Thursday, March 17, 2011

Obama's Final Four

With B. Hussein Obama attempting to connect with real documented Americans using the Men's NCAA Basketball tournament in thee most sexist way by throwing the Women's bracket's under the Obama bus as unworthy of his attention, I would state that B. Hussein could not pick a winner in a Cassius Clay and Sonny Liston taking a dive fight.
I'm still surprised he thinks he is leader in the White House and Hillary Clinton did not win, as Obama is such a looser.

Obama has missed in everything he picks in sports, so that should mean doom for Kansas and Ohio as his final two. That of course if Obama really picked them, as if you listened dear leader, you could hear he had been working on this recitation with handlers for some time, and that is why he chose to go on national cable to "look smart".

I don't know who did Obama's picking, or if it was a coordinated effort from ESPN experts, linked to the gambling syndicate who know which referees are being paid off, or if it included who at certain corporations and Department of Education and Military grants have.........shall we say in NCAA terms decides that if you happen to lose a game to a certain other team the guy in the White House likes, you will find lots of money along with your university and maybe the guy in the White House might like your team a whole lot next year and pay off other colleges.

Now why would I state this?

Remember Boy Kennedy, the first black President in Bill Clinton in somehow his flat footed, Arkansas pigs whom Bill just loved moved through the brackets of better teams to the championship like sh*t through a goose.............

That is why I would state something like the Steelers throwing the Super Bowl last year in not playing........why someone like Clem Haskins of the Minnesota Gophers could advance in his program to the Sweet 16 only to be found out to be in violation of numbers of NCAA rules.

See the NCAA doesn't like the North Dakota Indian named University for political reasons, even if the Indians love the name, so don't think for a second the above crimes in the NCAA do not occur in who gets what, as there are billions in this month of money changing hands, and if Kansas and Ohio get to the championship, it is not because Obama picked them, it is because someone with a great deal of power and money informed Mr. Obama who would be picked to win.

The Chicago Syndicate might have that kind of connection do ya think?

So as Obama is exposed again in his Final Four, America should be more concerned in her final four who Obama is setting up a death confrontation with in the Muslim Caliph, Central European Empire, China and Russia.

That is about as much insight as this deserves.
