Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Southern Sweet Limbaugh

I will stipulate this, that I have never watched Dancing with the Stars, nor will I ever watch those reality programs as they have no appeal in the least for me.

The reason though I will address this subject is to open the eyes to Conservatives, real Conservatives, to what Rush Limbaugh is in these Karl Rove patricians in sabotaging true Conservatives as Sarah Palin from being elected in 2012 to the Presidency.

For the background, Bristol Palin has daringly gone o ABC's Dancing with the Stars as a contestant.
Into this ABC showed what putrid audiences they have in having no class as in the first program Bristol was booed when Sarah Palin's name was mentioned.
It is but Cynthia McFadden political rape of American Ladies with Lawrence Welk dancing.

Into this Bristol has advanced through the voting over the objections of the judges who hold 50% of the voting while Americans hold the other remainder.
This has made liberals furious, to which Rush Limbaugh was addressing this on his program, but I have to ask you this, if someone kept repeating over and over like a Barbie doll with her string pulled "she is a fat frump" would you consider Rush a fan of yours or not?

This is what Limbaugh kept doing 3 times over in stating that Bristol Palin was "not the best dancer on the program". That is subtle mind conditioning and outright attacking Bristol Palin stating she does not belong on the program.
Frankly, I do get bits of this show on entertainment programs before I channel surf away, and I can absolutely state that Buzz Aldrin is not dancing star either, nor are any of these amateurs.

So why keep repeating these attacks as you are Rush Limbaugh sitting on your couch playing with you blondeberry, basically stating what liberals are that Tea Party voters are rigging the voting in subverting the elections, exactly the way Karl Rove destroyed Christine O'Donnell?

Southern Sweet is a term I use to describe southerners I have met in my life who could always find a way to say something mean and nasty to you, and make it sound like a compliment.
I once had a preachers wife tell me after I built a box for my Uncle's military medals, "Oh how nice that is, but that purple background will fade".
Of course, it is what I needed to hear as this was important to me. Needful to say, the purple has not faded in 10 years, but this belle has thankfully faded forever from my life.

So what is the difference in David Letterman making pedophile rape jokes or flatly stating that Bristol Palin should have aborted her son, compared to Rush Limbaugh repeatedly saying into the ears of Bristol Palin to hear, to voters to hear "she is not the best dancer"?

Are not both the same character rape which resounded from the lips of Karl Rove concerning Christine O'Donnell?

That is Rush Limbaugh's game. He can pretend to be Tea Party and pro Sarah Palin for MARKET SHARE as that is what he is completely concerned about, and then infuse into his commentary the same mentalist brainwashing, by repeating it in a neat psychological trick, exactly the message he wants to.
This was not by accident and is a definite as a magician's watching the girl as he picks your pocket.

It makes no difference how much defense Limbaugh spouted in this, the message he included was Sarah was booed and Bristol is not a good dancer. That is what is stuck in the defenders of the Palin's mind, and that is what Limbaugh intended.

The thing that made Limbaugh happy today in his apparently dismal life of married to his daughter and having millions of dollars was liberals are angry. Limbaugh had not one ounce of compassion or empathy in focusing beyond a moment on Bristol Palin, only giving a mention of what has endured, but even in that making it all seem like bad judgment on her part in another smear on her.

I'm surprised that Ms. Palin has lasted this long, because every judge on that panel is voting against her. That means there has to be overwhelming support for her from Americans to overcome that bias.

There are a great deal of things going on the Limbaugh program, and sabotage is one and the other is hiding the real stories which Americans should be hearing about.

Paying Elton John sodomy 1 million dollars for attacking Christ, ignoring the Tea Party until it became a force, smearing American farmers for years over bio fuels, stealing things from this blog and other writers, sabotaging John McCain's 2008 campaign with Steve Schmidt and Karl Rove, and now joining the Letterman cocktail crowd in going after Bristol Palin as you "compliment" her by not complimenting her.

Odd how that looks like David Axelrod's bio.

No difference in Arkansas lad Clinton calling Obama a "bright boy" and Missouri lad calling Bristo Palin "not the best dancer". It is all southern sweet character assassination that everyone knows exactly what is being said.
