Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Too Obama to be True

This blog was stunned when it read that Barack Hussein Obama was about to do something positive for America in opening oil drilling, but then upon examination, it was revealed again, to be too obama to be True.

Yes making America energy self sufficient is not in the least what Obama has intentions for. It is instead encapsulated in this quote:

Obama, who wants Congress to move a stalled climate change bill, has sought to reach out to Republicans by signaling he is open to allowing offshore drilling, providing coastlines are protected.

Yes Bearick and his derrick are literally trying to bribe Republicans with offshore oil drilling, so Obama can bring back Al Gore fraud climate change, which is nothing but trillions more in taxes and siphoning money which America does not have out of the economy.
When in doubt, never doubt Barack Obama to break the law of America again and again, in reverting to his 3rd world heritage of bribes, bribery and Obamary........acting as the enticing nipple for the victim to suckle upon.

The scam in this is Obama is holding out the bribe of oil drilling, but Obama at the same time is deliberately rolling back the Bush Administrations opening up of offshore oil drilling off the Virginia coast which was to start in 2011, next year.
Understand this, that the Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is incensed over what Obama has been up to. See Obama lets Russia and China drill for oil just south of Virginia in Cuba, but Obama will not allow Americans states, to drill for their own American oil with American companies.

So Obama is a farce in doing always what he says is policy, but in reality it screws America over every time.
In that, when I first read the headline, I was pondering about writing the first positive piece on Barack Obama actually doing something American, but in review it was just another Obama fraud.

The real kicker in this is this Obama statement:

Obama, who wants Congress to move a stalled climate change bill, has sought to reach out to Republicans by signaling he is open to allowing offshore drilling, providing coastlines are protected.

There is not in any way coastlines can be protected and Obama knows it. Spills happen always in the oil industry and shippers actually are paid bonuses for not spilling oil.
For Obama to state the issue is based on coastlines being protected is like asking Congress to ensure that North Carolina will be protected when the next hurricane comes.

So alas dear readers, do not fear ever that Barack Obama with tanking poll numbers, his destroying America and the Democratic party, while exposing the United States to nuclear oblivion that Bearick and his derrick will ever do anything right.

Nope, Mr. Obama resorts to subterfuge and bribery once again as American jobs disappear, American industry whithers and Americans are being gouged again by massive price hikes in what they pay for fuel.

How about making Barack Hussein Obama pay for the fuel in Air Force One, Marine One, the beasty car and for heating and cooling the White House. Maybe the multi millionaire Barry will get the point them when expenses are coming out of his own pocket as they do for Americans.

State's Rights, the 10th Amendment, the cure for Mr. Obama coquette crimes.


Yes we have no bananas

Wall Street Journal Confirms Lame Cherry Hutatree Assessment

I give all credit to God's Inspiration in all that happens in this blog as time and again what is posted here is proven correct in time.

This blog was moved immediately in scenting something was Obama wrong in the Hutatree event, which has now transformed into the Hutatree Conspiracy from Obama Inc. in daily new information is leaking out proving this was an Obama set up event and with the fingerprints on this from the Clinton era, it is evident this is Jamie Gorelick compartmentalized and being run directly out of the White House.
From the silence of Direct Mueller of the FBI, it is evident that he has been isolated as much of the FBI has and this is running through a directive in who this looks like in Janet Reno's tenure in this is all Eric Holder.

The most damning of information was found when the indictment was unsealed in Court, because Justice screwed up in using the wrong middle name on the Hutatree leader.
I am not going to name the people in Hutatree as they really do not matter. They simply were patsies in this and using Hutatree is more efficient as the real problem is in the operations which are being carried out in finding patsies in order to condition Americans to accept greater Obama operations which are coming.

When I warned readers here of this operation and other operations were only needing the the trigger date to initiate as I know these operations from the protocols, the Wall Street Journal proved it in the unsealed indictment with this quote:

The indictment said Hutaree had practiced attacks and other military maneuvers for more than a year.

This is the damning part in the more than a year, because it opens the question in how does the government know Hutatree was on maneuvers for more than a year unless it was involved in, or had been monitoring them.
What this logically deduces to is, one of the other militias who had an FBI mole reported this Hutatree group and it was simply put into a file and monitored as nothing was expected of it.

Remember the more than a year because Mr. Obama has been in office just over a year. This means that from January 20th, Eric Holder was sent on a Saul Alinksy mission to find a perfect patsy group to initiate future operations for Obama political gain.

The situation in this reveals this was top level in a real FBI agent was sent in to stoke the situation: The WSJ quote:
The grand-jury exhibit included sworn testimony of a law-enforcement officer that Mr. Piatek "is the person known by a Cooperating Witness and an undercover FBI agent to be the person who participated in the criminal violations" detailed in the indictment.

Translated this situation went like this:

Hutatree had a gathering and said agent was sent in to stoke up the situation in 2009 as Hal Turner was told to stoke up the situation with white supremacists.

The conversation would have been led on these not too educated Hutatree people to condition them into thinking about the anti Christ, and then what would they do?

Then it would be something about, "Those terrorists in the Middle East are sure giving it to our boys there," what would you do?

The conversation being led would connect the dots against the US government, mentions of Obama noted as the anti Christ with and then what would you do?

The real steering in mentioning how terrorists attack using IED's, how Charlie Manson attempted this same plan and how real followers of Christ have to prepare, were mere pointing to probable websites and information. This would then evoke the stoked up reaction intended and the guys in militia uniforms happily feeling their power from the agent provocateur, put up a website with videos to damn them when the smear was intended.

Push a patsy on the road they are standing, and then the next "what would you do" has them saying in fantasy they would attack a local police officer in an expanded scenario they were led to.
The local police are then warned they are in danger which causes the appropriate reaction, and, the BATF is sent in after being showed all these videos and select recordings of audio to ramp them up in the hope that a David Koresch shoot out occurs.

Who are the "experts" the Wall Street Journal trots out in this?

Heidi Beirich, director of research for the Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, Ala., said Hutaree has a MySpace page listing more than 300 "friends," some of which are members of other militia groups. The election of Barack Obama as the country's first African-American president has galvanized some white supremacist in parts of the militia universe. Domestic terrorism from armed groups not connected to Islamic ideology is possible, said Lydia Khalil, a counter-terrorism researcher at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

What a surprise the Southern Poverty Law Center which smears Americans non stop and the CFR which in league with Bill Gates just said they use vaccines to crop a billion people.

The likely "witnesses" are all in force in this and this operation is going full steam ahead as Americans have been conditioned for over a year now to expect this and when the next violent operations occur, they will accept that too.

Violence is a key element in this as the BATF went in expecting a fire fight, when in reality they were dealing with a bunch of people who had no intention of fighting anything. There were no bombs found and there was no resistance.
What did Hutatree do when BATF showed up? They phoned another militia for help. They in essence submitted and dialed 911 unless the call was from another mole attempting to induce a firefight which would play directly into this.

The very actions of the Hutatree in compliantly being arrested reveals everything being stated about them is not what their psychology is.

This is not a widespread operation in the federal government and is being run as compartmentalized as the Clinton operations in New York in the first Twin Towers, Ruby Ridge, OKC and Waco.
This patterns for those who took the bait and blamed George W. Bush for the Twin Towers, exactly what this blog stated in 9 11 was an inside Clinton operation being run to embarrass Bush, but went out of control. It was all compartmentalized as this is.
This is mirror image of the operations run against Lawrence Sinclair which started out with Kennedy Axelrod bribery and embarrassment of Joseph Farah in covering the story, and then graduated to the thuggery involving the Biden Syndicate and other federal agencies.

The key component of the Clinton group was operating in Plamegate in the attempted coup on President Bush. Patrick Fitzgerald was rewarded, destroyed Rod Blagojevich and is now in charge of all US Attorneys, the same US Attorney in Michigan now prosecuting this Hutatree group in a federal conspiracy.

This is all being tied to smear Christians as Janet Napolitano already listed Christians as state enemies. This was an over year long operation which begs the damning question.............

In the federal government's own indictment.........

The indictment said Hutaree had practiced attacks and other military maneuvers for more than a year.

Ask the obvious if Hutatree was going to assassinate a Michigan Police Officer for over a year, why did Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder not arrest these people in February 2009?

Think on that one, if Hutatree who simply laid down and were arrested like sheep having collars put on them, why if they were practicing these terror attacks did not Obama arrest them immediately, but waited until after the Gauntlet Gate was initiated by Lewis, Frank and ABC at Tea Partiers?
That is the reason in this was designed to be sprung now, and it is evident in the past operations in this Obama group, that there are due dates about to be sprung to build this story which has a recurring theme of Obama, racism, Christians and armed Citizens tainting the military.

The second phase of this might be a Gordon Kahl incident in another media event of another public statement of the crushing power of the federal government or it might be graduated to a New York subway attack as the public is being conditioned for another 9 11 phase three. The essence being though these operations are underway in plug and play all across America in all of our states.
If you doubt this, observe the quote in the Wall Street Journal in the FBI agent running this Michigan operation:

FBI agent Andrew Arena called Hutaree "an example of radical and extremist fringe groups which can be found throughout our society."

The Obama FBI just said America is filled with what they define as terror groups and Agent Arena tipped the Obama hand in this is going to spread in epic proportions as the Obama police state brings this to your community and you start wondering how all these people you know are nothing like the federal police are smearing them as.
Sounds like Scooter Libby being pursued by Patrick Fitzgerald and ending up in prison for something he was not being investigated for.

And what were the evil things and damning evidence the Obama government seized to prosecute the Hutatree group?

".....spent about three hours searching the premises, taking, among other things, Bibles, her cellphone, notebooks, a camouflage military jacket and a belt buckle reading, "God, Guns and Guts."

Note America, Bibles were removed to be used as evidence in a trial against Americans. That is worth repeating in Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder are going to prosecute Americans on what is written in their Bibles.

This is just the start. Obama Inc. is tripping the wires in producing the situations to their benefit, all to neutralize key political groups and to taint Sarah Palin for 2012.

agtG 259

Wall Street Journal exposes Obama Hutatree Conspiracy

Janet Reno 2010

It is pleasing to see the information this blog provides soaking the fruited plains as it alerts Americans exclusively in first stories posted on situations like Gauntlet Gate, the lies reported by ABC with Barney Frank and John Lewis running by Tea Partiers and the exclaiming things were said and done which no evidence is found with cameras and ear with eye witnesses around.

What is developing now though is more than attacks on the GOP, Conservatives, Rush Limbaugh, FOX, Sean Hannity, to the smears against the Pope, Veterans and Jews, but there is a direct Bill Clinton summer of 1995 operational repeat developing with the staged events in Michigan and Ohio with these Hutatree followers which this blog has exclusively dissected again first.

Examine for a moment why Michigan was chosen by Obama Napolitano Holder and is an ever increasing corrupt US Attorney group in doing NeoProg bidding.
Michigan is it not home of the Canadian Democratic governor and a Democratic brooding wing to carry out this type of smear, so that local State Police are federalized in following Obama orders.

Now kindle this in the first reports coming out of Hutatree in two groups were apparently the focus in speaking on this issue. One was terrorist backing CAIR of the Islamists who received a call from the major media alerting them AS CAIR WAS HOLDING AN EVENT.

That looks coordinated by the Obama Muslim mafia.

The second one is the focus of other "militias" as spokesmen for this Hutatree in their stating Hutatree was too radical even for them. In noting Hal Turner being utilized by the FBI in keeping tabs on the white supremacists, it is a definite that the FBI has these militias infiltrated and is steering them.
So when one hears comments from the militias one is hearing what Obama wants as the message coming out of them.

In that, this combines to showing a pro Obama state, media meant to smear, militias spying on Hutatree, and in most likelihood one of those arrested or one who escaped was in fact a mole supplying information and as Hal Turner was ordered, they stoked the situation up, so the federal police could be sent in to smear this group for the effort of smearing the bigger catch.

I have already stated this and will repeat it, in logic dictates that the one person who Obama has been after to ruin from day one in this is Sarah Palin. She outwitted them in Alaska, but what appears as the coming target will be a smear using violence against Gov. Palin, exactly how the Murrah Building attack in Oklahoma was utilized by Bill Clinton immediately to attack Rush Limbaugh and talk radio listeners.

This is all appearing on schedule in Terry Moran of ABC was trotting out the Southern Poverty group again as the lord god judge of all of this on another Nightline smear on Monday night.

What needs to be looked at in this, as this is the same Clintonista operatives running these chosen operations in lie, deny and vilify, the same patterns should point to upcoming Obama wag the dog events.
This blog is going to endeavor to bring this out now in an attempt that if enough Americans learn of this, that it is hoped the Obama operations against Americans will be short circuited so no one is smeared and worse yet as Oklahoma City proved, people die in mass for political operation.

The militia was used extensively during the Clinton years, so it is reasonable that the same type of conditions should prevail in the upcoming operations. Poor, rural and trusting states like Idaho and Oklahoma were deliberately chosen, as much as "fringe" communities who had people like the Branch Davidians and Hutatree.
What factors into this is New York City was held up as an exclamation point several times in Americans there being murdered in mass to shock the nation into going along with something needs to be accomplished by the NeoProgs in power.

The seeds of Hutatree should reveal an operational repeat on a grander scale by Obama Inc. As police were targeted and bombs again, one notes the same links in Bill Ayers in military and bombs again in New York before he undid he operation in executing his own people.

This Midwest region was good chatter to intimidate the rednecks and keep this flowing from Pennsylvania, Chicago, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Minneapolis leftist media outlet chatter to condition the masses as ABC once again does it on a national scale.

This pattern should repeat under Obama as the Clinton protocols offered. Why this matters people is this is not something which is planned, but THESE ARE EVENTS IN THE PIPELINE, BEING RUN BY ASSETS ANSWERING TO OBAMA and UPON THE TRIPWIRE DATE will be initiated.
Do not forget in this that Obama runs things on odd timetables of deploying troops in surges and leaving Obamacare "rest" until a date of his choosing, when it turns out odd events like terrorists are imported into Afghanistan or Hutatree shows up as a willing patsy.

This Obama operation appears that the likely focus will be Sarah Palin and the Tea Party to be linked to all of this. In deduction, it would not be out of bounds if a Palin book were planted and tickets were found from a Tea Party event in the debris.
If one recalls after 9 11, the passport of a terrorist was found on a New York City street from the planes. That is a bit much, but operations plant steering evidence and as one observes Axelrod and Jarrett, this group for Obama smears and steers with precision.

If the Clinton protocols are being used as a template, then Hutatree is an opening in which BATF will once again appear, but note that the puppy press was trying to hide BATF under the FBI so the FBI would be the focus of the stories, as Americans trust the FBI and other alphabet agencies they are leery of. What will follow by Obama Inc. then should be events in a western state with a smoke rising event in New York City as this group for some reason picks New York constantly to instill fear in America.
Yes New York has media outlets, but when one observes the destruction of two New York Governors and attacks perpetrated there, something else is occurring as they treat New York City like a Brzezinski chessboard.

So the west would be a focal point to divide it from the east as in OKC, with probable planted locally created firearms to undo that State's Rights Laws concerning firearms and ammunition sweeping America.

Logic dictates from the operations Obama Inc. has been running against numerous groups, including the CIA in attacking it, that what will follow will be violence which is known and allowed to happen for a political agenda which will result in innocent people dying. This is what this blog seeks to stop as these are people and not sheep for the slaughter of Obama national socialist policy and to tamper with the 2010 and 2012 elections in smearing Gov. Palin and the Tea Party movement.

There are monitors who read this blog as has been evidenced of this past week who are involved in NSA etc... They have the information and they can note patterns, and Obama Inc. is patterning now in a violent way in using good federal employees as shills for the Obama federal police state.

This blog hopes that this does not initiate, but if it does, the record will be for the public to mull over and educate themselves, as if Sean Hannity and others can spot the fraud perpetrated on them for Obama politics, they are not going to be isolated events, as Obama Inc. just like Nazi Germany is coming for all Americans standing in their way, and they are going to run operations on every single one of them to silence the body America.

God bless.

agtG 241

Obama the Confederate

Dear Lame Cherry,

As a head of state, I would appreciate your being the genetic parent of our nation, for no one is so transcendentally gifted to produce a generation of offspring to lead the world into the 22nd century.

Sincerest regards,

name withheld

You know folks, the globalists had this all about cooked in the American frog in the international frying pan, until Barack Hussein Obama came along.
The internationalists about had the United States in the North American Union, America was being bred out of existence with illegals and Americans had their pockets picked clean with the BATF beating sons of liberty over the head in intimidation, and the along comes Obama and turns the flame up too much and instead of frogs on the fire, it is Tea Party on the fire, turning up the heat on traitorous Democrats.

Barack Obama for his communist cause is thee greatest catastrophe for the left in world history. He is like marrying a burka girl in Tehran and unwrapping her to find she is a hairy guy named Ahmed who cooks and cleans well.
You know in the American old west, the military employed a number of laundresses who were big ugly women, a Soldier would marry one and sometimes it was found out the big ugly woman was a big ugly Mexican guy when they died. Hard to believe but some of them married troopers........which is about as odd of financial don't scratch and don't yell policy ever heard of.
In those days though when the husband was found out, he simply shot hisself as people had morals of some sort back them.

Of course in this big ugly Obama world where Obama plays the girl and Muchelle is the hoeing gardening man thing, Obama doesn't even realize that he is on a suicide mission. One has to understand that the globalists never make mistakes as everything is calculated to their best advantage.
The send Obama in on a suicide mission, knowing full well he might get everything and he most likely instead will cause a  bigger catastrophe in a rebellion, but in that, the Rothschilds have this panned out too.

When Obama pushes America enough and she begins to fragment, which is exactly what is occurring as more states daily are joining to sue the American Obama system, that is exactly the chaos these Europeans set up in 1860 for the Civil War. This financial cartel meant to destroy the American economy and create a massive war debt they would hold on America, and thereby enslave America to the European system.
Abraham Lincoln defeated this scheme by selling bonds to fund the war.

Obama though with his benefactors have factored this in, in ruining the bond markets, ruining the US Treasury and ruining America's debt equity.
To further enslave America, Obama has put in all of these massive stealth taxes in Obamacare. I heard one American note a reality that insurance providers are being forced to eat losses this entire year. This makes sense as AT&T was to eat 1 billion dollars in health costs in the first quarter which would factor in 4 billion for AT&T losses in one year alone.
All of these companies are sitting on massive debt structures which they can not absorb, which as this blog noted will create massive inflation spikes as they start passing this onto consumers.
If the insurance industry has to sit on losses for a year until after Democratic elections so the Obama fraud of "no price rises" will be maintained until after the elections, they will in January start spiking premiums to make up for all their losses the previous year.

This stands to be an even greater massive inflationary spike than the one in Obama looting the Treasury. No one has factored this in, the puppy press is covering this up, Obama is lying about it and Americans are going to see massive price rises for years to come.

This degenerative change of Obama though is exactly a mirror of the 1860 period which works to the globalists advantage as Obama strangles America, this means the Eurasians will fill that void in China, Russia and the central Europeans.

Each will start moving into their new spheres. The United Nations under Obama just gave Russia permission to control the old Soviet orb, which no doubt will please eastern Europeans immensely in that terror threat. This is made available as Obama weakens the American military and nuclear deterrent.
Where Obama abandons, the Eursasians will move in to dominate.

The key in this is that as Obama fragments the United States with replacing Americans with Mexicans, using SEIU union thugs as his Himmler propaganda wing the way MoveOn was utilized with George Soros, that America will be distracted, impoverished and too busy trying to save herself from Obama  slaughter than to get involved in allied world events.

One knows things are immensely bad in the world with Obama policy when the Jews and Arabs are finding common enemies and are banding together to try and deal with Brzezinski and Obama's Persian communists.

For that reason, it is concluded that Barack Hussein Obama was placed into power for the expressed reason of not getting any of these whacked out Islamic Marxist policies to hold, but Obama was waging war on Americans and as they rise up to fight back, their will be in that distraction an avenue for other world powers who Obama answers and bows to, to fill the void.
This is a doctrinal Civil War which Obama is waging in his Confederacy against the Union.

This blog notes in Obama singling out Catholics, Patriots, Tea Partiers, Republicans, Conservatives, Entrepreneurs and now the stoking of things in this bogus drama of the Hutatree Christian Militia, which appears as staged as the Clinton operations which means more stoking of the flames will deliberately fueled by the Obama gasoline on the fire.
Obama fully intends to keep stoking this until shots are fired and then they can take this to new levels which the Clintons were scared away from after the blew that Mother's brains out at Ruby Ridge and incinerated the Branch Davidian's children.

Obama is not about bankrupting America, but is about dividing America in Obama the Confederate. Unlike though Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, Obama is not loyal to any American State, Obama's confederacy is in the European order and that is where he put the looted American money and where he has been busy implementing the mandates from.

Barack Obama is the strangest creature of all in not being European he is loyal to that cartel of finance due to his hatred of America from his mother abandoning him. Obama's psychological transference of the disdain for his mother has been placed on changing America in a most brutal way.
It is hoped as this blog warned this was all coming in these smears against the Tea Party which no evidence backs up what  ABC says happened as Democrats made claims, that it was delayed by being reported here, and it is hoped that the NSA, FBI and other censors who in Eschelon keep grabbing chunks of this blog in Janet Napolitano harassment, that the human factors start reading some of this and begin asking if this is what they really signed up for in the breaking up of America just enough so globalists can rule the world from Europe.

From the schizophrenic reaction the intelligence community has revealed concerning this blog in one minute some nation or group is ploughing through this page like a bulldozer to the next when a monitor reads what is going on here and figures out it is actually a positive site and the filters are taken off again, that it proves there are good people with open minds in the intelligence community who are like Ed Koch in figuring out that Obama's Jewish Holocaust and his Kristallnacht against the Jewish Government is something no one desires a part of, even if shill Frank Rich is attempting to use those terms in smearing Americans with that propaganda.

This is the same nefarious European empire which tried to destroy America in 1860, but for God's Grace America was saved, as frankly America has just as many Democratic crooks and people who didn't give a damn then as now. God guided the better angels of American nature and that is why America endured.
This time though is different as Obama and the Europeans have created the massive debt which Lincoln like George W. Bush thwarted in bond sales. Obama has his Mexican revolutionaries as the South had their loyalists and Obama has his Muslim terrorists as the cartel had it's Indian terrorists on the plains to distract America.

The plan is old and is being carried out again this  time to the completion Obama's benefactors desire. Every thing Mr. Obama has done has harmed America. There is no recovery. There are no jobs created. There is no peace and there is only a greater inflation of prices robbing Americans.
I doubt Americans will wake up to the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is an agent of change for the globalists and is not working for the American people until American is a pile of rubble, and then, the trusting Americans will then have to be told that Obama Inc. is to blame.

The American frog has been scorched enough in majority to jump out of the Obama frying pan, but there awaits a globalist fire which Obama has kindled to roast the Americans in a fight for their life.

As stated previously, it is time the intelligence and security communities start protecting Americans and not be used as political tools in carrying out escalation plans against created bogeymen in Hutatree glitches of one sand grain on the shore of America. The Obama shoreline is what is the real danger as it has breached the American Union exactly as was attempted in 1860.
Obama is going to bully people in a police state, but there will not be a war as drama alerts the public to action. It is all though intended to cripple and incarcerate America in the chains of a broken Union so a union on the other side of the globe will rule the world.

I will complete this dissertation with did you notice in Afnamistan that Obama had on his little Obama uniform as this blog suggested? A gay leather jacket with patches.....no little general stars yet, but Obama has moved to give the gay message to sodom and soddenites in his commander jacket.

The messages are there and one wonders if Americans can read the Abraham Lincoln writing on the wall of Gettysburg addressing all of this.

agtG 279

Sense and Insensibility

When we were children, there was a game of nonsense which we played that honestly was like Greek method, German psychology and religious theology as it was an exercise of the mind, but it mattered not in rhyme or reason.

The game was, "Which sense if you had to give up one would you do without?"

Of course the senses were sight, sound, taste, scent and touch, but the reasoning we had as seven year olds was a fascinating visit. In our young minds sight was something which we could not do without. Sound sometimes came up as we thought listening was not that vital.

The three things always debated were taste, scent and touch. Taste after much contemplation was deemed necessary as pizza and pudding were too much to give up for flavors in our lives. This left scent and touch.
Scent really did not have much appeal as about all there was were flowers in our minds to deal with, but when compared to touch which had no appeal at all, I became the Socrates of dealing away with the sense of touch and argued constantly for that as the correct choice for all 7 year olds in life.
Obviously in looking back, I remember that debate, remember watching a blizzard snowfall pile up feet of snow and remember a rather unfortunate child on a May day throwing their windbreaker into the wind, and a gust caught it perfectly in the eddy of our playground and it perfectly floated it up like a balloon twice the height of our school and for all I know it is still in orbit around the world.
I can still see that windbreaker in it's bright colors against a beautiful clear blue sky, made so much more so, because we were being let out of Gulag 3 for the summer.

As one can understand, education was sort of a self premium in contemplating physics and meteorology even if our days were spent telling time, and it seemed I was forever that year a celebrity in being looked up by children I had no idea of, but apparently I made great impressions on others and their little children would seek me out and start chatting at me as I puzzled who these urchins were.

Young minds are ignorant minds and in that given the choices I was given in the game, neglected that without the sense of touch, a human soon dies more readily than any other sense deprived of. Deaf people seem almost lunatic in their Deaf Panther order in not wanting other deaf people to have their hearing restored in keep those in the fold. Deaf people survive quite well in long lives as much as blind people do. That in a way is telling in how many people are in the world even with sight and hearing, as their minds are so closed and hearts shut up, that when one explains Obama to them, they still refuse to hear or see.

Even scent displays an elevated position as once that is gone, the same with taste, the soul looses all zest for life as in diabetics needing assistance to live, but without that stimulation, the other functioning body parts start degrading to a grave state.

It is in that though in the sense of touch, which regrettably in Bill Clinton feeling your pain, that Mr. Clinton knew he was speaking to an injured public, who instead of advocating treatment conned folks into voting for his blasphemous new covenant.
Barack Obama seeking the same psychotic mob, told them to blame others, that America was the problem, and if one murdered America, the reincarnated Obamerika would be the womb to transcend their aborted souls.

If America on the left simply was dealing without one sense, it would be a treatable condition. The problem is the Obama voter has lost all sense as much as all senses. Shown things they can not see. Informed of things they can not hear. They can not scent danger from socialism. They can not taste the fear which drives Barack Hussein Obama in that coppery flavor and they no longer feel like Americans as they are so Godless, doped up, drunked out, sexed sideways and seared to the soul, that all they do is lay their like the wounded carrion on a battlefield begging that someone will come up and administer the coup de grace.

There are shining lights on the left starting to become aware like Ed Koch who was totally senseless when it came to Obama, but once his Jewish heritage came under genocidal ending by Obama Inc., the American in Mr. Koch once again rose up in him. The Ed Koch who made excuses for Obama over rationed death, finally in seeing that a new Obama holocaust was brewing, finally awoke to his American senses and saw the danger of Obama.

Regrettably, that is what it is going to take to open the eyes of Obama voters. The literal genocide of their lives before they run screaming from the Obama lair like Lot from Sodom. I know that America as a nation though can not absorb those kind of holocaust and genocidal hits in trying to convince 100 million enablers for the crook Obama that Grandma in the bed is the big bad wolf about to eat them up.

I recently invested the time to read the Brother's Grim best tales again. A number of the old children's stories were designed specifically to teach children who could answer the world's problems the dangers of trusting things too good to be true. It would be wonderful if Americans in the growing Obama minority led by Frank Rich could absorb children's tales to awaken in them a sense of reason, but that will not occur. It will take upheaval and even in that one knows that in the refugee masses fleeing a smoldering New York for a "safe" Republican state like Oklahoma in the millions, that one will hear the whispers again in all of this Obama that, "It is George Bush's fault".

No Americans without senses, you refused to back George W. Bush as America's last hope in saving this people from what has just started. You in majority stalemated him to bring this on in your Godless order. You chose this fraud Obama in all his criminal rapine.
This is your fault the American majority in voting for racism cures at the ballot box while spreading your legs for black sex as the Obama orgy whored itself across the fruited plains.

Sense or the lack of it, the American Obama voter problem.


Is it any wonder I've got too much time on my hands
It's ticking away with my sanity
I've got too much time on my hands
It's hard to believe such a calamity
I've got too much time on my hands
and it's ticking away from me.......and I don't know what to do with myself

Is it any wonder I'm not President....