Sunday, March 6, 2011

Getting away with Murder

In one of thee most disgusting accounts in American history, impregnating itself deep into the Barack Hussein Obama regime, in the murder of David Koschman.

The murderer is Richard J. “R.J.” Vanecko, a nephew of Mayor Daley and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley.

This crime took place 7 years ago and the Chicago Police Department "investigated" it to death.

According to an investigative team led by journalist Tim Novak of the Sun Times, David Koschman was out one evening, where he bumped into a friend of the R.J. Vanecko named Craig Denham.
Various accounts have different accounts, but it seems Denham's glasses were knocked off and at that point either Koschman walked back to the drunken group of men or he was in a verbal exchange with the drunks when Richard Venecko sucker punched Koschman.

Here is the murder aspect when you realize that David Koschman is 140 pounds and stood 5.5 inches tall. Richard Vanecko weighs in at 230 pounds and stands 6.3 feet tall and was eight years old than the 21 year old Koschman.
What you have literally is a full grown man of Chicago Bears linebacker size smashing his fist into the head of a college age kid who had a body the size of a high school freshman.

As Mr. Koschman lay dying on the ground, Denham and Venecko ran off like cowards to a cab, and in their intoxicated state went to a bar to drink further, without one thought or care about the human being they had just left who would languish in a coma for 11 days before dying.

Nanci Koschman, David's mother, relates the Chicago PD contacted her once through the years and she never learned of her son's murderer's identity from them, but from watching the news.

At 12, David's father died from a blood clot, and David was left to become the man of the house and took on the responsibility. He never even had a speeding ticket as he was a model citizen.
Mrs. Koschman is far too forgiving in jumping to the conclusion that her son's murderer and his accomplice never intended any harm to come to David, because as stated you have on one hand the massive frame of an adult male large enough to play professional football and on the other, the body of a high school boy.

This cover up the Chicago PD mirrors another political cover up in the murder of Donald Young, a man with the same high political connections in Chicago. This time though it was not the Daley machine, but it was stated Donald Young was the gay sex parnter of Barack Hussein Obama.

While Patrick Fitzgerald for graft in a better job from Eric Holder can rip the family of Rod Blagojevich apart with "assembled" evidence that even the Judge and Juries refuse to convict on to punish former Gov. Blagojevich and his lovely wife, no one seems to be able to find murderers when it involves the Daley or Obama family with both as prime suspects.

The Young family deserve now the same real federal investigation, not from Obama shills like Patrick Fitzgerald, but real FBI oversight and a real Federal Grand Jury which must be involved in this murder of David Koschman.

Alderman's Howard Brookins of the 21st and Freddrenna Lyle of the 6th have called for further investigation into the police department’s mishandling and cover up of this case. Mr. Brookins has called on federal authorities to take on this case.

Added further to this, now undocumented Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, who has been installed in Chicago to cover up the criminal investigations of Barack Hussein Obama in his international money laundering, is suspect in this too, as what did he know, when did he know it and what has he done about it in quid pro quo in the now enabling the murder of David Korschman?

For the facts, Mayor Richard Daley gave his complete stamp of approval on the illegal Rahm Emanuel usurpation of the office of Chicago Mayor. What was the deal in this worked out that Emanuel got this Saddam Hussein unanimous type election, and did it include Emanuel protecting a Daley family member from murder charges, now that the Uncle serves Barack Hussein Obama in the White House?

I'm certain in this, that Darrell Issa or John Boehner will not see fit to demand the FBI take over all of these cases and their conspirators as they just can not seem to find any Obama crimes, as like the forest, they are lost in sight for the felonies of trees.

The regime of Barack Hussein Obama must be brought down like those Mideast Muslim regimes Mr. Obama has been staging coups against, but this is not one of bribed protests, but of Chicago family members whose children were murdered being championed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Federal Grand Juries minus Obama appointed stooge US Attorneys overseen by Patrick Fitzgerald.

Richard Daley, William Daley, Rahm Emanuel, Val-erie Jarrett and Barack Hussein Obama are all conspirators in this in worst fashion than anything which Richard Nixon was framed with. This was not burglars and plumbers, but there are dead bodies of murdered Americans littering Chicago and this Obama regime with the Daley syndicate fingerprints are all over these homicides.

How many more families is this Obama regime going to be allowed to torture before a criminal court puts a stop to this tyranny?

How long Director Mueller? How long?

Nearly seven years after David Koschman died, his mother says she’ll never forget her last words to him.

“I stood up, and I yelled, ‘Dave, I’m leaving, have a good time, call me tomorrow.’ And I had my hand on the doorknob, and to this day I don’t understand why, but I put my purse down and walked back into the room, his room, and he looked at me, and I said, ‘Give me a hug and a kiss goodbye.’ And I hugged and I kissed him, and he hugged me real tight. And I said, ‘Have a great time, and be careful.’ And you know how people always say, ‘What was the last thing you said?’ I said I loved him.”

What are the last words Mr. Mueller that these murderers deserve said for them, but Guilty.


Nights in white satin
Never reaching the end
Letter's I've written
Never meaning to send
Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore...........