Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rio Review

even in flats the obama's are giants in rio

Matt Drudge likes to show Obama not coloring his hair as it mysteriously changes from grey to black within hours, as Muchelle lies to America stating that Bearick doesn't use shoe polish for low lights.

This blog has shown that Obama's hand changes from photos to photos, to the extent that Obama doesn't show a great deal of hand.

What puzzles me is how the Obama's skin color changes from hour to hour. I took a skin tone grab from the cheek of Barack and Michelle Obama on the same day, except in one photo, Michelle was photographed with the Irism PM's wife, in which she looked "black".

Otherwise the Obama's skin tone in thee same area of the check, changes.

This is Muchelle skin color in which she actually looks sooty grey, worn out brown and some kind of color unknown to Crayola.

This is Bearick. Arriving in Rio, he was the darkest, reviewing honor guard he lightened up, and when he met the big brass, he actually went almost white. In fact, Obama was whiter than the Hispanic chica who runs Brazil.

Please do not be distracted by Muchell's big ass

The only thing whiter than Obama in Rio is Muchelle's two nation size butt.

This is beyond odd in the manipulation of the Obama's in using "negroidity". Apparently being black either impresses or intimidates Irish leaders. In Brazil, where dark skin is equated like in India, a non ruling class, the Obama's show themselves as "black" on arrival, but when it becomes a matter of state with the Brazilian oligarchy and the world, the Obama' turn white.

The polling must show that poor dark folks tune in for the arrival of Obama, but the elite light folks watch the festivities of the power grab with their leader.

It is all quite pathetic, but the photographic evidence reveals that the Obama's use color at distinct times to gain political manipulation.

Skingate, it must be most interesting to listen to the itinerary in...........

Landing at tarmac, I will be Idi Amin brown.

Review troops, I will be Khadaffi tan.

Meeting the big enchilada, I will be white..........Alec Baldwin after winter white.

I wonder if it is a full body paint job Ms. Michelle........not Muchelle, but the porn pretty paint Michelle. try not to imagine who buffs Muchelle's under parts in case a tropical breeze plouffes up her skirt.
