Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Irish Date Rape

While the world starts to focus on the Simpson Boles tax hikes on Americans to fund Obama Marxism, which funnels money directly into Rockefeller controlled segments of the American society............
Oh you were not aware that what the federal government has been up to for a generation is money laundering in organized theft of billions, now trillions of dollars only going to the exact cartel industries for profit from education, welfare and defense etc... which only profits the Rockefeller and Rothschild cartels?
This cartel has this so wrapped up now that they decide which loaf of bread is covered in welfare subsidies to the very company, and the company is always the most expensive brand in being owned by the cartels.

Yupper Yanks you eat sawdust bread with no nutrition, but you are paying for Mexicans eating high on the American pork.

So while this rape of American workers continues, the Irish are experiencing a date rape from the Rothschild cartel, which they were lured into by vote in joining the EU and giving up Irish sovereignty.

Ireland says it's economy is funded until next year, but for some reason the EU is demanding the Irish take a bailout from them. This is exactly the type of "bailout" which Bank of America got stuck with when it didn't need one, but it was all about Obama control of American independent banking.
BoA took the money being patriotic and the next thing they new Obama was threatening with pitchforks from his American mob.

Exclusively I have pointed out that what is taking place around the west is not boots on the ground in invading sovereign nations, but suits on the ground.
If one tracks the "nations in trouble" in Europe, it is Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. These are the independent peoples of Europe, who never have been a willing part of the old empire system of central Europe.
This plan by the Rothschilds was well laid to entrap these nations on the old Dutch finance of debtor nations created that way to be in debt to Rothschild finance, as much as Anglo American finance was laid waste to bring Iceland, Britain and America to heel.

One does not invade nations in the new central European empire of the Hapsburgs, one instead makes those nations debtor states, and you simply buy them up in "loans".

This scam is what destroyed the South American economic trading partners created by Ronald Reagan, chief of which was Brazil which literally was turned over to European finance in defaults and just as they did to Russia, they installed communists in power to loot the nation.
Venezuela, Argentina and these United States are but the latest targets in this scheme of high international financial piracy.

There though sits the poor Irish maiden, a German hiking her skirt up as a Frog pours another bottle down her throat, telling her she will enjoy it all as it is a date.
I have explained here that Obama honestly believes his failure is he did not rape America, hard enough, fast enough and long enough, because if he did, then she would have voted Democratic in November 2010.
This is the same situation the stunned Irish are dealing with, in an exact replica of Emperor Claudius making treaty with the Icinni on Tin Island (England) and then showing up and telling his new partners, "By the way you have an empire bill due in you owe us all your food, all your women to rape and a good portion of your men as slaves to Rome."
When the Icinni refused, the Roman legions at Londomium gang raped Queen Boudicca and her daughters to send them the message of who was in charge.

I have warned you children time and again that these Eurasians are not to be gotten into bed with as they play for keeps, and rape, plunder and murder are their final solutions.

One can track this in all the northern European nations which were involved in money laundering and getting an Obama share of the US Treasury trillions have been doing famously well in this Obama Super Depression.
They should as Americans have been subsidizing these scoundrels since 1945, bankrupting America, to which America bankrupted Japan to keep it all going.

This is all the central European empire in conquest, and as they have eliminated the entire opposition on the continent, they intend a foothold in Ireland to use as their invasion base against the English and Scots.
The lesson of Herman Goering not getting it done in blitzkrieg has not been lost.

This group fully intends global domination, headquartered in their new international capital of Jerusalem, once they get the religious Conservative Jews out. They intend to replace Obama's shattered America with the Russian military as their enforcement thugs.
That is why Marxist Obama returned the Slavs to Putin rule and they wiped out the Polish Government in assassination.

Amazing in these hard times, that this cartel has had plenty of cash to buy up all of what Russia was not buying up in eastern Europe to enslave those people according to the old Nazi dogma.

This is phase two in the nice Claudius enticing goodies to the natives, before this cartel sends in the jackboots to Vichy Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Greece.

The Greeks are being helped in anarchy to invite the jackboots in as is intended. This entire subterfuge will continue, until you see those new pretty skull and crossbones parading down the streets of Ireland.
Never forget the Putin Bolshevik manifesto was about a United Europe from Dublin to Moscow. Putin wants this run from the Kremlin and this will be the sticking point which the Germans want this run from Berlin and the Rotshchilds as rulers from Jerusalem.
A little event called Armageddon boils up over what is being imitated now as everyone wants to rule the world.

Dublin is being annexed which means the western shore is secure for this empire. Meaning that America will not have a landing base to come rescue those silly Europeans again as she did twice before in history.

I would advise the Irish to eat dirt if they have to, but they had better stop taking that money from the European Empire, because that money is viewed by the cartels as a whore's payment, and they are going to come to take all the liberties these tyrannical empires always do.

Is the Nazi such a distant memory as the Soviet, that the "lesser" Europeans have forgotten what this rapine looks like as they annex your nether regions for the master race?

I really would like an answer Ireland.

In that this quote might help..........

In a Nov. 12 conference call of ECB officials, Ireland was pressed to seek outside help within days, a person briefed on the discussions said on condition of anonymity. Bundesbank President Axel Weber has called for ending the ECB’s emergency bond-buying program, which has benefited deficit-laden countries such as Ireland, Portugal and Greece.

The risk for the ECB is that buying those bonds could eventually hurt the central bank’s balance sheet, damaging its independence.

Gee I wonder who will take over the main European Bank in this scam, after they take over Ireland, and gather up all the monopolized pieces just as was done in America in 2008.

That one is rhetorical too.

Run my Irish maiden, run like Maureen O'Hara in the Quiet Man, and fight like John Wayne.
