children, seeing their phone go up 20 bucks because of some Obama hidden tax, and their friends are just like you, because these people which Kristi Noem is now a leader of, are you.

She is going to need your prayers my children, as is America.


What a breath of fresh air to have real Americans in Congress again.
