Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Obama Ghoul

The first person Barack Hussein Obama contacted when attempting to steal the United State's Presidency was George Soros, the bagman for the Rothschild European Cartel of Ashkenaz financiers intent on bringing about a new central world order headquartered in Europe.

It is evident now as Soros ran Jews out of Georgia, stole Romanian gold, has signed mineral explotation contracts with Philistines when Jews are removed there, that the long reach of the Rothschilds via Soros, whose real name is Schwartz from Hungary, is all through the Obama coups in the Middle East.

In Obama's Club Meddling, Soros' name came up in Morrocco as trouble was instigated there. Now exclusive to this blog from the New Zealand press, we find that George Soros was instigating the Libyan revolt already in early 2010, equal to B. Hussein Obama admitting by David Axelrod, that Obama was trying to overthrow Hosni Mubarak's government fully two years previous.

See Soros has been donating money in massive amounts not to just overthrow the United States Government with undocumement Obama's, but Soros purchased hisself a "human rights" organization out of New York for the price of $100 million with the expressed purpose stated in 2010 of invading nations like South Africa, China and India.
To explain those nations outrightly targetted, South Africa is a literal fortune in mineral wealth, China is a fortune in thug military to enforce worldwide control of your commodities stolen and India is a fortune in slave labor in land to be stolen from the peasants.

The one quote from the Kiwi press in Soros bragging was this, before the couscous hit the fan.


In March, Libya released 200 political prisoners in response to a Human Rights Watch report into its justice system.

Here we see in March of 2010, that George Soros' group got 200 rabid anarchists loosed from confinement to turn them loose on the Libyan peaceful status.

If you recall in this, the British MI6 with Zbigniew Brzezinski, at the Rothschilds instigation got the Shah of Iran to release this same Marxist rabble before all hell broke loose in Iran. The same Persian communists who are still hunting down and murdering members of the Shah's family.

So the tried and proven method of Jimmy Carter's "human rights" have been dusted off once again in the Middle East to grab oil from assisting American sovereignty, to making America and oil slave.

Obama is feeling so guilty about this that he even was caught babbling about not wanting to be seen stealing Libya's oil.......well Derrick and the Obamanios you know damn well what this scheme is about is Rothschild control of oil, and those oil dollars all flowing into their banks for a bigger cut than Khadaffi is giving.

Those are the facts of the Obama ghouls. The oil and money trail leading right up to B. Hussein's wallet and George Soros sending in the first bribes under the guise of human rights.
