Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ran like a duck, walks like a duck, is a lame duck

I do not forget when the innocent like Sarah Palin or the infirmed like her son, Trig, are brutalized by Obama and his ilk. It is not by job to forgive them, as that is God's business in dust off my shoes.

What I do remind readers of though is when Barack Hussein Obama was on the Jay Leno Show, making cracks about Special Olympics Children, that this blog noted that the reason Barack Hussein Obama was attacking those children, was because those mentally retarded and physically handicapped youngsters somewhere in Obama's past actually had beaten him in sporting contests.

There was a story which ran as Obama slumped into Indonesia, his legally adopted Islamic home which made him a full secular Muslim and a citizen of Indonesia, that Mr. B. Hussein Obama had a gay that is not the story, but it does beg the question just how swinging from the lez b friends fraternity Stanley Ann was?
Was this the reason she dumped Lolo Soetoro in like Hillary Clinton, Mama Stan went slumming in hiring it done with a tongue to fingerlickin' good delights, just like all the western Bill Maher perverts who plague the region in preying on women and children in sex perversion?

One has to remember this was late 1960's when liberal women were still accusing their husbands of being gay to get divorce settlements and being queer in Indochina Islamic Asia was not exactly something one promoted.
Yet Mama Stan chose for her housekeeper a lesbian when most people would not expose children to any of that in the 60's.

So why get a gay gal into your house specifically?

Yeah walks like a duck doesn't it.

What I do not digress to though is the purpose of this blog in reality in not Stanley Ann Dunham was bi sexual, created that way due to being raped as a girl by the sex machine perverts Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall Davis, but B. Hussein while mummy was soiling the sheets with the launderess was out running like a duck in races, because he was by heritage not an African athlete, but a British subject English twit.

Was there a day when all the little short Indonesian boys and girls, who did not run like ducks, waddling about, falling down, tripping over their feet, that Barry Soetoro found some crippled child, suffering from mongolism and challenged the kid to a race............and this Special Olympics child soundly defeated web footed Barry?

Did Barry in losing that race challenge the SO to a basketball horse shooting contest to only be drubbed again?

Is this the fixation which Obama has with basketball in playing it with gay males in he likes rubbing around on them in lesiban fashion, and trying to forever erase the day that the Special Olympics child in Indonesia beat him at basketball?

People always are focused on what is on their minds and people are always when suffering psycopathy like Obama gravitate to activities to relive or rectify their past.

We know that Obama ran like a duck in Indonesia. We know he still has major problems in mom jeans baseball first pitches in walking like a duck, and we know that Obama ushered in deliberatel the greatest defeat for Democrats in history so Obama could be a lame duck.

Why would the Axelrod and Jarrett machine allow a story to be pushed about a lesbian for mummy's house that Barry was flossing in and that little Barry was running like a duck?

What is it that the puppy press is trying to tell the world?

agtG 278

Pay attention children as I'm on to something here.

You too Elton Blonde as you haven't stolen anything from here for a few. Scared God is going to collect my royalites...........

Our love is alive and so we begin
Foolishly layin' our hearts on the table
Stumblin' in

Our love is a flame burnin' within
Now and then fire light will catch us
Stumblin' in

Wherever you go, whatever you do
You know these reckless thoughts of mine
Are followin' you

I've fallen for you whatever you do
'Cause baby, you've shown me
So many things that I never knew

Whatever it takes
Baby, I'll do it for you

Our love is alive and so we begin
Foolishly layin' our hearts on the table
Stumblin' in

Our love is a flame burnin' within
Now and then fire light will catch us
Stumblin' in

You were so young
Ah, and I was so free
I may have been young but baby
That's not what I wanted to be

Well, you were the one
Oh, why was it me
'Cause baby, you've shown me
So many things that I'd never seen

Whatever you need
Baby, you got it from me

Our love is alive and so we begin
Foolishly layin' our hearts on the table
Stumblin' in

Our love is a flame burnin' within
Now and then fire light will catch us
Stumblin' in
Ah, stumblin' in, mmm, stumblin' in

Now and then fire light will catch us
Stumblin' in
Oh, stumblin' in, I'm stumblin' in

Foolishly layin' our hearts on the table
Stumblin' in