Is Barack Hussein Obama the only bastard fathered in America by Barack Hussein sr.?
This is a valid query as from Immigration and school records, it appears that Bearick sr. could not keep that ole black majdick from doing his thinking for him. If he were John Edwards, it would seem his zipper malfunctioned as often with girls as Barack jr's zipper malfunctioned with gay males.
Even according to the New York Times fictional story winners of the Pulitzer Prize, B. Hussein sr. was a noted vulcanologist in Hawaii.
Here are some of Mr. Obama sr's most noteworthy accomplishments with female academia:
Hey Barack sr. know of any hot volcanoes?
Yeah baby, just the hot spot in my pants. Barack sr. was Mt. Kilauea erupting last night? No baby, that was just the eruption in my pants. Baby what is black on the outside, fiery red on the inside and loves to have virgin's sacrificed to it? Mt. Kilauea. No baby, the answer's me Barack Hussein Obama sr.
Apparently, it was not just Uncle Frank Marshall Davis who was the sex machine in the Dunham household, as Bearick sr. had his derrick out drilling the world for deep water holes.
All of this is amusing until one realizes the disaster this all has been for the world. In generations gone by, the United States military deliberately told it's troops to not get foreign women knocked up.
The Soldiers at Normandy were informed to stay away from French women as they had black blood in them, and you did not want to have any surprises like Barack Obama come popping out on the home front.
This is exactly what was taking place in liberal Harvard which now claims it can't find Obama's records in America was like all nations trying to keep these third world penises from raping the local girls and ending up with the disaster the American plains Indians had with all the black and European males screwing their women to pregnancy and then leaving all of these welfare children the village had to raise.
That is the situation no one is making comment about in Barack sr. was a f*cking pervert literally. He like girls young, because the university and immigration both spoke of GIRLS and not women who B. Hussein was chasing about like a baboon on the prowl.
Obama sr. had absolutely no compunction taking care of his black wife and child, as he knocked up Stan Ann Dunham and in the same period when she was off to Washington University the sex mambo was busy snaking it to his own American harem.
This is the point in this, in what other tan babies are running around like ducks playing with their balls in bed with gay males, having been given up for adoption from Hawaii to the eastern seaboard who Barack Obama sr. knocked up?
All populations have idiot females who will spread eagle for any foreigner. Asia is filled with little bastard who are from Vietnam to the Philippines from soldiers to those fat, bald, ugly missionaries nailing the pretty local girls who want to feel as special as low self esteem Stanley Ann Dunham.
These are the things society should be protecting itself from, and yet there was nothing but a psychotic Obama orgy in 2008 and 2009 where the world had to watch Peggy Noonan pissing her panties, Ann Coulter putting on the punishment dildo for her Obama in bashing birthers and that disgusting fornication Hollywood produced of all these blacks on blondes.
Twice America was violated by the Obama sr. and then the Obama jr. with game changing world to the Obama abyss consequences for adultery and fornication.
The Obama's are a graduate degree term paper in what is wrong with humans who think sex has to be something dirty to be sexy and sex is something one creates notches on the bed post to make up for low self esteem.
Barack Obama sr. the Marxist should have never been let into America, never should have been allowed to occupy space in American university which American children should have been afforded and should have been given an elephant dose of salt peter to keep his brains in his pants from suffering from ejaculation migraines.
That though is the should of which became the disaster for the world and is still playing out disasters for the world.
The world now has a Junior Obama who is not a sex machine, but an out of control child who can not spend enough or destroy enough to make up for the low self esteem housed in that third world cranium.............the difference though between sr. and jr. is that the sr. thought with his pants and jr. can not get a complete thought with his pants and his brain combined.
It would seem that the teleprompter is Barack Hussein Obama's dildo as he straps it on like his old man strapped on young girls worldwide.
I have had enough of this subject.