I have an idea for Sir Taxalot Obama in he loves to stick it to the elite billionaires.......you know his voters in Soros, Gates and Buffett.....that Google outfit and whatever else psychotics are raping the world dry of small people's wealth.
I begin this with a question.
Why is it that Microsoft can come up with a virus program for under 10 megs and something like Avira out of Obama's Berliner Germany requires like a 60 megabyte download for the engine alone?
Norton can get into hundreds of megs if you download all their crap.
Then some makers can come up with a program for Malware that downloads for two megs.
This is not alone for people who have been on the internet since the 90's boom, in they all remember dial up and programs which seemed huge like ICQ which was like a 1 meg chat program, but soon everything was an engineer's nightmare on Al Gore internet in programs took hours to download and all they did was gobble resources.
Realplayer, Yahoo Messenger, that monster Microsoft in chat...........heck if you look at the Service Packs for Windows they are a hundred megabyte download and this is FOR A PROGRAM THAT IS SUPPOSED TO RUN!
Now I know that these virus and "fixes" are more to do with monitoring people in spying on them. See that end user license agreement is not about you being a software pirate, but it is instead your signing away your privacy rights as you downloaded it, you installed it and if you do not know what you put on your computer is used as a listening device, well it is no different than some South Side thug taking home a miniature video cam from the Chicago PD and talking about all the Obama bribes he took.
When you know that, in reality that Bill Gates does his Service Packs, and then when a program like AVG Grisoft fries people's computers deliberately for spying purposes, and the crowd all goes to Avira Germany, and all of a sudden Avira in their update must have Service Pack 4 from Microsoft which does not exist..........well you get the idea how things are used to herd people into programs for reasons of the elite.
So I say to Chuck Schumer and Pig Nose Waxman, why not in the internet being clogged by these massive Microsoft and related programs tenticaled to Bill Gates, put a tax on the big ball buster and uteran programs?
They are constantly clogging the net and they are only there to help the elitists spy on folks, so put a big ole tax on these massive programs.
Now I know that this will not raise any money and that is the reason I'm promoting this, because what it will do is trim these damned monster programs down to a size which are usable again, like the old Windows 98 days.
Bill Gates in one of his modes deliberately jacks up new programs which will not work on old systems, and fondles the other providers into making their programs only respond to his new finiggliing. If you don't get this, this is just like Ford a few years ago making cars which lasted only a few years.
Gates in this mode has figured out that if he overloads all of this stuff that he keeps the "bubble" going on his billionaire Obama fortune.
The situation I would like to see is Bill Gates and these other robber barons hauled into court for breach of contract.
What contract is that?
Why Gates sold Windows in lesser forms to people around the world, and then refused to provide fixes for it.......like selling you a Ford Taurus and 5 years later removing all the parts to fix the thing, so you have to buy a new car.
It is this maze of crapola which Gates is involved in and getting away with it, which really needs to be addressed, as he is the reason that the internet is clogged in bandwidth as it is his systems which are the plug in too much information.
So if Gates will get taxed and not allowed to pass it on to gouge consumers like this ass does........well in three seconds, there will appear all these little programs which can run on hand helds and on towers......and all doing what they should for only a few megs in download and no resources once their on a computer.
Enough of this way to clean up the internet, as writing about oily Gates and smarmy Obama is just making my keyboard feel like a Chicago bath house for boyz........something I don't care to touch.