Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The TSA message

Matt Drudge has been engaged in a brilliant campaign in further riling the American public over Janet Naps Napolitano in her Obama regime assault upon Americans at airports. The coverage will of course drop Obama's and Democrats poll ratings to basement levels as this is going to touch the flier crowd of employed, well to do and computer literates.
The very group who have not been touched by Obama rapine will receive a message in Napolitano KGB tactics.

I was listening to George Noury harp on Coast to Coast the need to give up our rights for safety. George has an interest in this in a frequent flier as he is terrorized and will do anything to be kept safe.
It helps getting an Obama award in being recognized for helping Veterans surprised on him by Danion Brinkley. I frankly wouldn't take money from this regime little alone any awards.

I never fly commercial so this story has not interested me, and I'm late in dealing with it, as after 9 11, an airplane is the last place I will ever be.

What is relevant is for 2 years Democrats and Naps Napolitano could have cared less about safety in not having scanners in airports. There was no security in all of these Obama years, but now this has major concerns by Napolitano.
The question is why?

I will deal with this completely in a Thanksgiving Day posting, but suffice it to state, the game has changed on the game changer and intelligence now has massive information that terrorists are going to board United States passenger jets to bring them down in mass.

Honestly, what Napolitano is doing is as worthless and stupid as her wiping snot on your sleeve to keep you safe from Obama Flu. I will not post here any details, but there are more methods than Naps has fingers to go through searches in airports, including full body scans, which will defeat these TSA measures.

Of course the proper security would have been to secure the Mexican border for two years, instead of Obama importing terrorists, but then hasn't all of that security kept us safe in making Americans be required to have passports to enter and leave Canada?
Of course it has not, no more than needing a credit card papers and marriage licenses to renew a driver's license is stopping anything.

All this Nazi homeland security bullsh*t is about is watching Americans, and it has so clogged the system that the terrorists are able to elude the surveillance.

So the TSA is in a panic, and Naps Napolitano after wasting her first year in snot research and setting up Americans in Hutatree, now has those real terrorists inside America.

Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama should be indicted on criminal misconduct as they took a George W. Bush secure America and turned it into a fondle and frisk Soviet state abusing it's Citizens.
This is the face of absolute failure and in the Thanksgiving piece which will publish, I will explain why the situation has changed, as the terrorists did not attack America with real operations for two years in protecting Obama their secular Muslim.

The terrorists are no longer protecting B. Hussein Obama. The game has changed and that is why Naps Napolitano is scrambling, because she knows the deal has been broken.
