Thursday, November 18, 2010

Newsweek: Presidency too much for BLACK MEN to handle

Isn't it amazing when that white guy nincompoop George W. Bush was in the White House, that you never heard once about the Presidency too much for one man to handle, but Newsweek with Obama now in a "modern" presidency is pondering that maybe with tan man Obama that it just is all too much for one bright boy to handle.

Oh and as everyone missed it when Bill Clinton called Obama a bright boy, the reverse speech process is in play in this, in when you want to call someone a darkie you in Arkansas slur call them a bright boy.

With all the blacks in those ads online and in media, there certainly is a rubbing America's nose in the Obama of excrement, that the elites are going to make certain Americans never forget what a disaster the mongrel Obama is. (Obama defining hisself not this blog.)

Newsweek though in typical Letterman cocktail crowd gets none of this right. First Obama is not associated with shiva, the multi armed demon of India, but Obama keeps hanuman, the mansexual monkey demon in his pants to rub on in wishing for luck.
As one can tell Obama is not a "god of all things" and his choice in lesser demons and earth forces really does not put the spin on the axis when traveling the world, as the principality demons really kick the hell out of the little Obama who couldn't.

The problem is not that Obama has black blood in him. There were black African Presidents in Africa for numbers of years who did very well in being the first black Presidents in history.
The problem is not that Obama is Arabic in his Luo roots. The problem is not that Obama is Dunham white, because one can see how well Arabic Muslim dictators did, and the Dunhams certainly scammed the system to a fortune.

Barack Obama actually is a product of world elitists from the Ford Foundation, Zbigniew Brzezinski on the white side, on the black side his Cousin Odinga overthrew Kenya as a Muslim and Obama has all that Muslim mafia oil money from Wahabbists to Saddam's banker in Mr. Auchi who manufactured this tan man all with George Soros Ashkenaz direction, and those demons who this group bow down to.

See when Tony Rezko, Syrian was cooking Obama's books, Obama did fine in living in a mansion. When Slav Rod Blagojevich was the power with thug Richard Daley, Obama prospered as a politician.
When white guy David Letterman was doing the thinking for Obama, he was doing fine.

The list goes on, but the point is when Obama had all these different folks from Ashkenaz Axelrod to tan gal Val-erie Jarrett he was doing fine. Hell if Obama had just listened to Rahm Emanuel in his conniving ways, the Democrats would have swept the 2010 elections and Obama would be hailed around the world after all his rapine as the second coming of FDR communism.

The problem in all of this is not as the racists at Newsweek ponder in Obama is colored. The problem is an idiot like George W. Bush actually did a job Obama is imploding under.
A mere Texas mortal who worshipped chainsaws on vacation made it all look so easy compared to an Obama who demanded to be prayed to.

This is not about race. This is not about Obama the god. This is about a nothing little blank mind in B. Hussein Obama, who had the world do all the work for him, not be able to seal the deal with his inferior demons he has been wishing upon.
This is about the consumptive forces of Barack Obama unleashed and consuming his consumption.

Jesse Jackson could have done this job, and still looted trillions and been a success. This is not about blackness as the elite are pondering.

I do appreciate Newsweek though finally linking Obama to the Asian demon structure of India. Though not inspired they at least get a Letterman intern award for at least sucking well at failing again.

Liberals now stating that the Presidency is too much for a black man to handle.

That sounds like something Jim Webb might have said in his n*gger knockin' days.

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