Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanks but no thanks Turkey

Antiquity is filled with lessons about being careful who you invite in to your campfires.

King Hezekiah of Jerusalem found himself with some new eastern friends, who he showed all his kingdom, all his treasures and the splendor of the Temple Solomon built.
The Prophet warned him later, that the Babylonians would be back and steal everything the Judahites had, including their freedom.

Currently, The Edomites, those people who are modern Turks, the betrayers of all Israelites since the time their father Esau sold all he had for a pot of stew to Jacob, have a great deal of Troy memories to ponder in this time they are not inviting in Greeks bearing gifts, but have been busy inviting in Persians and now the Chicoms.

For some reason, the Turks are just ............well I know the reason and it is the end times reason in they are reverting to once again betraying Israelites in the west and Jews on their borders to the very peoples who once you invite in, they just like taking over your country and making you a slave, as they rape your women and dogs, cattle, sheep, little boys.........well and steal everything you have.

So these Islamic Turks having a great deal in American security, Jewish technology and European trade, have decided to throw in with the Chins and Persians who have a history of being a brutal as Turks are.
The Persians once ruled what is Turkey, but apparently the Muslims are nostalgic for a return to their murderous past.

In all frankness, it is time for NATO to boot Turkey out of the alliance as they are a threat to all security. It is now a given that when the Great Eurasian World War comes that Turkey will have no purpose in slowing down a Russian, Chinese and Persian invasion, but either assist them or betray the west further by using our own weapons against us.
This includes America immediately securing all of it's loaned nuclear warheads to Turkey and closing the shop door as Ankara is become a liability which is only going to become a dead weight.

In war terms, the best long range strategic asset in this is making Turkey an Islamocommunist center, because it's mountains are a choke point in military travel and in that, when the Asian spears of Russia, China and Persia attempt their underbelly thrust into Greece and Italy, it would require not that large of plutonium bomb carpeting on the invasion routes in Turkey to kill the hordes and in like manner that plutonium will absorb into all those metal tanks, trucks, artillery and rifle pieces making them forever lethal weapons for the Asians picking them up.

Nice part about metals in that they absorb radioactivity and keep on killing thereby killing an enemy silently with their own arsenal.

I realize this is far in advance of what is actually taking place, but this blog is about preparatory measures as we live in the future here, while enough people have problems catching up in the present.

So Turkey has chosen this measure of betrayal. It is meet at this point to either assist the Turkish secular military to perform a coup in cleaning out these Islamocommunists or in like manner using Turkish betrayal as a kill zone for the coming wars which the policies of B. Hussein Obama are spreading.

It is disappointing to see an entire people revert to their worst, but as one can not change that reality, it is time to prepare this chessboard, as the alternative of having 200 million raping Asians, spilling out into those pristine areas of central Europe along with invading America via Alaska, is not acceptable.
Some nations in these Obama nuclear wars are going to have to be sacrificed. As Turkey has climbed up on the platter, it is their choice, and due to their strategic choke point status, they are then a logical choice of a nuclear kill zone which will keep on killing.

Those are the choices one gets with B. Hussein Obama policy in action. Either pick the Georgians or the Turks. That is what you get with false messiahs with turban halos about their teleprompter brains.


One drumstick or two nukes