Sunday, March 20, 2011

Murdered by Islam

I believe in allowing things to cool off when Muslim tears are welling up from crocodile pools like the stage theater from Keith Ellison, Democrat Muslim from Minnesota liberalism.

We affectionately here call him Junior Ellison here for reason as if Ellison, like Obama had not tagged his train to Islam, both would be washing dishes in some Korean restaurant for a living.
Keith Ellison and B. Hussein Obama are the equivalent of liberal females like Hillary Clinton riding Bill's success into a political career, in Ellison and Obama's case, Islam is the husband and they are the nagging wives.

Junior put on a stage performance of balling, as when he Muslim cries just like with girls crying, they always win concerning a fabrication of the life and death of Mohammad Salman Hamdani.

No one has ever objectively examined the life and death of Mohammad Hamdani, and all that is left is the Muslim oil mafia issuing CAIR talking points which the Bush White House and Daschle Congress bit on harder than Americans thinking Obama was a documented American.

Some questions which require asking is why would Mohammad Hamdani without any reason, rush to the Twin Towers and be pulverized as they were brought down?
Hamdani who is "trained as an Emergency Medical Technician" somehow made it to the area in what is a psychopathy literally.

This is a man who had a biochemestry degree and wanted to become a doctor, but could not get into college to become a doctor.

This quote adds to the scenario:

Hamdani, a graduate of Queens College with a biochemistry degree, had been in the NYPD cadet program for three years. He became “inactive” because he needed to work full time, his mother said.

A college graduate, wanted to be a doctor, was an EMT in training, tried to be a Police officer, is someone who as a Pakistani born immigrant was in search of identity.

The New York Times championing him as a "hero" of 9 11 made a point he had seen all the Star Wars movies and had a license plate which read, Yung Jedi.
As a 23 year old male, this male was living in a disconnected fantasy land. That does not make one a hero, it makes one either suicidal or a Darwin candidate, providing he was not an Islamist who went to the Twin Towers as has been the stated purpose of al Qaeda in known records, to "finish off" rescue workers and victims.
I make no ascertions concerning Mr. Hamdani, but for someone championed at being an American zealot, his name was still Mohammed Salman Hamdani, and not like numerous German, Jewish, Italian, Japanese etc... Americans who Americanized their names, why was he not Mark Samuel Ham?

Jamie Farr a Lebanese American is Jamie Farr and not Yousef Farrez.

An American it is said Mark Ham, had gone to the Twin Towers to help people. There is not any published evidence either way in what he was doing at Ground Zero. For some reason Mr. Ham had not handed in this Police credentials, and apparently was still carrying them, and it had been three years since is cadet program.

Mohammed Hamdani was desperately trying to escape third world Islam, but could not bridge the gap to become American Mark Ham. He chose instead the fiction of Star Wars as a Jedi knight, which can as easily transform the goodness of Luke Skywalker into the darkness of Darth Vader the sinister father, as there is little difference in a Jedi and a Jihadist.

American resuce workers in majority suffer from murdering themselves in macho syndrome, as they take too many risks in deadly situations. If Mark Ham caught that psychosis, it was in part due to his trying to be American in being held hostage by Islam which he refused to sever ties with as that was his identity.

For Junior Ellison to hold up Mark Ham to the fraud of Islamic martyr, when he was a victim of Islam which had him taking chances his entire life, to only be murdered by it at the Twin

Well, there are only two scenarios for Mark Ham. He was either a sleeper terrorist like Faisal Shahzad murdering victims there or he was either murdered by Islam which was in his psyche murdering his future in America.

In either case, Muhammed Hamdani died on 9 11 as another glowering victim of Islam and has been fictionalized as a hero by the Muslim oil mafia funds by those purchased by that money.

I hope the psychiatrists are on call 24 hours day with an ass load of morphine for Junior Ellison as if this was not a crocodile tear stage act over someone he never met, then he will go into total meltdown when Fez is goldfish goes fins up.

I'm pleased though that Ellison decided to make this a focal point, as it allows real scrutiny of the Mr. Hamdani story to reach the readers as this magic carpet ride of Muslims crying "Open Sesame" is a tale of gens that belongs with that elephant Muslim science said was what was holding up their flat world.


Junior Ellison Theater

New York Times Fiction