Friday, March 18, 2011

Obama sure as hell does

I swear if Barack Hussein Obama was in a room full of twenty women describing what it was like to go through lactation after child birth, that B. Hussein would pipe up and say, "Oh yeah I have had that too".

This is the case in Barack Hussein Obama on 'bullying' in his statement:

"I have to say, with big ears and the name that I have, I wasn't immune," said Obama, who moved around a lot as a boy, being born in Hawaii and growing up there and in Indonesia. "I didn't emerge unscathed."

A name like B. Hussein had? Forgive the reality, but for his entire life until he met Muchelle the exotic lusting Chicagoan, Barack Hussein was known around the world as Barry.
Sometimes Barry Obama and sometimes Barry Soetoro, but pardon the problem with that name as I never saw or heard any earth shattering psychological moments from Barry Goldwater or Dave Barry in having Barry anywhere near their name.

Frankly, I have seen child Obama in photos I published here in Indonesia. He was grinning from ear to ear, as he shoved a little Indonesian boy out of they way to take center stage at this kid's own birthday party!
If anything in life, this kid who ran like a duck (apparently Obama thought that fact about his clumsy running was a compliment as it never occurred to him) was the bully in his life and tormented other children.

You can see this in the Obama reefer photos to his statements about looking down at his neighbors as they walked their dogs in front of his apartment. Obama was the judge and jury about them white folks, equal to the bullying Frank Marshall Davis heaped on Grampa Dunham as they all drank booze and composed dirty poetry.

Lipstick on a pig.

They bring a knife we bring a gun to a fight.

Special Olympics Children

Stealing primaries from Hillary Clinton.

Black Panther Intimidation.

Showing the sole of the foot to Jews.

Running the Dali Lama out barefoot through the snow by the garbage.

The Republicans can ride in the back.

Taking the names of Democrats.

Threatening bankers with pitchfork mobs.

Boot on the throat of oil companies.

Now you tell me who is the bully in life? It was and it is Predator striking Barack Hussein Obama who is still venting for his 10 year old little boy hurts he never was adult enough to handle.

Bullying is what life is. It hurts and everyone does it whether subtle or overbearing. The IRS does it and there is not a teacher who does not do it in school in one form or another.

I remember Elmer Keith in his book, Hell I was There, recounting how in Montana these two Missouri children were bullied by a local thug in school.
Their dad sat them down and said," Elmer, I'm not raising no cowards. You either get this handled in a week or I will beat your ass".

Elmer and his little brother grabbed two clubs, hid behind a bush as this kid walked home and jumped out and damn near beat him to death.

The truant officer came and tried to make a fuss with Elmer's dad, but the old man told him to get the hell of the place and the bully got what he deserved.

The moral of the story was according to Elmer, was this, as the bully was showing a new kid around, he said to the kid, "You can pick on anyone you like, but don't touch them Keith boys as they are nuts and will kill you."

Bullys are just scared people inside, who have a compulsion at a moment to give into satan and make some person's life miserable. I have been bullied by groups of people all through my life. I do not like it, but somehow it always works out, as I have always stated there is nothing worth fighting for in life, only things worth killing for. By that I mean, a bully will always run into his own end soon enough, and one time it was my older brother busting an older bully's head into a bus window who was constantly choking me.

That is why when a bully like Barack Hussein Obama tries to hide among people who have been picked on at times in their life, and who have learned the hard lesson to go out of their way never to bully anyone again, the necessity is even more tantamount to prosecute Barry Obama for all of his crimes, which are nothing more than a 10 year old bully now protected by the White House in all it's Eric Holder power.

Barack Obama is the biggest bully on the planet. He calls hisself a messiah. He hands over eastern Europe to Putin. He thinks he can run leaders out of their country and hand them over to some Muslim thugs. He thinks he can intimidate Sarah Palin in the Gabrielle Giffords event. There is no end to the bullying of Barack Hussein Obama.

Perhaps Barry Soetoro never did, but Barack Obama as an adult sure as hell does.

Oh and look at Madam Scowl's remarks:

Michelle Obama said parents need to be more involved in their children's lives, their schools and their activities since youngsters "don't always tell us every little detail." She said her youngest daughter, 9-year-old Sasha, often says "Nothing" in response to questions about her day at school.

The first lady, who introduced the president, also urged adults to set an example by treating others with compassion and respect, and giving each other the benefit of the doubt. "It sends a message to our kids about how they treat others,"

This Muchelle's children will not even talk to her as she is sticking her nose into their lives making it unbearable and the kids know what a fraud interest it is.

Lastly, Mrs. Obama lecturing others about treating others will respect.

Glared a Carla Sarkozy lately there yet Mrs. Ed?

Call off your brown recluse operatives Mr. and Mrs. Obama as you are the biggest bully couple in the world.
