In this life God has granted me, I realize that many envy in a positive lust to be the enigma who this person is. It is a life which none could handle nor deal with, as it requires massive amounts of energy from the Holy Ghost to simply survive all of this as being Spiritual is thee most taxing of vocations when choosing to be stuck in this world of listening to a lovely song none will obey.
I would not give up this blog as it is a witness from God to this world and I receive fulfillment in being a vessel which God broadcasts through as all credit goes to the Elohim, the family of God in the Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost.
I have though deliberately rarely spoken of myself as this is not about me, but about God. I have though my entire live had to be the adult while others were out whoring around. I never wanted to be a whore, but I certainly would have liked to have not have to have been the adult always from childhood on.
This is weakness of mine as I sometimes lapse into my lusts. It is necessary, but nothing to do with evil..........but it is of the things which I would rather do........even if this is what I do now in would never give up.
I have bronze turkey poults behind me as I type this. They are singing and sitting upon the little pen I have for my baby goats which are quite puppy trained and I will have to be taking them out soon.
My girls in Martha and Emma are characters, but Martha almost died on me the other night as she ate something and was quite ill, so I was busy carrying her around my yard and making her walk balk to get things moving.
It was earlier in my evening though when Martha was fine, that I was spading one of my gardens that I spied a fox which has been a particular nemesis of my neighborhood. I have related that a neighbor a few miles away spotted this lot two years ago and thought they were pretty as he had not seen some for awhile.
They rewarded him in eating a few thousand dollars in wild ducks and pheasants.........of course before working their way to my property where they killed off more expensive poultry, ate my cats, rabbits and about anything else which would not move.
All quite notorious as I have coyotes around here and yotes do eat fox.
I caught the worst of the lot in a vixen who was eating the pets. Shot her kit with a wonderful neck shot............caught another female in a sweet dirt hole under a willow tree..........and breathed a wonderful smile of relief as did my cottontails who started showing up again.......and even my cats which had fled to the neighbors far away started to return.........and then my green egg rooster disappeared and I knew a problem had come back.
I surmised as I had not found any males that this is what I was dealing with........and this dog fox must have been played with by some other novice trapper, as I watched it work one of my sets from the side and back.....looked at it and simply walked away.
I kept at it though.......trapped a possum in a special set I was trying..........the fox walked by it, and that was it for the fun, as I put out snow sets which snowed in under our snows, I scooped them out, and still no fox.
A local yocal here shoots a number of coyotes each winter in being over 50 as they are like lice in moving through as pretty women do not wear fur, which means thousands of animals are dying needless as ending up feeding these damned predators which the wonderful state and federal trappers can not keep up with.
This yocal runs yotes on his snowmobile which is illegal, but the conservation officers let him do it, as something has to be done about all these predators and they can not keep up.
Yes this would seem a solution to his dog fox, but of course this reynard was giving the slip to all the riflemen ranchers around me, including the snowmobile boy.
I saw this buggers track in the last snow we had about a month ago, so I knew he was back. His track was quite large and he was running quite a territory..........and in digging my garden I frowned when he had the audacity to show himself in daylight eating calf sh*t and then chowing on afterbirth.
Yes this is nasty rotten stuff, but as I have always told people, if you like Mexican cummin food, cheese and garlic, you like rotten tasting foods. Fox and coyotes just love rotten things.
I surmised he was around close as I was carrying a baby calf who decided to crap while I was carrying it to it's mother, and when I went back the next morning for this offal for my set, it was gone...........always something about even if you can't see the tracks.
So I grabbed my gun and stalked this bastard and he gave me the slip, as I had two shots, but when dealing with die hards, you never take a shot unless you are sure as you are not going to get a second one.
We come now back to Martha and Emma who I turned out at midnight as Martha was feeling better..........and I immediately heard this raspy screeching in the distance. I first thought it was cats screwing as we had a blue tom cat show up.........then I thought that damn tom was killing some kitties and the old she cat was fighting back.....and then God's Spirit said, "Fox".
I listened with delight and told my Mom who was up, that was a fox, and immediately ran for my torch and rifle.
This goes back to the tracks in the snow I had seen, as I had put in a sleeper set a month ago and this dog fox had not been back.
I make note of this set as it was one which Ron Leggett of the east coast perfected over twenty years ago in it is a step down set, in which you dig a channel with a dirt hole in one end, and it amazes me that a fox will step into this every time. Mr. Legget set record catches with his father many years ago.
I had left the set unbaited and lured for a few weeks as fresh dirt is enough call for canines as they always check out sets like this, and one does not want to alarm a predator who has a PHD in human stupidity.
I then decided in a live trap which I had caught a three skunks a few weeks previously to take some of that dirt and put it in the dirt hole as a passive attractant......fox like skunk scents and will pick up dead ones just to have a good time.
So there my set as countless wolfers have watched sets go untouched as the killing goes on. I was disappointed in missing my shot as my thoughts turned to all the dead duck, grouse, song bird, and other upland game which would be dead in the next weeks ruining wildlife around my area again.
I recalled a teal hen I found or her wing and her set destroyed by a fox I knew from my youth. In that way, a fox is worse than a coyote on small game...........is akin to those notorious house cats prowling the world depleting wildlife.
I was quite pleased when my torch picked up this dog fox still screaming. See all things, including people under stress produce the same pitched sound. Is an odd thing, but it is like a rabbit in distress call.......one sound for all animals in humans included.
I could though tell from the beginning there was a different pitch in this fox. It was not of fear. It was not of anxiety. It was not of pain. It was the sound of Barack Obama with is his face perspiring as John McCain kicked his ass in those three debates............that look was what this fox sounded like in this arrogant fox which no one could catch, no one could shoot, no human could get, was put into a trap by God for me..........I believe to save those baby birds and animals for this season I was mourning over earlier.
I frankly relished that sound, but knew I could not take any chances as animals do indeed jerk free from traps when pounding them as this one was. My first kill shot of course skipped the ground after hitting him.........so I followed up with as second to the neck which ended this killer's existence on this planet.
I would have liked to have had all the dead animals this varmint destroyed there, but maybe that is what I was feeling as all their auras were finally avenged on one of these demonic entities in fur form.
It was pleasing to hear that anger, fury and absolute imperceptible thought that this fox had been caught when it thought it could not be gotten. That kind of arrogance deserves to have it's chain jerked short and it was.
It is things like this..............making a set along a babbling stream for mink, hoeing potatoes as they are lush from June rains, sitting by a hole in the ice fishing panfish, drifting for walleyes during a chop, to walking behind a good long haired dog on upland game that I would rather do........like riding a good horse over the badlands, being in a lean to on a cool night.........fixing some piece of crap pan to cook in..............those are the things I would rather be doing than being a celebrity of international appeal.
I have nothing to prove in being the best. I have only things to grow in Spirit to glorify God. I relished remaking that fox set with a Garold Weiland borrow hole..........all names like Wiley Carroll and Tom Krause which make no sense to the talking heads as they have never touched the earth, but they have touched me and I would rather be running a cat line than writing a blog of more material than any group of experts on this planet produce in their lives and it is done here by God's Grace in months exclusively.
It always touched me when Billy Dixon wrote as his wife Olive recorded it before his death, that he thought life was perfect in a quart tin cup of coffee, sourdough bread and broiled venison steaks by his French cook on the prairie over a buffalo chip fire.
I understand things like that completely as those things speak to me. I have been places no human survived and I have come out by God carrying me. The always experts are always striving to be more while I strive to be more for God............I would rather be so far from all of this, but that is not why God answered a prayer to bring me about.
Oh to be in that place
Just before I sleep
Not in this world of waking
Before the dreams I keep
Where slumber is not slumber
The place of liberty
Where the breath within me drifts
From the heart within me
Free of my body
Free of my care
Bound to all that here am I
The place that I am there
If only for awhile I slip
If only for awhile
If only only for a moment still
If only for a while.