Saturday, March 19, 2011

Limbaugh plagiarizes Mark Levin now

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh drone on about Wisconsin unions in comparing his modesty to that of the outlandish thugs who demand poor people pay them more money than the poor earn..............
Limbaugh's idea of poor are interesting in he noted he could not see someone earning 100,000 dollars a year made to pay the wages of some union thug who was earning 200,000 dollars a year.

Ah Mr. Limbaugh, the taxpayers in America are earning around nineteen thousand dollars a year who are paying teachers 45,000 dollars a had better get off your mansion beach and check wages as people are in majority not earning a hundred grande a year in Wisconsin or any other state.

Before I get to the point in Limbaugh's plagiarism, I just want to state I know two union thugs. I'm related to them personally. They are both assholes and need to be explored as assholes with two S's and not *'s, because they are assholes.

One votes Democrat and deems herself all knowing in being able to discern who is pro life and who is not...........
No matter Democrats are baby butchers, this woman can discern which Democrat will defy their baby butcher unions and baby butcher Pelosi and Reid...........and still be pro life, even though they are baby butchers.

The other is an obnoxious, know it all, big mouth, who without a union would have gotten his ass fired long ago as he can't keep his mouth shut.

Both of these union thugs are high paid. They both have fantastic benefits packages and retirement, to the point they waste money like a goose shits it out, and have homes bigger than their budgets, cars more expensive than it requires and for the most part asshole children.

You are paying for these two all knowing thugs, as they tap into supplemental medical treatments in their union benefits, which is passed on to other insurance policies. One spends more time at the doctor treating ouchies than an 80 year old geezer and the other is on meds just to be on meds.

For this reason, I hate unions, as the people who are in unions are asses through and through, who care only about sucking off the system and not giving a shit about poor people who can't afford a damn thing, because unions got all the pie.
Unions vote themselves American gutting packages and that is what has gutted America. They are traitors and the Democrats who voted in all of this should be in prison to.

With that stated, Rush Limbaugh was worried about his milk toast speech that people would not like him for saying what he said.
He sounded like John Boehner telling Obama I don't know why unions would be pissed off at broadcaster Limbaugh who in his monopoly makes Oprah sized checks.

Limbaugh did though mention the NEA in their crooked union, which has just been hammered again by the Landmark Legal Foundation...which Limbaugh gave credit to in a sort of blurbled passing.
The problem is Landmark is headed by one Mark Levin, the Great One............and Limbaugh did not even give his token Jewish guy credit for what Mr. Levin accomplished.

Every America should thank Mark Levin for what he did. The NEA has spent around 8 million dollars illegally in political campaigns. They spent a fortune the previous year and never reported it.
What Mr. Levin has done has exposed all of this again, much to the discontent of their Elmer Fudd legal counsel (The guy talks like Elmer Fudd joined at the hip with Barney Frank.), which means in 34% tax rates, the NEA should pay 2.5 million dollars in back taxes.

This is vital as that means this will not be almost 3 million dollars, hopefully with fines, which will not be flowing into Congressional and Presidential liberal coffers. In key races, that kind of money can swing elections. That is a debt owed to Mark Levin, because it is far reaching and it will effect 2012 more than anything he could do in featuring people on his program.

Now I have seen Limbaugh photographed with Mark Levin outside the private jet which each of us pay for, for Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh as I have stated has used Mark Levin when it suited him, but now Limbaugh didn't even have the decency to tip the hat to Mark Levin.

That indicates that perhaps when Mark Levin was stewing rightly about someone in the talking head group thinking the 2010 elections were all about him.........that Mr. Levin was directing that to Limbaugh and now shallow Limbaugh has retaliated in an Obama way in intellectually stealing the work of Mark Levin and not giving him credit for it.

For the record, Mark Levin gives all credit to Landmark and the people there. He will just state, "I just head it" in complete modesty.
That is the kind of Gentleman Mark Levin is and it exposes once again what an ass Limbaugh is in pulling something petty like this.

Sure Limbaugh thinks he gives people hands up, but he never told you until I exposed it here that he was having crappy guest hosts to make him look good. After that Limbaugh got in the great Mark Stein to guest who outshines Limbaugh completely.
Limbaugh steps on people instead of helping them, and when it comes to something which should be trumpeted like Mark Levin nailing the NEA, Limbaugh can't even mention this leading Conservative's name.

I have stated that Limbaugh could have paid brother George Obama a living wage to report for him on his radio program, got him a flush toilet and had him wander around at times at the White House as an EIB correspondent, all to show Obama for the creep he is in abandoning his family, and the entire negroid race.
It would have made huge financial sense for Limbaugh and given him cover, but all Limbaugh cares about is token Bo Snerdly or Mark Levin if Levin keeps under Limbaugh's thumb.

Limbaugh has stolen as I have proven from numbers of people, and he sits there in his million dollar monopoly, and then bitches about farmers trying to survive and then acts holier than Obama when it comes to union thugs, that Rush says he is better than them.

There is no difference in Limbaugh and Obama. They are the same coin of two heads both crooked and thinking they are the epitome of judging others while stealing their ideas. Obama stole my high speed train idea and is f*cking it up deliberately just as Limbaugh has stolen my intellectual property, which now includes the blatant example of Mark Levin's efforts not being noted.

I hope Mark Levin does figure this out completely the way he has figured out Boehner, and not allowing any of them to get away with it.

We now return you to something really important in Rush Limbaugh............well he hasn't been talking about that puss cat, his blondeberry or cigars lately..........his life must be really in need of something as last years features are just more bricks in the wall.
