Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Cube of Obama

While I do not hold a great deal of trust in Nostradamus, even if I comprehend his methods of divination, which are quite simple as one peers within the changing vortex in the pools of the matrix as they ebb and flow..........

You see there are different emotional scenarios which are set by God, and there are different human and Spiritual and spiritual forces to come to that example, there are many ways to scale Mt. Everest, but the climax event is the summit.

What I find interesting in Nostradamus is all of the Club Meddling events of B. Hussein Obama and his cartel demoniacs out of central Europe, is they actually are implementing the overall scenarios which Nostradamus was shown in his peering, which in fact include the end times.

I will include a site on Nostradamus on Angelfire which is quite good in explaining the quatrains, but also reveal how fluid they are to flawed human interpretation.
Stay with the Bible as that is what will always come True as the Bible is the Word of God.

The overview though by this webmaster is good though in they wade through the names of antiquity and put them modern nations, so they make a great deal of sense.

I post the following, and you can visit the site to review the long passages, but the one posted shows just how off the human interpretation is in things being fluid, but it also shows how the events are unfolding on a grand scheme.
What I pay attention to are the comparisons, or the other oracles from Catholic mystics out of central Europe as enough of them follow a central theme which show a bit more insight into the Biblical Prophecies.

The following post includes Islamic mystical revelations. Few people realize Islam in their moon demon oracles actually have a number of accurate predictions in antiquity. One was the arrival of white Europeans in the Spice Islands.


[V.25] The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo, The rule of the Church will succumb by sea: Towards Persia very nearly a million men, the true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.

The war on Iraq and its occupation by the western forces will generate widespread discontent in the Arab world. As a result, the pro-west ruling royal family in Saudi Arabia will be overthrown by a charismatic leader, who himself will come from a Arab royal family. (Osama bin Laden is also an Arab prince). This will unleash a chain of events in the Arabic and Islamic world. Governments in two other pro-western countries, Turkey and Egypt, will fall as a direct result of this event and hardliners will come into power in these countries. Similar thing will also happen in Iran, where the hardliners will capture power following an invasion by the Saudi Prince after toppling the govt. of Khatami, the present President. Thus, in one stroke, the oil wealth of the world will fall in the hands of Islamic hardliners along with a huge cache of conventional and non-conventional weapons accumulated by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Iran over the years, which is the nightmare scenario for USA and the west. Shortly thereafter, the attack on Italy and Vatican will take place by a fleet traveling across the sea. This chain of events has also been described in the Islamic prophecies (in the Hadeeths) too - Nafi' ibn 'Utbah said : "The Prophet (S) said, 'You will attack Arabia, and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack Persia, and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack Rome, and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack the Dajjal, and Allah will enable you to conquer him.'" (Muslim.)

These events show that other players are most certainly arising as time progresses, but what is of definite interest to me personally is how much of the meddling of this undocumented Obama is literally implementing satan's upheaval and chaos into the world.
The very peoples who trusted in him are the ones going to be laid waste and betrayed.

As I sit here typing, the one conclusion which comes to mind with relief is of all the sins Jesus has forgiven me for, the one I will not ever have to stand before Him and be judged for is voting for this B. Hussein Obama plunging the world into the abyss.
I take no credit for that deliverance from Obama and give it all to the Holy Ghost in protecting me from denying my Messiah, Jesus the Christ.

It is though a wicked world we exist in, and it is become catastrophically wicked so the world and universe will shake. We have only begun with B. Hussein Obama.........the worst is yet to come to pass with the one he preferred the abyss for in the anti Christ.

Of interest to all...........

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