Saturday, March 5, 2011

If Mark Levin cares.........

As all know, Mark Levin is a favorite of this blog as he is a good guy. The problem is though, even good guys go wrong when they get indoctrinated by Elton Blonde who started this entire fallacy of bio fuels are evil...........just because Tom Daschle promoted them.

It did not matter that George W. Bush promoted ethanol, to get America the hell out of the Middle East and keeping those trillions of dollars at home. Limbaugh's cartel financing has him fixated on hating American farmers and ranchers as they are taking money out of the cartel's pockets.....the same folks who put B. Hussein Obama in power.

Yet in this, Mark Levin came up with a lie that ethanol raised grain prices, caused food shortages in the Middle East and were a part of the coups going on there, because farmers aren't raising wheat, but corn.
That honestly is perplexing coming from Mr. Levin, as these Limbaugh folks constantly speak of freedom, prosperity and the American Dream, but for some reason Mark Levin thinks that American farmers should be dictated to, poverty stricken and ordered to only grow wheat, instead of a higher profit crop of corn.

That sounds a great deal like Obama feudalism or statism, in the state or elite decide what others can grow, buy and sell. It sounds like it, because that is exactly what Mark Levin just spewed out.

This blog alone has explained that it was the Europen cartel led by George Soros who drove up grain prices, to soak up all that money George W. Bush printed after 9 11 to ward off a global depression.
The issue is complicated, because Bush Cheney did use food as a weapon against American enemies, or started the opening stages of it, but the fact is as I have stated time and again, and Mark Levin needs to get off his New York bunker and get some fresh air, BECAUSE CORN AND WHEAT GROUND ARE TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF LAND.

Corn ground per acre in America will go from ten thousand to two thousand dollars which has been inflated by the Rockefeller patricians to weed people off the land in land speculation. That though is a side issue.
Wheat land is under one thousand dollars an acre. The reason is wheat ground is chiefly west of the Mississippi River and corn ground is east of the Mississippi River.

Wheat only needs a short growing season of the Great Plains which has early moisture and none late for perfect harvest reasons. Corn growing areas require over 100 days which is thirty more than wheat. Corn needs midsummer rains and late rains to fill the ears.

So if Mark Levin had some fresh air in his lungs and actually knew what was happening in American fields and pastures, instead of listening to Rush Limbaugh, he would not be exposed here as not comprehending a thing he is talking about.

Corn has one competitor and that is soybeans. Those crops interchange and is why different plantings take place. First they are needed in crop rotation as nematodes can develop with beans and corn has it's own problems. You can literally "bean" ground out in not rotating crops, just like corn is such a heavy feeder even with oil based expensive fertilizers that crop rotation is a must.

As for Africa, and the Middle East, Saudi Arabia was irrigating wheat ground and ran out of water. Most of the wheat in the Mideast comes from Russia. That is where Egypt imports their poison from as this blog noted, and Russia had a crop shortage in 2010 due to severe drought.
That had nothing to do with ethanol.

Africa for example grows for consumption crops which are available to production methods. I just ate some of African grain this past week in teff. Teff is a grass like all cereal grains are. It is like ground pepper in size, but is quite nice even if it has no gluten for baking so to speak.
The other grain grown is sorghum which is larger in BB size and does well in drought conditions.

I hope Mark Levin actually reads this and would join this blog in what it has undertaken in getting America off Muslim Rothschild Obama oil imports, and keeping those trillions here inside America.
What needs to be done is the arid and cold lands of the west in Canada and America, must be put into production in corn. Now this is not the Monsanto poison corn, but the corn of Oscar Will and other now unknown American farmers who pioneered corn of different color than yellow.

See Montana was producing corns as were the Dakotas in 1900, but the "industry" would not buy other corns which were not yellow, as the plan was for hybrid corns to dominate that market in profiting off of farmers.
Oscar Will had white, blue and red corns. There were shoe peg type corns. There were squaw corns which are high in starch, which means sugars which are perfect for ethanol production.

The key in this, is these corns will grow in the arid and cold regions which Monsanto engineered corns will fail in, because the season is too short, dry and the winds there would rip that 10 foot high Round Up corn out of the ground destroying the crop.

Mark Levin, if he is interested in American security, prosperity and feeding people, should be championing the expansion of ethanol and corn growing into areas it is not now. That same crop can show up in Africa, where if Marxists were not keeping all the land, people there could be growing their way to good lives of their own flat screens and indoor plumbing.

That is the key to this, and not enslaving American farmers for Obama benefactors. It is simple and if Mr. Levin would simply listen to the Truth instead of Rush Limbaugh, and get of that idea he was programmed with, he could make a change for real in America.

Why? Farmers and ranchers are Reagan Blue State voters. They vote for Conservative ideals as that is who they are. They are now wedged into a welfare system as that is the only way to keep people fed in managing the food supply.
Let farmers produce free from Monsanto Obama, and they will out produce the world to prosperity.

Ignorance has an excuse when you are a Limbaugh, Hannity or Levin city kid, ignorant of the life and death struggle and where food supply comes from.
The blame for food problems is the world elite in using food to take control. The Rothschilds have been busy stealing land in India, and if Mr. Levin bothered to check, wholesale land grabbing has been taking placed around the world by the elite.

This is engineered just as the Obama coups are engineered.

.......and for the record Mr. Levin, numbers of the poor in the world eat the paddy and not wheat. Rice prices were spiked, and it had nothing to do with ethanol, as no corn or soybeans grow on rice paddy flooded ground.

Join this blog for the solutions Mr. Levin and maybe you can teach your mentor which end is he already knows it, but still has this hate thing going on.

Turnips, potatoes, squash and beans are the answer with local land reforms in all areas of the world. It is with corn and sorghum how people in the wilderness survived. One would know that if they read history in Theodore Roosevelt's Winning of the West.
