Playin' with my balls
Playin' with my balls
I'm an 30 year old jock
In a child's game
Not givin' a fock
Baskin' in the fame
Lookin' for Canton's glory halls
Playin' with my balls
It is startling, well it isn't in the least, that Newsbusters in their football fixation, that Noel the coward Shepherd has not busted Randy Moss........probably because I'm not there to tell those Obamites about this monetary thief robbing the NFL.
For those who do not know Randy Moss, Moss is a fraud. He is equal to the Sosa McGuire fake baseball home run battle, except in a Moss with Daunte Culpepper of the Minnesota Vikings, the NFL in seeking to blackophile the NFL to prove them black folks could win it all on their own, let Dennis Greene install the worst racist franchise in history..............and the NFL with referees allowed Moss and Culpepper play like Michael Jordan did untouched by defenses to wow the fans.
Oh yes, you didn't comprehend that did you, that the black players in professional sports who were highlighted were given carte blanche to play while other black players got their brains beat in and now can only eat mush from all the concussions they took.
Randy Moss is a sociopath according to WLS Chicago. He is a brute who beats on women, ran over a Minneapolis female traffic officer with his car, wiped his ass on the goal posts during a game and has repeatedly stolen owners money by not playing while under contract.
That last fact noted is now the newsbuster call here that the NFL owners in New England, Minnesota and Tennessee should openly file a lawsuit demanding the money Moss has embezzled from those teams in not playing, be returned to those teams.
Moss started his current poutfest when Tom Brady of the Patriots got a record contract. Moss started bitching and then Moss quit playing. The Patriots had enough after the Miami game and dumped him on Minnesota which destroyed the Vikings season as Moss was caught openly not finishing plays again.
Minnesota fired him and the Titans picked up Moss, and in an amazing thing, the Titans have not won a game since Moss showed up. In fact, Moss was benched, because he is not playing. All Moss is doing is stealing the NFL's money and flipping fans the bird as he smugly takes a check he has not earned.
Moss has a history of bad things following him, in Bret Favre was just fine at Minnesota, but the day Moss shows up, a story was planted about Favre and Jenn Sterger. Minnesota's season tanked after that in a very strange repeat if Dennis Greene racism unstrung aimed at players not playing for Farve who were black.
The Titans have gone into meltdown and it all goes back to Randy Moss.
Randy Moss is a pariah. He is a con artist lunatic. After he was booted from Minnesota the first time and ended up in Oakland as the MOSSTAKE. Moss figured out the game in the press to find dimwits in his team who could be easily manipulated. Moss would be "friends" with them, and they in turn like dolts would always fill the press with nice remarks about Moss in a clever spin game.
That is what Randy Moss has been up to for years now, and in his current thievery it is time for Roger Goodell to once do something right instead of liberal, and ban Randy Moss from the NFL for stealing money from the franchises.
Brad Childress the head coach of Minnesota was fired because of what Moss did to that team. Childress should hire an attorney and file a lawsuit in the hundreds of millions against Moss for ruining his career.
This is serious what Randy Moss has been up to. He does not belong in the NFL as he has cheated fans for years, cheated other players and cheated the owners. Once again, the three teams Moss stole from in not playing should take their money back and Goodell should immediately ban Moss for life from the NFL.
This con freak does not belong anywhere near Canton Ohio, which is Moss' angle after he alone wins a Super Bowl..........yes that is what Moss bragged early in his career. He and Culpepper were so talented that they would win the big one alone, and didn't need these other twerpy players on the roster.
Moss is ilk like his former coach Mike Tice in the Love Boat scandal, in far too many liberals have made excuses for Randy Moss.
It is time the NFL rectify this as it has with Michael Vick which did Mr. Vick a world of good.
Ban Randy Moss from the NFL.