The problem with all of that is not that Beck provides no proof, but that Glenn Beck is George Soros, although on a lesser paygrade and on a much shorter leash, where Soros can boot Jews out of Georgia and almost start a nuclear war, Beck only can say Obama is a racist or something and by "miracle" have his ratings go from nowhere to the deluxe apartment in the sky.
People who are around me a great deal soon enough start quoting me with a familiar phrase in, "All these folks feed from the same money bag and they are all the same".
It is true in the same high salaries of all come from the same money pit, which is shelled out to various right and left factions to pit the free peoples against each other in see saw political elections, so one thinks they are empowered and the other is empowered later, as the real power is slowly accumilated at a central police state force.
No accidents in Mr. Obama gave Interpol carte blanche in America. It is all a progression of the police state controlling the impoverished mob if it ever is fomented into revolution.
Do you really believe Howard Stern is worth 400 million dollars in a Sirius contrat? Do you think that money just flows into Rush Limbaugh at the Oprah salaries?
Do you really think anyone ever watched Cagney and Lacey or is now watching that juvenile new Hawaii Five O?
Ratings don't mean a thing when it comes to the "reasoning" of the message to affect the masses.
I have explained that Keith Olbermann doesn't believe half of what he says. He simply sold his soul for the million dollar rant as a counter to Limbaugh.
Why do you think the liberals have turned on Olbermann? It is because he is not really one of their open shirt in the shower gropefest of Karl Rove extraction. It was a turf war among the gay toughs and Olbermann had to be roughed up like that Rick Sanchez was for daring to speak the truths about Jon Stewart.
It is a money whores game.
Glenn Beck was given a job to crack the GOP into two divisions like Ariel Sharon did Israeli conservative in Kadima, to seize power, run through Rothschild mandates and drive right wing Jews out of the Jewish state.
That is what Beck was ranting about at CPAC and it is what this cartel has been about since Hugo Chavez day one, in making America into an Italian ruling majority always in chaos at 23% of the vote being the majority.
So when it comes to George Soros "behind Wikileaks", Glenn Beck gets it half assed Mitt Mormon right, as Soros just happens to be the face like Warren Buffett in being the judas goat leading Bill Gates to the slaughter.
The Rothschilds aren't going to put their mugs into this, so they promote an embezzler like Soros, who they protect from all retaliation.
For those who whine and worry about Julian Assange being knocked off, I have told you that Assange is working this from the inside and Soros is funding it. Assange could not be safer than if his name was Putin.
Soros though is just a bag man, who would have been sanctioned by British intelligence for his attack on the Pound, except for the fact that the Rothschilds run this in England and Europe.
The entire Wikileaks intelligence operation is run out of central Europe. It was geared at assassinating pro American Muslims first and in this latest manifestation it took out Hillary Clinton and put Richard Holbrooke tits up. Soon enough financial chaos will erupt from these leaks as we have been promised this, and it will be more wholesale looting.............which is intended to cover up all those Obama bucks Tim Geithner has been cooking the books for years in bribes to the cartel.
I warned exclusively this was a multi level operation in numerous strategies and outcomes were playing out from stealing money, to Obama keeping power, to imploding the west so a new order will arise from the old Austrian Mayer fold and this is the start of the reel of the great Eurasian War meant to cement this absolute control.
Children, America was used for this process for a generation by this cartel to rule the world. When this transfers back into feudal Europe, imagine a generational draconian absolute rule where the masses are tindered like livestock as these elite always have intended.
The dinosaur is coming back from extinction and Glenn Beckasoros is the tiny lizard from the Garden of Eden all serpentine coiling around the world of the Obama abyss.
George Soros is a bug compared to the secular Ashkenaz principalities in this. Soros met with Obama and ordained him for the cartels, but Soros does not even get to stand by the table of the elite...........if he did, his face would never be seen in the mass media.
He is a money whore and Glenn Beck like most of this punditry are two bit whores.
It is all too much for Beck sometimes in he ranted his way into an interview that sounded like he was interchangeable with Chris Matthews........duh he is, but even in that pundit suicide he tried to commit, a soul selling deal is a deal, and Glenn Beck is hired to an unbreakable contract for a job to do, and by satan he will fulfill that contract.
So Glenn pokes his Faustian finger at the serpent head of George, which is nothing but a tale within a tail, as the real head never surfaces except to have a photo once in awhile so the cartel priests of this rite can stroke their egos as they are still human and satan expects to be adored.
It is that Obama thing, he just can't help hisself, like father of lies like son of deception.
There are myriads of these fleas like Soros and Beck. One can never get rid of them all and not get bit. All one can do in God's Grace is take a job from Stephanie Herseth Sandlin while all the rest fail in their Harry Reid ventures of 2010.....it proves the point, but none of the Mark Levin's or Sean Hannity's want to examine just how what was accomplished here was failed at in mass on their parts.
It all works out so much easier if you know the rules, play by them and know the players.
There is something tranquil in the solitude of the caracajou. The song of the place played by the temperature of the trail. I know this place and whose tracks are placed upon it by God given instinct. The silence sings as a monster alive in what dwells there which is felt and not seen.
Playing with bark beetles who think they are the caracajou in a man's hand does not fool the handler. There the hands allow the tracks upon the screen to scrawl the beetle for the insect it is.............never missing the caracajou for all it is as in boredom the hand waits for the real leviathan to show.
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