Thursday, March 17, 2011

Polishing Charlie's Sheen

This blog has some additional advice for Charlie Sheen as I'm about the only one on the planet not getting a jolly out of beating on him or finding a way to use him.

My advice is Charles needs to do what he did best when that odd second wife smeared him as she was being pounded by Heather Locklear's ex husband. Put on a suit, do kiddie clothing and play the corporate part in some doo gooder fantasy.
Image is as everything you know. Promise that 300 million you are suing for to crippled children, crippled firefighters, crippled police, crippled veterans and their orphans and widows.........and challenge Warner Bros and CBS Moonves to kick in 300 million more each.

That is dimension two linking as your dimension one is putting the BOHICA to the deep pockets giving you rope to hang yourself.

Dimension three is to Die Hard. By this I mean, you need to recall when Bruce Willis did your thing and couldn't work, he signed on for a million to do the movie which has been feeding him for the rest of his career........even through porn stars and he is still Dave Letterman's favorite Republican.

Sure I'm a movie script writer at times Charlie, so I can tailor a John Wayne, Roy Rogers and Gary Cooper script to make you into a Bruce Willis favorite. I don't care if we mix in Predator, Rio Lobo or we do it in space or smack it into a hotel lock down. The point is Mr. Sheen, we put you into your life character of you against the world, being a good boy the world will love, and let him overcome.
Look if you would find Jesus, I could Mel Gibson you as a real Born Again, and the Christians would billion dollar ticket you to being the independent movie icon forever, but I won't do frauds about God........but if you were real I could put you into roles that would rock the world with your buddies Kirk Cameron, Willey Ames and Stephen Baldwin who are a hell of a deal better more American than that red bunch of Elvis Costello and Sean Penn who are dragging you down.
Told you Charlie, you let in demons when you started down the road, and they been tormenting you ever since as you focus and amplify all that outside emotion you have been tuning into.

That should be enough to handle in giving you work to keep busy, keeping your adversaries out to destroy you busy and doing what Hollywood does in being Obama in acting like you care about something.

Hire though some cold, heartless bastard like Rahm Emanuel to do the publicity, propaganda and putting it to the powers that be. Can't have any ego, just has to enjoy the check you will sign for them and takes pride in this for the intelligence operation it is.
I would tell you to behave, but you are not going to self discipline. Instead, you need to have a Plan B where you can make things like porn girls into rescuing porn girls from the business.

I would suggest a father confessor with a kill switch to maintain parental control over you, a non liberal like your father, someone who has legal power to lock you down in your own home so you don't OD.
There is a simple remedy Charlie in smaller airline bottles of booze and then convince yourself they are larger quantities. Horses can do this Mr. Sheen in it is not amount, but numbers consumed which fools them.

You have enough narcotic producing "family" around you being a cocktail to make your soul not feel so much. You just need some adults to do a job in being Charlie's keeper for a bit until you get some Christian training to handle the demons around you and your abilities as an empath.

That is enough free advice, as your CBS just smeared American Hero Carlos Hathcock on that Forest Whitaker program on Wednesday night.
Have to go defend him, as the dead are easy to kick around by liberals.
