There is a huge problem in America and in the Jewish state and it is why a usurper like B. Hussein Obama can run rough shod over the Israeli state as the American right chases it's tail defending Jews and Benjamin Netanyahu gains no ground in saying, "No return to the 1967 borders".
That problem includes Americans like Mark Levin, who for being so bright and having worked for Ronald Reagan, he as a front bencher really acts a percentage of the time like the boys in the back bench playing with their blondeberries.
I have waited on this, and could wait past Obama tries to make a Palestinian state before the United Nations for that 300 million dollar illegal bribe he took into his campaign from terrorists in 2008.......but the reality is no one has brought up the reality of WHO THE HELL DOES BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA THINK HE IS IN STEALING ARAB LANDS BY DEMANDING A 1967 BORDER or any border that only includes Jews and neo Syrians.
You don't get this do you children, because you have been conditioned by the Ashkenaz elite run out of the central European cartel as they define the issue that Mark Levin chases his tail on non stop.
To explain this, in 1967, it was NOT Palestinians nor Philistines nor neo Syrians who controlled the land now in question, no more than it was Jews.
Sure you are startled now at this and starting to think, because you are wondering what in the heaven I'm talking about again, but some bright children are already having the light go off.
See that land was Jordanian land, Egyptian land and Syrian land. Jordan controlled the West Bank. Egypt controlled Gaza with an iron fist. Syrian controlled the Golan.
So I ask again for my kindred just who in the hell does Barack Obama think he is in stealing Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian land and giving it to the Islamocommunists who bribed him in 2008?
I have stated previously that the Judahites are the sister tribe of Americans as Americans are the leading tribe of the northern Israelite kingdom.
Egyptians are Americans maternal grandmother in Joseph our father married an Egyptian woman.
Jordians are America's cousins, in Lot is the father of these peoples in Ammon and Moab.
Syrians are of the same bloodlines as Abraham as all are Shemite in origin, just as Americans are Shemite people, which has been proven in bloodlines, linguistics, migration and Biblical fact.
So this blog does not chase it's tail. This blog equally has affinity for Judahites, Egyptians, Jordanians and appreciates the Syrian peoples.
I love the Philistines as God in the Bible refers to them after Christ returns as a sister to Judah and Israel.
I ask again, why is the debate Ashkenaz and Barack Obama is stealing the kindred lands of American relatives while putting Judahites into greater jeopardy which will put the entire region into incineration hell by nuclear fires.
This is what Inspiration looks like. It comes from being redeemed by Christ and it comes from God knowing me before I was and forming me in my Mother's womb by a prayer, all by the Wisdom the Holy Ghost directing me and the Father's love.
Ronald Reagan would have looked at this situation and thought out of the box. He would have comprehended the peace initiative this blog formulated. He would have never allowed world Marxists and European cartels to paint this entire situation into a box........Reagan always thought out of the box.
Reagan nor this blog would have allowed Obama and the cartel to steal Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian lands and hand them over to neo Syrian communists.
The Philistines are historical peoples in Gaza and that is their land. The neo Syrians were imports as squatters and as balances for the Judahites moving into the Israeli state to check them.
This has been about the Ashkenaz elite wanting Jerusalem for their own bloodlines and ridding the state of Israel of Christians, Judahites, the right wing and religious Jews, as this is about building a temple to satan who is their illuminated one in who they gain power from.
Barack Obama and his Ashkenaz elite are checked by simply demanding what right he has to hand over now Jewish lands which were Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian lands as drawn by brother England for their own purposes, when this is by law Judahite and numerous other Israelite lands.
I have stated the lions share of these lands appear to be French Reubenite, American Jospehite and Benjamite Icelandic lands of original lots cast by the entire 12 tribes of Israel, with Levi given select areas as they were God's own Priestly people.
Obama has no right nor does the United Nations, nor does the European cartel to hand these lands over to anyone.
America, Iceland, Judahites, France, Egypt, Syria and Jordan belong in this negotiations of borders and it is no one else's damn or blessed business.
See when you go chasing your tail around in a box, all you get is the same circle which the game is set up by the elite to initiate wars so you get murdered and they get control over you land, money, people and future.
Oh my now the rest of the world can look so bright.......but they don't want the facts as it is just easier to swirl in the groove and keep it stuck on stupid.
nuff said.