Friday, November 19, 2010

The serious nuclear business: Plug the damn hole Mr. Obama!

It was this blogs Inspired by God spot on analysis which stated that it was a missile launch in California waters, which was an exclusive while everyone else was biting on the Obama regimes lies.
First again and right again, just like the Obama Gulf rig sabotage and the mass assassination of the Polish Government.

Now that the always experts have had time to affirm what was exposed here, in World Net Daily's Joseph Farah, Wayne Madsen and Brig. Gen. Jim Cash, it is time to note that Michael Savage astutely pointed the finger immediately at the PLA communist Chinese.

I knew immediately as observed here that this was not an American missile due to the contrail was a spiral and the gyro was off.

The easy logic states this was a Jin class sub which the Chicoms built using Russian boomer technology in part from stolen American technology.
The Chicoms do not have that many operational Jins, so for them to send this to American waters, 30 miles of California coastline, or 170 miles inside American sovereign territory is quite remarkable.
Remarkable as these subs do not travel that fast and US intelligence in the Pacific command should have known where this beast was at. The reason is if you examine the above photo of the two Jins at port, they are in a safe "lake" and require that little black hole to get into the ocean, meaning if one watches the hole or plugs the damn hole, these subs should not be out in American waters.

Simply put, the People's Liberation Army just didn't happen to drop this in California. This was planned weeks in advance of Obama's trip in the actual operation of war in firing this ballistic missile in United States waters, and actually was months in the planning, *in reference, to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama bowing to the Chicom leader Hu.

The Jin launches 12 of these birds in their tubes of the JL-2 class. The JL-2 is the missile tested, so logic is that is the one they chose to endanger American airline traffic with and set off signals to start a nuclear war over.
The JL-2 so this soaks into the American psyche in various forms carries 10 thermonuclear MERV warheads, as in the big buster hydrogen bombs. Range of the missile is over 5300 miles or in other words, the entire United States could have lost 10 American cities as Obama was dancing with children with the wife in Mumbai, India.

It does not matter if this was a tube tossed overboard a Chicom container ship and launched from a portable silo as was hypothesized here, in pointing the finger to a finite list of American enemies, what matters is is was MERV ballistic missile launched at Asia from American waters.

The reason this matters is Russia is in Asia, and as America did not receive a first strike from Putin, it means that Vladamir Putin was warned of this Chinese communist first nuclear shot across the American bow.

Once again so this soaks in to the public's mind, the Chicoms launced a nuclear missile in American waters, endangering all flights on the west coast in dead Americans. This missile launch could have triggered American launch sequences by Obama instead of Obama covering this all up. This Chicom missile could have triggered a Russian first strike on America. This missile could have triggered the North Koreans launching their arsenal on the south. This missile could have triggered the launch of Pakistani and Indian nuclear missiles at each other if the missile vectored there WHILE AN AMERICAN OBAMA WAS ON INDIAN SOIL........which would have triggered a complete American nuclear response on China by Vice President Aaron Burr Biden.

While the experts now have caught up, the experts have not examined the dynamics in this in the least.

As this blog pointed out, everyone of nuclear possibilities saw Obama in charge blink at this and lie as Bill Clinton did on the Iranian terrorism in downing TWA Flight 800.
Barack Hussein Obama has proven absolutely weak as water. This was a nuclear attack upon these United States and Obama covered this up as did the entire military establishment in running for cover, showing America as cowards.

When this type of action is undertaken by these United States, terrorists like Ahmadinejad know that picking off the Israeli state in nuclear terrorism will bring no response in a new holocaust.
The Iranians now can conclude that vaporizing New York City will bring no Obama response.........perhaps Obama will say through Janet Napolitano that a CAT scan machine blew up and vaporized Gotham........or it was an xray machine contrail.

This submarine should have never been allowed to reach home port as it is probably now in Chinese waters making full steam, unless it is lying in San Fran bay looking over it's new conquered territory.

In any case, the correct policy in this would be when this submarine does reach dock, the United States should blow it out of the water and stand for the consequences, as either this nuclear war bluff is fought now, or the real card of death will drop on one or several American cities as everyone is now going to want to have an Obama denial that American cities were not vaporized...........even if it looks that way.

Still enjoying your Obama vote yet maniacs, perhaps Ann Coulter can mock birthers again, as the liar Obama continues exposing America to nuclear annihilation as he pushes his new START disarm America treaty with Russia.

I will repeat, America needs several thousand nuclear warheads in the event of dealing with several nuclear foes, and as in nuclear warfare, America can not remanufacture new weapons to replace the ones fired.

Still enjoying your Obama vote Peggy Noonan and David Brooks?

Plug that damn hole and blow that sub out of the water!


"My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."

~President Ronald Reagan

Am I the only American Conservative here with the balls to knock them off the brass monkey?

~Lame Cherry

Where are the Conservatives or are they all hiding under Obama's bed playing with Limbaugh's blondeberry.


I really want to utter several expletitives

With news out that Gen. Patraeus is "taking off the gloves" in sending in M1 Abrams tanks in Obama's Cold Sore War Afnamistan, I'm personally beyond frustration as the idiocy of B. Hussein Obama has shined up Patreaus like some new apple just released called the MORON.

The Abrams are going to the Marines who are having problems disloding terrorists. Patreaus apparently has never heard of 105 howitzters which are cheaper, more mobile, more effective, faster and will do the job with a great deal less signature in operations which now scream Obama panic.
I have had the pleasure of residing in arid regions where one tastes in every breath the dust in the air of the country you are in. There is a certain pastime in watching the dust clouds of vehicals or herds moving about miles away in kicking up dust as signatures of progression.
That is what a tank will do, as it must stay on the roads which makes it a target, and as the Russians informed Iraqi Saddamists how to hit Abrams to disable them in Gulf War II, this will be the RPG result in Afghanistan.

There are now waiting giddy Taliban hoping to knock out the all powerful tanks, drag dead Americans out to drape them as trophies and pose as pictures for propaganda.

Afghanistan is not built for tank warfare, that is why George W. Bush never sent in tanks nor did Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney ever suggest such a stupid thing.

If one wills to have tanks draw fire, then that is fine, but this is not about drawing fire, it is about firepower, and Afghanistan is better suited to helo hunting, artillery and long range sniping for a cheap and effective war.
This is what the Russians did until Reagan armed the Muhajadeen with Stingers and started swatting the Soviet helos from the sky. This then left the Russians bunkered up and the Muhajadeen blew up their firebases with ease.

The Abrams guzzle fuel at gallons to the mile. It is ineffective in steep rocky terrain, and therefore is a sitting target, where boulders dislodged from small IED charges can disable a tank. The Russians, Chinese and Taliban know this, and that is what they will do in luring in tanks to kill them and pose with the dead crew.........or worse yet, America will have a dozen captured Marines soon as human shields to serve Islamic warfare.

I personally am befuddled by all of this in how this has all gone so wrong, as Bush won Afghanistan, the idiot British officers blew it, Bush stabilized it in 2008, and Obama comes in and deliberately losing it...........and for the most bizarre of reason Patraeus has gone native in not comprehending how to win this war easily.

Put a curfew in, tag the locals, tell them they get shot as terrorists without the RFID tag, after hours or in sectors they are not allowed.
That stops the terror movement and supply.

Then create a lure front which appeals to the Muslim terrorists to strike at Americans. Then hammer them with an operation where they will flee to a prepared safe zone America has left at liberty, and when they go into this anvil, America vaporizes them with thermobaric bombs.

That is what one does when one is operating for victory.

I have the greatest affection for Gen. George Armstrong Custer and Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles, who were the greatest military warfare and Indian fighters ever. There was in the early days of Indian warfare which is what this terror warfare is all about, a problem in the US Army was chasing Indians around with heavy armour and ambulances.
Note* An ambulance is a heavy wagon and not an EMT vehcile of today.

Old Gabe aka Jim Bridger told the Army in the 1860's that they would never beat the Indians because they had horses and dogs. The horses allowed them to move fast and the Indians ate the dogs for food supply.

It was not until Gen. Custer came on the scene with Gen. Crook and Gen. Miles, that the wagons were left at the fort, and packs with mules were the main operations modes.
In depriving the Indian of the security of winter quarters in hitting him there, the Indian wars ended swiftly.

That is why one uses Blackhawks, Warthogs, long range artillery and sniper fire in Afghanistan, and follow up with massive thermobaric bombs to suck the air out of the terrorists lungs once they have gone to hole.

This keeps Soldiers from being murdered, lowers war costs and destroys terrorist morale. That means no recruits and the war is won swiftly.

I have written of this and repeat it here in simple operations, as I thought once should be enough for Patreaus to read it and get it right. Now though my beloved Abrams and their crews are going to be sent in to be propaganda for terrorists.
It only takes one broken tank to make a nasty firefight which lures in Blackhawks to be swatted down with SAMS to make this all something Americans will recoil over as Obama makes this Vietnam.

When your enemy is fast and light, one goes faster and lighter with more long range weaponry to protect you Soldiers.

This is just too much Obama in this in his secular Islam. What can one do when McCain allows this to happen and Obama has rubbed off on Patraeus.

This is not semper fi.


What George Bush saw in Deep Tutu

This will puzzle the myriads who read this blog, but the fact is the first person who Darrell Issa, GOP California should subpoena in the Obama crimes hearings is the man who knows seven tenths of what went on in President George W. Bush.

Huh? Puzzled minds are reeling now trying to comprehend what Lame Cherry is revealing again, but when you have George W. Bush stating in public now that Bill Clinton is his friend. That we KNOW George W. Bush buried all the Clinton crimes investigations allowing this duo of crime to continue, and all of this Obama installment was part a Texan joke about a tannie beating John McCain as much as setting the stage for Jeb Bush to be installed in 2012 with Mitt Romney, George W. Bush knows more than the half of the Obama story as his Clinton buddies have been running this coup since 2008.

As people like Elton Blonde have finally caught up to this blog almost 3 years later, Rush has decided what was exposed in Obama was only supposed to bring in the black vote, until Bill sold those Asian uranium mines to the Chicoms cutting out the central Europeans.
In the Rothschild pecking order this meant that the Clintons would have to be punished, and their punishment was losing to Obama just like Bush set up McCain to lose under the sabotage of Karl Rove.

Texas Darlin' has been listing questions which the blogger Ulsterman should be asking his White House Insider, Rahm Emanuel, aka Deep Tutu. The problem is the Darlin' is not putting together the nefarious cross patrician pieces together in what has been going on.

Do you think it is just coincidence that Justice and House investigators have been hammering blacks like Gov. Paterson, Charlie Rangle or Maxine Waters?
Yes Obama and Holder want to be the only homer blacks on the block to keep prestige, but this goes much deeper in this is the Clintons seeking revenge on Obama. You have to comprehend that you just can not go in and cuff Obama or as Emanuel worries there is going to be a black burn down of America. The patrician Rockefellers have to condition blacks by slapping them around for a few years in taking down their bright boys and girls.

Like Reagan bombed Libya to scare the hell out of Syria, the Clintons are ruining high level blacks in Paterson, Waters and Rangle so when the time comes to cuff and stuff Obama, America will be assent to the coup.

This goes much deeper than even this in the questions Ulsterman should be grilling Emanuel on before the Tutu goes back into hiding.
This blog exclusively noted from day one that the Chicago second city pulled an Obama coup and rubbed first city New York Rockefeller's nose in it, when they had the Rothschild's protection.

You have to remember that it was Soros and the Chicago commodities which financially raped America, and started the implosion for the Obama Super Depression in driving up food and fuel prices.
Yes the Rockefellers have gotten from Geithner trillions in this by looting the Treasury, but they still had their standing ruined and they can not abide that.

So how is it that the Daley machine all of a sudden just vacates Chicago and in comes prancing Deep Tutu Emanuel?
It is because the Clinton's are punishing Daley and his cronies, because Patrick Fitzgerald was not just gathering intelligence on Rod Blagojevich. As I stated, the Clinton folks have all been imbedded in the White House for Hillary to run for President and bring down Obama.
Rahm Emanuel was one of the chief operators, but he is so damned arrogant he about blew it from day one in buying for Obama the Senate Seat for Val-erie Jarrett.
If Holder and Fitzgerald had not warned Emanuel off which is a crime, Emanuel would have been so all over this, he would have been brought down by now.

That is why Emanuel left the White House. Sure he is furious Muchelle told him literally to "f*ck off", and he did not appreciate David Axelrod telling him to take a powder, but Emanuel has to go back to Chicago for this Obama coup in order to control for the Clintons the information flow, keep tabs on Justice and to save his own tutu, as I have stated if Rod Blagojevich was indictable on what he did, Rahm Emanuel was doing the same thing.
Emanuel is in Chicago to punish the Daley machine, to save his ass, and to run this operation for the Clintons in feeding this directly into Congressional GOP investigations.

Emanuel knows that George W. Bush knows the half of this which the Clintons have not been up to. The Clinton's are the patricians in the Democratic party as much as the Bush's are the patricians in the Republican party.
Emanuel in interviews hates the Olbermann Kos kooks on on the left as much as Karl Rove hates Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell.
That is something which no one seems to comprehend. These Rockefeller Democrats and Republicans hate Americans with a passion on the right and the left. They both work in conjunction to install frauds like Stephanie and Max Sandlin into power, and get totally pissed when Tom DeLay ruins Max Sandlin.

Barack Hussein Obama is a crook. There is no doubt about this philanderer. The people though who know about the Obama crimes are the ones who have been peering in the windows watching this garbage from the start. They know where the skeletons are buried, because they have the documents, the recordings and the digital of everything Obama has been up to, since Mama Stan started this road of revenge on America.

Why in the hell do you thing all of the Obama FBI files "disappeared"? It is because the patricians stole them, knowing they would come into play to blackmail Obama in order to get done what they wanted done, all without some Freedom of Information Act filing handing all that evidence over to Jerome Corsi.

All of this is connected in what is happening to Maxine Waters, Richard Daley and Christine O'Donnell. It is the same Rockefeller patricians on both sides which is their side, conditioning Americans, removing key players who betrayed the patricians and not allowing new Conservative players like Ms. O'Donnell get started who will be an immense problem like Dad and Son Paul of the Congress.

I have stated that Karl Rove for the Bush family took down George Allen who would be President now, and America would not be facing the upheaval she is. Who joined in Mr. Allen's demise but the same Soros backed players who are after Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell.
Who is after Maxine Waters and Charles Rangel? The same patrician Clinton players doing retribution and setting the stage to cuff and stuff Obama if that bright boy does not get the message.

Dana Milbank at the intelligencia Washington Post took this lead for the Clintons in inflicting the first deep cuts from the left on Obama. George W. Bush doesn't have to do a thing in bad mouthing Obama, because the Conservative GOP leaders are going to get the blame as Bush and Clinton intend, so another patrician on the right will be the choice.

So Darrell Issa should first subpoena the talkative talk showman George W. Bush in asking him about Al Franken stealing elections, and why Bush never investigated. Why Colin Powell for the Rockefellers was running the Plamegate sting to punish Bush for removing golden goose Saddam Hussein. Why Stephanie Sandlin was protected by Karl Rove over her misuse of office and Indian vote buy crimes? Why Mr. Bush never investigated Rahm Emanuel in the Blagojevich affair. Why Patrick Fitzgerald was allowed to focus on Dick Cheney?
Why all of this comes back to Karl Rove and his genetic twin Rahm Emanuel in being the operational controls who brought down John McCain and are now in the process of bringing down Barack Hussein Obama.

I was God Inspired years ago to inform readers that when Obama comes down, it will be the Democrats doing it. They are now in the process as Bill Clinton had worse crimes, but was protected by the Rockefellers and is why Clinton stayed.

The Voyeur George W. Bush has seen a great deal, and knows the side in this which Bill and Hillary Clinton were not operating in.

First witness Mr. Issa is George W. Bush for the Obama crimes..........or perhaps by hinting at this Mr. Issa, it will be remarkable how Karl Rove is thrown to the indictment and all those attacks on Sarah Palin will cease, as the one thing for certain in this is, "You can always count on a crook never to call the cops".

The GOP must start hinting at this, or Rahm Emanuel is going to steal the Chicago mayoral race and the information flow is going to only be what the Clintons let out of Chicago.
Richard Daley has been silenced for a reason. The messages of the dead fish in your post has been sent.

Play the game correctly children and all the hidden things this blog has been cryptically exposing that even you have missed will start boiling out for more juicy fun than you ever dreamed of.
You won't need reality television or Harlequin books, as this is the entertainment which is just there if you blow the dust off the patricians.


Thanks but no thanks Turkey

Antiquity is filled with lessons about being careful who you invite in to your campfires.

King Hezekiah of Jerusalem found himself with some new eastern friends, who he showed all his kingdom, all his treasures and the splendor of the Temple Solomon built.
The Prophet warned him later, that the Babylonians would be back and steal everything the Judahites had, including their freedom.

Currently, The Edomites, those people who are modern Turks, the betrayers of all Israelites since the time their father Esau sold all he had for a pot of stew to Jacob, have a great deal of Troy memories to ponder in this time they are not inviting in Greeks bearing gifts, but have been busy inviting in Persians and now the Chicoms.

For some reason, the Turks are just ............well I know the reason and it is the end times reason in they are reverting to once again betraying Israelites in the west and Jews on their borders to the very peoples who once you invite in, they just like taking over your country and making you a slave, as they rape your women and dogs, cattle, sheep, little boys.........well and steal everything you have.

So these Islamic Turks having a great deal in American security, Jewish technology and European trade, have decided to throw in with the Chins and Persians who have a history of being a brutal as Turks are.
The Persians once ruled what is Turkey, but apparently the Muslims are nostalgic for a return to their murderous past.

In all frankness, it is time for NATO to boot Turkey out of the alliance as they are a threat to all security. It is now a given that when the Great Eurasian World War comes that Turkey will have no purpose in slowing down a Russian, Chinese and Persian invasion, but either assist them or betray the west further by using our own weapons against us.
This includes America immediately securing all of it's loaned nuclear warheads to Turkey and closing the shop door as Ankara is become a liability which is only going to become a dead weight.

In war terms, the best long range strategic asset in this is making Turkey an Islamocommunist center, because it's mountains are a choke point in military travel and in that, when the Asian spears of Russia, China and Persia attempt their underbelly thrust into Greece and Italy, it would require not that large of plutonium bomb carpeting on the invasion routes in Turkey to kill the hordes and in like manner that plutonium will absorb into all those metal tanks, trucks, artillery and rifle pieces making them forever lethal weapons for the Asians picking them up.

Nice part about metals in that they absorb radioactivity and keep on killing thereby killing an enemy silently with their own arsenal.

I realize this is far in advance of what is actually taking place, but this blog is about preparatory measures as we live in the future here, while enough people have problems catching up in the present.

So Turkey has chosen this measure of betrayal. It is meet at this point to either assist the Turkish secular military to perform a coup in cleaning out these Islamocommunists or in like manner using Turkish betrayal as a kill zone for the coming wars which the policies of B. Hussein Obama are spreading.

It is disappointing to see an entire people revert to their worst, but as one can not change that reality, it is time to prepare this chessboard, as the alternative of having 200 million raping Asians, spilling out into those pristine areas of central Europe along with invading America via Alaska, is not acceptable.
Some nations in these Obama nuclear wars are going to have to be sacrificed. As Turkey has climbed up on the platter, it is their choice, and due to their strategic choke point status, they are then a logical choice of a nuclear kill zone which will keep on killing.

Those are the choices one gets with B. Hussein Obama policy in action. Either pick the Georgians or the Turks. That is what you get with false messiahs with turban halos about their teleprompter brains.


One drumstick or two nukes