Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sarah Palin's "Drill baby Drill"....this time it is corn

I'm going to give Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh, the answer to America's energy, economic and security needs, along with their political future in 2012, their economic project for America on an international Trump scale, and for Rush Limbaugh to be the spokesman for Reagan's Revolution.

I have begun to inform and lay out the basics in how to solve America's energy needs, food production needs and security needs, and it involves linking Sarah Palin's Drill baby Drill for oil to using a corn planter to drill in the ground, heirloom varieties of corn on arid grassland deserts to produce renewable ethanol fuel.
This is the same fuel which Henry Ford used in his Model A's and T's. The same fuel used straight in sprint cars, and the same fuel which comes in American enhanced fuels already in blended pumps in E 85 mixtures.

The reason ethanol is higher priced in areas not of the Great Plains is because the oil barons inflate the price in "shipping costs" so it is not purchased or made to seem attractive to California customers.
Yes that is illegal, but it is the way the situation is, and it has not helped with a blow hard like Rush Limbaugh lying about bio fuels nor having Mark Levin equate using corn fuels is the reason wheat prices went up.
I have explained that corn is not raised on wheat ground due to wheat is grown in short season, low rain and poor soil areas.

That is GM corns which are designed to grow tall, so they use allot of water, and use allot of petroleum fertilizers and herbicides so farmers are enslave to Monsanto.

The corns I'm speaking of deal with open pollinated 50 to 75 bushel starch Squaw corns to the multi colored dents and the flint corns of old that our forefathers grew, but Cargill shut down as they refused to buy anything not yellow.
This relegated corns which were growing in Montana obsolete as ranchers were forced to raise sheep and cattle as their primary source of income, as Iowa corns had so out produced the market, that economically corn in Montana years ago at 25 cents a bushel made no sense to raise, when beef raised itself for 20 cents a pound.

In simply planting corn on arid desert lands, America in mixing fuel in E 85 could take our own oil supply which is larger than the entire world's combined and extend it indefinitely. That means taking a 20 year supply of oil, amplifying it with American produced corn in E 85, would extend it to 100 years supply.
As oil is deep earth generated, and oil wells pumped out start pumping again, it would be a situation of America just revolving on a system which pumps one series of wells down, and then moves on to an old series of wells coming to life again by earth forces.
That is a perpetual supply of oil which requires no exploration costs and only upkeep. The net result is America energy independent of OPEC oil and all that money staying inside America for American security.

That is the Sarah Palin aspect of this.

The Donald Trump financier aspect is the one where Mr. Trump invests with his associates in the ethanol industry which is growing corn for fuel on new lands only growing grass, that still will raise beef and sheep for Americans, take only the sugars out of the corn, and leave a bi product which is still food and any number of things including a fuel like wood to burned as it is cellulose can as I have advocated take corn oil, mix it with this cellulose and make a non combustible plastic for cheap housing and cars, like gun stocks are made now.
Again, more industries from America to the world and creating exports in good jobs in America producing products for the world.

Once Mr. Trump becomes the JR of Dallas in American oil, he then has a system set up where he like in the sugar beet industry, contracts with farmers a set price not set by traders, so Mr. Trump makes billions, ranchers make billions, states make billions in taxes (Your taxes get lower as revenues from fuel production flow in) and America keeps those billions inside America, and America is not a debtor nation any longer.

President Palin and Corn baron Trump would then set up the American system in the Gobi desert, the Sahara desert and the Siberian desert, where these old corns would produce, and produce renewable economics in fuel so nations would not be starting wars over energy as in China.

American leadership in this, and Rush Limbaugh actually not doing Karl Rove's talking points for the oil cartels, and educating Americans in why this would work and be a win win for America and the world, and this gets done like the railroads being built, the homestead act passed, all of which never cost Americans a cent, but created billions of dollars in revenue personally for Americans.

There is only so much I'm going to do for free in this, as kindness does not feed the bulldog. But time and again over these years, I have laid out complete strategies which would prosper Americans and save America. This is the 2012 campaign strategy for America.

It is easy. The system is already proven. It works and it only needs to be implemented. It literally is growing money.

nuff said.......but I doubt it.
