Sunday, March 6, 2011

Romney as Obama Light

Mormon Romney................

And yes I mean Mormon Romney, as my experience in life differs from big tent Sean Hannity in I have met some of the biggest lying scoundrels in life and they were Mormons.
Mormons are not Christian, are a cult, and have absolutely no morals like closet Karl Rove as proven by Mormon Romney in 2008.

For a refresher, you recall that Conservative Fred Thompson was in the race. He was soon destroyed. We found out that it was Mitt Romney who engineered this destruction, along with all these other Karl Rove plotters like Joe Scarborough who called Mrs. Thompson a pole dancer.

Ronald Reagan always stated to never speak ill of a fellow Republican. I have news baby sister in Karl Rove and Mitt Romney have been doing the devil's work in destroying Conservatives across the board to clear the field for the Bush dynasty.

Mormon Romney for the facts is the godfather of Obamacare, as it was his crappy left coast state which started this garbage Ronald Reagan warned Americans about in the 1960's.
Romneycare ruined his state and this is the Romney who tries constantly with good friend and promoter Sean Hannity to take the mantle of Ronald Reagan, as this group gang rapes Sarah Palin..........and as of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, is now in the business of political murder to send messages, as Giffords was shot by this "agent provocateur" factory which is turning out assassins by the bushel for political expediency.............Hutatree being an Obama example before he laid claim to making order out of the chaos in scrambling Gabrielle Giffords brain.

Romney was in making a speech in which he "called for a new President".

Well there he goes again like all patricians, but how about taking your 3 AM call Mr. Romney as the Constitution is calling and it requires a DOCUMENTED PRESIDENT.

See Mormon Romney is too much of a coward, a Karl Rove shill who helped install Barack Hussein Obama into office in the first place, to defeat John McCain, so Mitt could steal the GOP nomination in 2012 with Sarah Palin now hiding under her bearskin rug in having gotten the power elite's message that lead poisoning kills women in America.

I have personal news in this from inside the GOP. The real guts of the GOP in those little folks in the hinterlands who do all the calling, walking, donating and volunteering for candidates. The fact is Romney has been a push by the elite and the local party bosses know it, and they are for it.
The problem is the real Americans just do not like this guy in the least, and they refuse to vote for this Mormon thug who practices Obama Chicago thugocracy.
That is why Romney could not gain any attraction with even Bush43 and Rove carrying his water. If you remember, Romney hired on Jeb Bush's fellow travelers and nothing worked. Americans just didn't want Romney, because they know what a fraud he is.........a he is nothing but Obama Light. Tastes great if you like more government and is less filling if you like rationed death.

If Mitt Romney was for real, he would demand Obama's documentation and not be a milksop who keeps waiting around for everyone to die of lead poisoning who he hasn't destroyed with Karl Rove, so he too can be President of some country.

I personally thank George W. Bush and H. W. for some of the good they did, but know full well in not being seduced by W's attractive daughter, all the destruction they engaged in, in a personal war on American Conservatives. I have had it with these social democrats hiding out in the Party of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan. I will not be voting for any more Bush cells or clones, as their rapine of Sarah Palin and other women so disgusts me, I have had it with this smarmy bunch of Rovians.

So I will not be voting for this squat assassin, to use a John Wayne term, because that is what Mitt Mormon Romney is, he is a squat assassin like Karl Rove, just like Barack Hussein Obama is in destroying John Edwards.
If you don't have the nuts to take a person on like Reagan did, I'm not about to be enabling any more Obama torturing women with cancer and busting up a family the way the Obamites are still beating on Edwards.
That is Mitt Romney and he proved, no matter what his diatribes say now about Obama........because his actions have revealed what a meandering leftist he is.

I have no idea if God is going to win this for Sarah Palin, after she screwed this up going down to Sodom, as she has lost her game, is running scared and she is finding out the lesson she should have heard from Uncle Modecai, "If you don't do the job God wills, then God will find someone else who will obey in doing the job He will fulfill".

What is coming on America is going to take Christians, the real type which Franklin Graham appears to be about the only one a national stage to actually have some Gideon in him. Mormon Romney is not a Christian and that will be pointed out along with all his other Rovian closeted meanderings.
The Mormon has made his choice and that choice involves denying Christ, and bearing false witness against Fred Thompson..........and those sins are against Christ's America.

So Romney can fizz all he likes, taste great to liberals, be less filling in debt, but he still tastes like metalized water in the can he is coming out of.

I have had enough of the Bush kinder and gentler and I have had enough of the Obama NeoProgs, so I sure as hell am not going back to the future in an Obama Light no matter if Romney is giving it away with Mormon ancestry trips to heaven.

Not even with 70 virgins on the Obama side.

Baby America knows what stinks and Mitt Romney has that smell around him.

nuff said.

agtG 288

Games people play
You take it or you leave it
Things they are saying
Honor bright
If I promised you the moon and stars
Would you believe it?
Games people play
In the middle of the night